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Why Does Using A Fusion Core Cost Credits?


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Credits actually had little use before Update 7, fusion cost is now a major credit sink. The actual cost is still being balanced, but it's pretty reasonable now. If anything we need ways to make more credits, especially the new players.

And for the reason why? To keep balance. If someone could just outright take a bunch of mods and make a very powerful ability for free, that wouldn't be very good design. It makes you actually take time to level your mods and think.

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And for the reason why? To keep balance. If someone could just outright take a bunch of mods and make a very powerful ability for free, that wouldn't be very good design. It makes you actually take time to level your mods and think.

The whole purpose of this game was to be this strong overpowered warrior, and what about for those of us who don't have as much time to put into this game as other people hmm? DE did not think this through at all.

Edited by __Kanade__
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The whole purpose of this game was to be this strong overpowered warrior, and what about for those of us who don't have as much time to put into this game as other people hmm? DE did not think this through at all.

That wasn't the point of the game at all. It's supposed to be a challenging action title, but it was woefully too easy before Update 7 hit because of overpowered mods. This fixed it, though players like you think it's harsh, that's the way it is.

Its a F2P game, you aren't supposed to spend hours and hours to do everything. You put in an hour, get some mods, level up some stuff and stop playing. If you can't manage your own time or even afford the time to play the game, it's your problem.

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That wasn't the point of the game at all. It's supposed to be a challenging action title, but it was woefully too easy before Update 7 hit because of overpowered mods. This fixed it, though players like you think it's harsh, that's the way it is.

Its a F2P game, you aren't supposed to spend hours and hours to do everything. You put in an hour, get some mods, level up some stuff and stop playing. If you can't manage your own time or even afford the time to play the game, it's your problem.

Agree. Prior update7 there were numerous threads about 'difficulty scaling', 'the game needs to get harder', 'it's too easy', etc. And now the game got challenging. Your wish is granted, Tenno.

Personally, the game got much more fun in this patch.

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Its a F2P game, you aren't supposed to spend hours and hours to do everything. You put in an hour, get some mods, level up some stuff and stop playing. If you can't manage your own time or even afford the time to play the game, it's your problem.

Someone like you probably just bought everything upfront instead of farming and grinding so you most likely don't understand what I'm talking about.

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Personally, the game got much more fun in this patch.

I think you're partially right. But wiping out our mod progress really goes against what they've told us in the past about wipes in the past and it makes me nervous.

And for the reason why? To keep balance. If someone could just outright take a bunch of mods and make a very powerful ability for free, that wouldn't be very good design. It makes you actually take time to level your mods and think.

Easier said then done, we only have all those fusion mods in the first place because they changed all our mods into fusion cards.

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Someone like you probably just bought everything upfront instead of farming and grinding so you most likely don't understand what I'm talking about.

A, good ol' 'Founders buy everything' excuse. Great argument there.

I admit I have bought a few things, no reason to let the platinum go to waste and I think DE would appreciate their items being tested immediately rather than wait. I currently have 8 frames, two of which I bought and the rest were farmed. I bought the kraken and the rest were farmed (numbering 10). I have two catalysts and reactors sitting in my inventory, all farmed.

I've spent time in this game, plenty of it. I have also spent time with this new update, and I was rewarded with new mods that made my frames better (surprise!). It doesn't change the fact that you should spend your time in real life wisely and not think you have to play hours and hours to have a good time in a game. F2P games are inherently casual, and you get what you put in via time and money if you so choose.

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I think you're partially right. But wiping out our mod progress really goes against what they've told us in the past about wipes in the past and it makes me nervous.

Easier said then done, we only have all those fusion mods in the first place because they changed all our mods into fusion cards.

Pretty sure they said they would try, not exactly that everything would be kept. Yeah I'm a little disappointed that I lost all my mods, but really the game is in beta, it's to be expected. But I agree with the above poster that there needs to be credit sinks and fusion costs are a decent way of doing so, since before everyone just rolled with millies and could buy everything. We just need more ways to earn credits.

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Pretty sure they said they would try, not exactly that everything would be kept. Yeah I'm a little disappointed that I lost all my mods, but really the game is in beta, it's to be expected. But I agree with the above poster that there needs to be credit sinks and fusion costs are a decent way of doing so, since before everyone just rolled with millies and could buy everything. We just need more ways to earn credits.

