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How To Use The New System...


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Okay, first and foremost, all your old mods, are now 'Fusion Cores'. You won't have the same number of 'Fusion Cores' you did mods, but you will have more 'Rares', I'm guessing depending on how many Blue and Green mods you have to begin with, I'm not sure how the system was translated, so to speak. To use 'Fusion', you click 'Mods' at the bottom of the 'Arsenal' screen. From there, you select which item you want to 'Fuse' by clicking on it's icon, and clicking 'Fusion' underneath it on the left side of the screen. Now, you select your 'Fusion Cores'. Different cores, from 'Uncommon' to 'Rare' will level it up a different amount. The bar on the left side of the screen indicates it's progression. You can fuse anything AFAIK, whether it be a Warframe power or a weapon mod. As of right now, the pricing seems to be what most people are complaining about, so you might want to wait a bit to fusion anything. But, if you have the money, go for it. I myself have already fusioned a couple items, and it wasn't too expensive.

When attaching mods to your Warframe or weapons, the level of your items will give you a certain amount of 'Mod Points'(name?) that you can use. That means the higher level your item, the more points you have. How they increase, on what increment per-level, I am not sure. On the right side of each mod, powers included, is a number. This number is indicative of how much that 'mod' will cost. The number will increase when you 'Fuse' it, so be careful. On the top left of each item screen (when you click the wrench), is a bar. The bar should have a number. That is how many, 'mod points' you have. So, say you have a '+20% Mutlishot' mod. It costs 8. Your bar has the number 10. That means when you mod your item with the 'Multishot' mod, you will have 2 mod-points left. It is the same way for everything: Warframe, rifle, pistol, melee, and sentinel.

As for 'Sentinels', to have it attack anything, you have to get it to Level 2, which is when you get Precepts. Your Sentinel CAN die, so if it disappears mid mission, don't be alarmed. I do think DE should add an indicator showing that it has died, but I'm sure they have something planned. As with your Warframe and weapons, you can put mods on the sentinel, from it coming back to life after death, to more shields, or even a stun attack if you get surrounded. You can fuse these items as well, but again, might want to wait for the price adjustment.

Also, I know you are all complaining about dying and being underpowered, but here's the thing: stop doing the later planets, such as Pluto or Ceres. Early on, you need to be doing Venus or Jupiter, etc. Your weapons WILL be underpowered, You have to farm for SOME mods early on, then work your way up. Solo'ing is still possible, you just have to work your way towards it. If you need someone to help you, feel free to add me. We can do some runs to get your started, the game really isn't that much more difficult, it just requires you to play smarter now. Utilize the environment and the moves you are able to do.

This was a quick write-up, just helping people get a small indication of how the new system works. I know it's not in-depth, but it should get people started.

EDIT: Hope I didn't miss anything. I can write a better guide later if people really need it, but it isn't a complicated system.

EDIT2: Apparently the upgrade costs are bugged, so hold off for a couple hours before doing anything. Some items ARE low cost to get it to be a 'Rare 1', but other things are over 200k.

Edited by cred
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Hope this isn't a bother, but could you explain how stealth (and sneak attacks (which to my knowledge so far does not work well against moa or ancients)) and the "finisher" ground attacks and stuff work? I dont know how to try them out and play around with their possibilities.

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Hope this isn't a bother, but could you explain how stealth (and sneak attacks (which to my knowledge so far does not work well against moa or ancients)) and the "finisher" ground attacks and stuff work? I dont know how to try them out and play around with their possibilities.

I'll see what I can do. Haven't been able to sneak attack anyone yet, but as far as I can tell, it's on unalerted enemies, and you have to approach them from behind. I'll do some more research and see what I find.

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I think its rediculous, all the massive hours and time us players have done beforehand to get mods and to get our gear to where we wanted it has been erased. All the money i spent on the game and became a founder and used real life money to purchase weapons and a few warframes to grind on and have fun with are now back down to scratch. I hope this gets fixed soon cause if not, ill just spend my money elsewhere. Pretty sad really, when 100% of all my warframes i had 500+ sheild and now they are back down as if i just started the game and same with the weapons. i'm pretty sure this game will lose alol of its fan base over this.

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I disagree. I felt overpowered when I had a simple amount of 250 shields, and I can't imagine how much more boring it would get with 500 shields. Now i have an incentive to use my abilities more often, I care more about headshots, and everything wasn't "nerfed"/reset. Note how also enemies have decreased in strength considerably.

