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Nat Type Problem Ps4


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If you're having problems configuring your router, try a third party java tool called UPnP PortMapper. It lets you change your router settings from your computer instead of on the router's own settings interface.


My router has port forwarding settings but they didn't seem to work even if it said it was forwarding and I tried it for days. When I used PortMapper Warframe started working on the first try.


I'm not affiliated with the (free and open source) PortMapper tool, even though I've been name dropping it in several threads here today. I just found this support forum today and this tool really helped me enjoy the game.

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Look up videos on Ps3 DMZ hosting via your router type. Its the exact same process as doing it on Ps4


A lot of these guys here are going to over complicate the solution to strict NAT types on consoles, i've been through all this stuff when I needed to go from NAT 3 to NAT 2 or 1 to play red dead with a friend. DMZ hosting is quick and painless and easiest as far as I'm concerned. and it works with MOST routers. Changing all these I.Ps and router settings- when you have no business with them is only going to make you do worse.


My only tip is to make sure you have all of your devices named when they send out IPs, so you can quickly determine the object to DMZ host (the unnamed one will be your Playstation.)


You better off looking up a video on dmz hosting then me trying to walk you through it on a Qwest Motorolla router- as there would be some disparities to it.



There are other ways you can manually open up ports for it, but this game will be so fickle with it, as clan mates have informed me of their personal router woes. The DMZ hosting fixed it for them too. In any case.. if DMZ hosting does not work for you it will be because its not compatible with your router- and in that case you should call your service provider and have them give you another one.

Reposted my response to another thread of this kind. Which still can be found easily if you looked hard enough..
Edited by (PS4)FraytaCentariHM
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I'm starting to get NAT type woes with `failed to join` error or my friends are unable to join my games or unable to host the dojo.  I've tried by calling my service provider and they helped me with the error.  The problem seem to be getting worse as of late and its very upsetting.  This affects the ability to host tower or dojo for my clan mates and either lagging out completely or getting disconnected and reloading on main menu.  

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