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Sentinel Accessories 2.0


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Hello Fellow Tenno,


This is just a suggestion to get some better, maybe even actually functional, sentinel accessories. My thoughts as follows:


First and foremost, my main question, is why aren't they any accessories (mask, wings, tail, etc) that directly resemble the available sentinels? An example of what I mean, is a tail for Shade that looks like a 3rd arm to match his 2 front hanging arms. Basically, just a middle hanging arm that would make him look like a complete, squishy, creature. These kind of accessories would be the 1st logical additions rather than making sets that don't match at all. Don't get me wrong, I like some of the ideas, but for the most part I don't really add to my sentinel because the pieces don't fit well in my mind/eyes and are otherwise useless. 


Secondly (and most importantly), why are there no beneficial (more than just esthetic) sentinel upgrades? Each Sentinel should have at least one themed set that has bonus effects, not just for a different look. Just like the additional frame helmets, Sentinels should get some sort of extra booster perk. The bonus effects can even be generalized as to not be sentinel specific other than how the actual attachment looks (i.e. general bonuses, like + power duration, + range, + attack strength, + armor, etc). 


Third and lastly, and I know this one is a bit further out, but why can't we even see the weapons attached to our sentinels? I know it would be a pain to code, but why be able to change the colors (and 3 panes of them), if we can't even see our changes reflected at all? I think it would be interesting/cool to see how each floater handled its weapon.



For more of my ideas be sure to take a look my posts, Sentinels: Adding a Binding/Leeching Mode/Mechanic and Ash Frame Update Ideas. Please check it out and up vote if you like it/both. All serious idea feedback is welcome and appreciated. I'm no artist. But like other's have said, if you really like my ideas and want to make some art to lend them some more credence, please do! I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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No additional effects please. I am waiting for them to remove stats of alternative helmets because I want to equip the alternative helmet that looks good, not the one that benefits me.


you can always equip the helm that looks good. no one is holding you back.

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The Chrysalis attachments are very in sync with Djinn's design. So I wouldn't say that there aren't any matching accessories. I would love to see more attachments. Most notably, a cosmetic attachment for sentinel weapons. I'd love a visual representation of their weapons. Even if it is a generic weapon that doesn't directly represent the equipped weapon.

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No additional effects please. I am waiting for them to remove stats of alternative helmets because I want to equip the alternative helmet that looks good, not the one that benefits me.

I'd rather a cosmetic helmet slot be added. While I am glad that helmets moving forward won't be using stats, People have become VERY accustomed to the benefits of helmets like the Vanguard.

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No additional effects please. I am waiting for them to remove stats of alternative helmets because I want to equip the alternative helmet that looks good, not the one that benefits me.

I would personally like to see both, purely cosmetic and functional, just as long as they fit the bill (so to speak). 

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I'd rather a cosmetic helmet slot be added. While I am glad that helmets moving forward won't be using stats, People have become VERY accustomed to the benefits of helmets like the Vanguard.

Yea. Some purely cosmetic frame helms would be nice or even a cosmetic upgrade section in the foundry. I think it would be neat to be able to design our own gear from a list of precepts. I mean we have this Foundry, let's utilize it to its fullest. Maybe the foundry could have recipes (for lack of a better word) to add the effects to different items (frames, helms, etc)? 

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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The Chrysalis attachments are very in sync with Djinn's design. So I wouldn't say that there aren't any matching accessories. I would love to see more attachments. Most notably, a cosmetic attachment for sentinel weapons. I'd love a visual representation of their weapons. Even if it is a generic weapon that doesn't directly represent the equipped weapon.

Now that I think about it, they are very in-tune w/ Djinn... but yet Djinn is the hardest sentinel to obtain and he has exactly matching pieces. My point being, why aren't there a set for each sentinel that expounds upon what they already look like? Sporey looking pieces for Shade, Wyrmy looking pieces for Wyrm and Dyson looking pieces for Carrier :D (j/k) As far as a representation of the equipped weapon, I am all for that. Sentinels definitely need some attention in the upgrade/enhacement area.

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