I agree that there should be a credit sink, but why does it have to be so egregious? I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to be able to use the items I earned with a cost that doesn't break my bank.

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I agree that there should be a credit sink, but why does it have to be so egregious? I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to be able to use the items I earned with a cost that doesn't break my bank.

The cost is pretty good compared to what it was, and it prevents from excessive level up (unless you have the bank for it, then go right ahead) and OP'ness early on. From what I have observed, it favors the player that gets similar mods and slowly fuses over time, lowering costs because they are combining similar mods which increases fusion amount.

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The cost is pretty good compared to what it was, and it prevents from excessive level up (unless you have the bank for it, then go right ahead) and OP'ness early on.

But that wouldn't even really be an issue for new players since they wouldn't have a pile of (nearly useless) fusion cores in their inventory. It only really affects long time players negatively since all our progress disappeared.

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I agree that there should be a credit sink, but why does it have to be so egregious? I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to be able to use the items I earned with a cost that doesn't break my bank.

My guess is they're trying to leverage out the people with crazy amounts of creds before nerfing the costs.

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This seems a little silly to me. With all the other things that people have to same up credits for there doesn't seem to be much of a reason to keep things the way they are, especially at the prices they are currently at.

Why equiping mods as a credit cost and now those have none ?

Because now credit as a purpose other than just crafting and equiping mods , the process of a Fusion is expansive and provide decents buff to yours mods

maybe some price will be to high to low and thats whats beta are for sorting those things out

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Credits actually had little use before Update 7, fusion cost is now a major credit sink. The actual cost is still being balanced, but it's pretty reasonable now. If anything we need ways to make more credits, especially the new players.

And for the reason why? To keep balance. If someone could just outright take a bunch of mods and make a very powerful ability for free, that wouldn't be very good design. It makes you actually take time to level your mods and think.

Speaking of balance, did you notice they simultaneously added a major credit sink and removed the main source of them? Yeah.

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I completely agree! Fusions shouldn't cost credits. For god's sake we've been lied to! They said the old mods would still be useful but never mentioned it would cost GIGANTIC credit fees to actually use them! The game was pay 2 win before, could it be that they're reverting back to that? I will wait and see what happens but my faith in DE has been shaken...

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I completely agree! Fusions shouldn't cost credits. For god's sake we've been lied to! They said the old mods would still be useful but never mentioned it would cost GIGANTIC credit fees to actually use them! The game was pay 2 win before, could it be that they're reverting back to that? I will wait and see what happens but my faith in DE has been shaken...

Gigantic? It's already quite reasonable.

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I could see the new system becoming a problem in that credits will become the Bottleneck that prevents most players from advancing. Selling all the useless mods we find is now a thing of the past, and missions in general give something like 500-2k credits, yet often drop 3+ mods.

Also many of the Closed beta players have massive cash reserves and probably dont feel the high costs yet, but keep in mind that new players start with almost nothing (was it 3k Credits?).

Farming straight up cash is the most boring thing one can do in any game (in my opinion at least), and be avoided if possible. I'd much prefer a system where Credits are abundant, but the mods are extremely rare.

Edited by Wellwisher
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The quick path is always more expensive.

Using duplicate cards for fusion is a lot cheaper, but extremely slower in comparison. A Rare 10 Fusion Core gives significantly more fusion value than a duplicate card, so for some Rare tier cards it may be faster to refarm a mountain of credits (8.8k per core?) than it would to find enough duplicates to reach max fusion.

The whole purpose of this game was to be this strong overpowered warrior, and what about for those of us who don't have as much time to put into this game as other people hmm? DE did not think this through at all.

Strong overpowered warrior, yes. Death incarnate on the battlefield? No. For two players who don't use Platinum and are equally efficient, if Player 1 doesn't spend as much time as as Player 2 into the game, you're going to have to come up with something damn convincing to persuade me as to why Player 1 should be on par with Player 2 in the long term.

Cause you can equip and unequip mods for free.

Do you think that might be partially because we're forced to unequip the mod in order to use it for fusion purposes?

Edited by Cakes
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