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Concept For Event, Boss, New Warframes. The Returning Tenno Faction.


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According to Lore Stalker survived thousands of years without stasis. Which means a Tenno could do this too. Just that it would drive them insane... Like Stalker...


What if Lotus detected an Fleet that was sent out during the Orokin War... Ok here comes some lore on how this all came to be.


The Tenno had plans during the Orokin War to come against the Orokin Empire, but during the War was not a good time. However there was some issues much like groups of Tenno like the Low guard who were violently loyal to the Orokin there was other members of the Tenno that were in the ranks of Master, and Grand Master who were dangerous to the plans of betrayal as they were loyal as well to the Orokin.


So they got the spirits of these particular Tenno up, and made them want to head out and push as much of the sentient forces back as much as possible during the war. So they took off in a huge fleet/Armada into space, beyond the final planet... outside the sol System. Onto a long trip that went on with millions of Sentients losing their lives, and many Tenno losing their lives. Of course without the bridges (to I guess hop back and forth between planets quickly) it took them hundreds of years to go out into space until there was no more sentients. Then simply returned which took hundreds of years as well. A trip that may have spanned hundreds, to thousands of years depending how far they went, and how long till the Tenno awoke for the events of Warframe.


So now that they returned they find the Orokin are all dead, some crazy Empire has arisen called the Grineers, abunch of greedy corporate are running things called the Corpus, Infested (which they would have known nothing about since they weren't around to see them) killing everyone, and the current Tenno in the Sol system listening to someone called the Lotus.


Then later to find out from the Corpus about the betrayers. (Stalker still wants to kill them all so he would not interfere with the events to come. Plus I think Stalker is completely insane). However they do not take the words to heart of what the Corpus say. Their Grand Master who leads the Masters under him decides to investigate further.


Lotus will have tried to make contact with them several times not wishing to speak with her, but you will later get contacts/messages/alerts from these Masters who serve under the Mysterious Grand Master who wish for you to come with them on missions to look into things. They will want you to go to a Derelict where some information on the infested is kept. One of the masters will go with you, and as you do Mobile defense instead of popping a device into the machine this Master will step up to the console and attempt access its data as you protect them. They will have gathered very little data from this of course (repeatable alert event).


Another event alert that is also a Mobile defense will have them in possession of a Void key. They will want you to run an alert mission into the Void with them. One master will accompany you and in the same manner make contact with several consoles to gather data. (repeatable, and always T1 MD)

(when I say repeatable I mean these alerts will show up all the time)


Another alert event will occur as well where they will wish for you to accompany them to an invasion exterminate mission. (if any are showing on the map. Otherwise this alert will never happen.) Once more a Master will accompany you. More violently killing them itself, and using a special Sentinel that scans enemies for them.


After completing these special alerts enough times (doing all three will not be enough) a new tileset will be unlocked. (these alerts will be around forever, but require each Tenno to do it separate, or parties to work together to gather enough intelligence). Each player has to unlock his tileset. It will not be the same as Jupiter, or Phobos where the whole community works on it.


The location of the currently invisible Tenno Fleet will show up as a location just outside of the Sol System connected to Europa. Meaning a mission path will have to be completed if you wish to walk down this path towards the new tileset. Also this tileset requires a certain mastery rank possibly around 4, or 5 in order to enter it at all.


Once this Tileset is entered all BP drops in order to be built require the player to be of the mastery rank that was required of player to enter that tileset. Even the Warframes dropped by bosses who are themselves the Tenno Masters that aided you on the said missions, along with their Grand Master being the final boss.


The three alert missions would have three different Masters that accompany you. These three masters are also the three bosses you must face.


The vicious combat had only allowed 3 Tenno ships, and 1 Tenno flag ship to return to the Sol system, along with only three masters, and the one lead Grand Master.



First Boss


The first ship you come in contact with holds a Master who has the ability to use mirrors, and will not appear in any reflection much like a Vampire. His minions aboard this ship that you must fight are all Mag primes, with Latron primes trying to stop you from reaching their Master. This Mirror Warframe would be the most honorable of the Masters. This fleet of 4 ships and its map functions the same as a whole planet map, with 4 bosses appearing on the same map. So to reach the first boss this Mirror Warframe you have to beat one level, and then you reach him in the second.


He will honor you by clearing his Mag Primes from the room to fight you one on (1,2,3,4) Because as a Master (more then likely you are not, and are below him the point in time of meeting him) he feels obligated to give you a handicap. As he might be too much for you. His abilities as noted are also used when you gain him as a playable warframe from beating him and getting his drops.


The Mirror Warframe


Ability 1- Mirror of light. This mirror will reflect all bullets that hit it, but only blocks what is directly infront of him.


Ability 2- Save the one, kill them all. An ability that can only be used with ability 4. When his mirrors are activated from ability 4 if he uses this ability all enemies targeted by the mirrors will have a portion of life drained even if that means killing them to heal himself.