There was a huge rebalance and I think that you actually should just replay some lower level places some more. I played 1 game (one) with 8-15 lvl corpus, and i got 3 mods from it: 10% freeze pistols, 15% freeze shotgun, and 10% armor pierce melee. I dont know about you, but those are very very decent for the lvl I played. Also, since you most likely have hundreds of pages of mods, you also have easy mod level ups. I upgraded the pistol mod once and it turned into 20% freeze damage. I dont know whats in store for the next tier up but that is an insane increase in strength if you ask me.

Anyways, weren't you bored of being op? This is a fresh start without actually being a fresh start. I like it.

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I think its rediculous, all the massive hours and time us players have done beforehand to get mods and to get our gear to where we wanted it has been erased. All the money i spent on the game and became a founder and used real life money to purchase weapons and a few warframes to grind on and have fun with are now back down to scratch. I hope this gets fixed soon cause if not, ill just spend my money elsewhere. Pretty sad really, when 100% of all my warframes i had 500+ sheild and now they are back down as if i just started the game and same with the weapons. i'm pretty sure this game will lose alol of its fan base over this.

So you are telling me you like an easy game? The developers said the game was beta, they said there might be drastic overhauls. You knew all of this. The developers have made the game better, have given us MORE reasons to play for longer, and prolonged the life of their game per-player. This was a rebalancing that needed to happen. Anyone that leaves is a person that can't deal with a game evolving, and while I am sad to see some players leave, if people keep complaining about every update that drastically changes the game (which even then won't happen often), what updates do we as players have to look forward to?

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Not a complete wipe of everything that you already had is what alot of us previous players where expecting, maybe new levs and areas instead of the same exact thing no matter what planet you where on, the idea of new warframes to grind for and the new pet and new weapons, but the idea of wiping everything clean and making us grind more or pay way more out of pocket just to reuse what we already had was the point of my post.

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Well theres much less grinding, if you have everything you wanted (weapons, frames) you just need mods. Those are easier to find than butter in texas (sorry i needed a metaphor).

But seriously they drop like pennies on a sidewalk (i needed another metaphor to emphasize how often those things drop) especially on boss levels like Tethys. And I know for a fact that you have more than 5 pages of 1.0 mods. Upgrade your newly found mods and you suddenly have seemingly OP things attached onto your guns. There is literally nothing to pay for, unless you want to buy a mod pack for 75... which i feel is a bit silly.

The new grind isn't much of a grind anymore though. Think about it, i trust that since you are a hunter, you have a bunch of frames and weapons that you have leveled and such. "grinding" to level your things isn't a concern, "grinding" to find more materials for the new things that came out is natural and complaining about that is like asking them not to update, and "grinding" for mods is just replaying levels but with a new light, as you are much much more balanced versus enemies.

In what fps have you played that taking 65 bullets to the face just means 80% of your shields? Cover is useful now, their grenades are actual concerns, ospreys are more deadly, railgun moas are a higher prio, everything is suddenly a challenge. This is the best kind of fresh start. There are many people who have gotten much further than you that ask "what now?" this is the best update they could have possibly asked for.

Its not like they're taking away anything from you. pretty much the only thing is a radical rebalance of weapon leveling, making mods the central focus in making your weapon unique, not a linear skill tree. And different from new open beta users, you have tons of 1.0 mods that are immensely useful.

Please, i beg you to keep playing. Its silly to say they wiped your progress, this is a step backwards to move infinitely further. A skill tree can only take you 30 ranks. This new system makes the sky the limit. More levels and areas just means beating it. Thats the limit. Then players are then going to ask "well, new update. woo. just beat everything. what now?" If they only expected a simple extension of the previous mechanics, then it isn't an update worthy of great expectation. Start on the wrong path and you'll go to the wrong place. Continue on that path and you'll hit the wall called "boredom".

Since this is still beta, i expect great things. This is trial and error, and an attempt at creating an innovative game, different from all others. If you would like your fully upgraded weapon of mass destruction back, by all means stop playing this game, its not for you. The more different this game becomes, the more special i feel for being a part of it.

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Not a complete wipe of everything that you already had is what alot of us previous players where expecting, maybe new levs and areas instead of the same exact thing no matter what planet you where on, the idea of new warframes to grind for and the new pet and new weapons, but the idea of wiping everything clean and making us grind more or pay way more out of pocket just to reuse what we already had was the point of my post.

Nothing got wiped. You still have your same level in everything, that isn't a wipe. A system was revamped and we are forced to adapt. Again, not a wipe, I'd say more of a restructuring.

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