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Warframe Is Too Hard For New Players With New Gear.


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The easiest fix would actually be to just add reactors and catalyst blueprints to bosses' drop tables. But they don't want that.


That wouldn't be a 'fix' (because people already spend too much time grinding bosses) IMO. You want catalysts to be rare but largely unnecessary (so the low price gets people buying them but it isn't 'P2W'). Like the passive stat increases have made Reactors.

Edited by MJ12
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That wouldn't be a 'fix' (because people already spend too much time grinding bosses) IMO. You want catalysts to be rare but largely unnecessary (so the low price gets people buying them but it isn't 'P2W'). Like the passive stat increases have made Reactors.

Actually, *I* kinda just want catalysts removed from the game or able to be sidestepped through superior playtime. They are like that currently, but not nearly well executed. I just don't see the point in going "you farmed and waited for this weapon/frame so much, but you still gotta pay us or get lucky to unlock its full potential".

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I was new to the game and its mechanics plus I don't play shooters often if at all. I am familiar with pacing yourself in any game. I did solo my first mission and I found the difficulty to be just right. Probably because I'm not the type to run straight for the next objective, shoot anything that moves bedamned that they are also shooting back at me kind of player. I liked the difficulty. It made me use my environment more and to be honest I got a little excited to keep playing through the waves of enemies and to learn how to best defeat them. Maybe it's cause I'm from the old school of gaming when solo play was the only thing and you had to buckle down and figure out how to stay alive by yourself without a chatroom or forum to help you. Ah the good times.


I was just telling my friend the other day, who also soloed for his first time and who's more familiar with shooters than I am, that most gamers today are so pampered. They aren't challenged enough in games anymore and I usually avoid games where everyone gets a gold star for trying. I feel this game is all about how aware you are about your own health and how well you can stay alive. My friend is the gun ho type and that works for him. I'm more methodical and that works for me. After going solo, co-op mode was another learning curve and I liked that too. I don't think this game will lose players because of the starting areas. I feel it will gain better players, the ones who persevere and who want to be there. Would you rather play with people who give up easily or those who can be counted on to complete the mission? Many more difficult games still have large player bases. Every new game has to start somewhere.

Edited by Welfeena
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I was new to the game and its mechanics plus I don't play shooters often if at all. I am familiar with pacing yourself in any game. I did solo my first mission and I found the difficulty to be just right. Probably because I'm not the type to run straight for the next objective, shoot anything that moves bedamned that they are also shooting back at me kind of player. I liked the difficulty. It made me use my environment more and to be honest I got a little excited to keep playing through the waves of enemies and to learn how to best defeat them. Maybe it's cause I'm from the old school of gaming when solo play was the only thing and you had to buckle down and figure out how to stay alive by yourself without a chatroom or forum to help you. Ah the good times.


I was just telling my friend the other day, who also soloed for his first time and who's more familiar with shooters than I am, that most gamers today are so pampered. They aren't challenged enough in games anymore and I usually avoid games where everyone gets a gold star for trying. I feel this game is all about how aware you are about your own health and well you can stay alive. My friend is the gun ho type and that works for him. I'm more methodical and that works for me. After going solo, co-op mode was another learning curve and I liked that too. I don't think this game will lose players because of the starting areas. I feel it will gain better players, the ones who persevere and who want to be there. Would you rather play with people who give up easily or those who can be counted on to complete the mission? Many more difficult games still have large player bases. Every new game has to start somewhere.

Thank you for a post that was on topic and a not a blatant misunderstanding of my threads intention.

As always, each of us will have different experiances when we play a game.

Our oppinions will be based on what we play and what we see.


I have a several freinds that I turned on to Warframe and many of them had trouble getting started.

They are generally good solid game players that one can count on.

they just had trouble with warframe and were kind of turned off.

After thinking about there reaction a while it promted me to make this thread.


It may be just right, may be too easy, may be too hard...

Either way I am not here to say its as simple as all challenging games fail or all easy games succeed.

Just that its wise to recognize the difference bwteen playing a game one youve gotten use to uts controls and core mechanics and playing a game while learning its controls and core mechanics.


In my experinace watching several new gamers try the game out they had more trouble than they were comfortable with.

Obviously i don't have some giant focus test to draw information from...lol

Just some people I know. Thats all I got....like everyone else.

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Stop solo playing outside the first mission.


With 4 people the game is pretty easy (mobs split their fire amongst the players) - with just one of you EVERYONE will attack you from every direction.

Something tells me that this is what most players are complaining about.  With more than one person, it's too easy.  With just one person, it's too hard.


I think - note those words, that signifies "opinion", people - that what the folks in the dev team need to do is find a good balance between the two.  Add just enough in co-op so that there's some level of difficulty, but take away just enough in single player so that it's at least doable outside the first set of missions in Mercury.

Edited by MusicGamer
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I was a solo player for a good stretch and still solo play. I will agree that it is a rough start and feels like they devs hate new players, but once I leveled a bit and was able to mod a gun properly the whole game shifted. I even can tell you after I opened up Rhino I still used the old guns, mainly because thats all I had, the second Frame was so much easier to level.


A learning curve is a very good thing to have in a game, all the greats has one, some are almost straight up, almost like hitting a wall, but Warframe really isn't one of them. I have a guy I know who is a complete and total idiot, and even he took to this game after a couple days and some mods in his equipment. So even though I'm feel your pain, I would have to say, keep it the way it is, maybe have a few starter mods in the first ets of gear you get, gut that is as far as I would go to cure this issue.

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