Ability 3- Give me your breath. Identical to ability 2 instead he drains energy from all foes in his mirrors to a certain degree for himself


Ability 4- His most powerful, and devastating ability. He summons a several mirriors that surround from above, around him, and even in angles between the above, and side mirrors. They will not move in the directions you are looking but move to show a reflection of an enemy no matter how far away, but always show the closest ones first. Then the player would have the option to turn and shoot at that mirror for double damage. Allies can also shoot said mirrors to do double damage as well. (since he has no reflection he will never see himself in the mirrors.) This ability is neither timed, nor based on damage taken, but simply drains one energy per second.


By using ability 3 it lengthens the ability itself, but of course at the cost of 75 energy just to get that energy with your only hopes of enough enemies being around you for it to be worth it. If you hit the 4 button again while it is active the mirrors will shatter and hit enemies in a radial damage manner, also if you run out of energy the same thing will happen, but with less damage being done.



During the boss battle there will be places for you to hide as the start of the battle he will use the 4th ability to search for you. This is also one of the few times you can shoot at him since he never uses ability 1, and 4 at the same time (obviously due to energy drain) Just below his health bar is a energy bar, and usually around 50% if you never come out into the open for him to steal your energy he will shatter his mirrors in an attempt to radial damage you which if your hiding this won't hurt. However if you did run out in the open with ability 4 active he will constantly drain health, and energy from you while shooting you at the same time.


After his 4th ability is down you can approach him, but he will use ability 1 to raise a shield infront of him making it dangerous to shoot him from the front. Meaning you need to flank him, however this maybe impossible if your soloing him. As he will wall run, flip, slide, and roll around to evade your attempts. As he will move just about the same speed as a Loki with max rush. (he will run slightly slower than Loki as a playable warframe though) This would make combat with him as a team more desired, unless you enjoy a challenging foe that makes it impossible to shoot him from the front.


This will inter change throughout the battle till he is defeated. In which the self-destruct sequence will be started remotely by the Grand Master to kill the Master who failed to defeat you for his disgrace, and you along with it for you insubordination. As a final act you decide to rescue the Mirror Warframe from his fate. He will then join you and unlock a series of alerts where he will send you off on special missions and act as a guide similar to Lotus, and Darvo. Due to his honorable behavior he is forever grateful for what you have done, and understands the situation fully as he was careful to look over the data unlike the Grand Master who may have also lost his mind like Stalker.



Second Boss


The Second boss you come in contact with is abit more crazier, and has completely lost her mind. When she had looked over the data she came to the conclusion that sacrifice was right, and had injected herself with the virus that made the infested. Losing herself completely she turned into an infested Tenno who was being contained by her warriors the Ember Primes. Till you come bursting in. Under the order of the Grand Master she was to be contained till a cure could be found, but the Lotus knows better, and the Mirror Warframe says what has happened can't be undone as the data he looked through said nothing of a cure. Under the guidance of Mirror Warframe, and Lotus you will be guided through 3 levels, and than the boss level. Fighting your way through Ember Primes.


Once you finally reach the boss its basically an infected version of my idea of a Blood Mistress Warframe


It will indeed drop parts for her.


This boss will not be like fighting a Tenno in the last battle, but more of an infested type boss with more intelligence. She will have undergone a transformation making her into a giant snake, with her upper torso still intact with slight infection being visible on the upper torso. If she does damage to you with her hands it will do toxin damage, and slash damage such as poison, and bleed. She will always try to swing the tail of her snake like body to knock you back, or simply bring it down to crush you. Her upper Torso will always be up high, and moving erratically to make it hard to get a good shot on her till she comes in close to attack you with her hands. When she comes in close her whole body is lowered down to your height and her melee is a straight forward attack similar in appearance to Hysteria meaning its a straight forward attack, that is rather slow. Which makes the best time to hit her upper Torso. She will die, and the Ember Primes will appear to burn her remains under new orders from the Mirror Warframe who also agree has lost his mind. Giving the Mirror Warframe a new ship to work from, and give the Tenno cause aid.



Third Boss


With inspiration from my Quantum, projectile Warframe.



Comes a very devastating femme fatale. She is unlike the others, and doesn't give a damn what the Grand Master says, or the data collected. She never read any of it. She is just itching for a fight, plus she has the Grand Master on mute. She has a carefree, eccentric, attitude when it comes to fighting, and can be quite lazy when she isn't.


The Mirror warframe, and Lotus will guide you through 5 levels, and then finally the boss level. The Quantum frame is guarded by Excalibur Primes, and thus will spam Radial Javelin... A lot... Throughout of course she will also make communications with you as a side guide to Mirror, and Lotus mentioning how bored she is, and how you should hurry up, or make bizarre insults that are more Tenno in manner. Like your so slow you make Rhino look like the King of Speed, or when your shooting and your accuracy is low in a mission she will bring up your poor aim. She will constantly insult you through out.


Finally as you reach her she will have her Excalibur primes aid her. This makes the fight painful. As the Excalibur Primes use Radial Javelin she will use her multiplier ability to quadruple the number of javelins being shot through the air. However these Excalibur's are limited and once they are eliminated will never spawn again.


This leads to the next phase of the fight since she has no more projectiles to multiply her 4th ability will not be see again. She will switch between a primary that fires a slow moving homing missile that moves slow at first, but than has a sudden burst of speed after a certain period of time giving her time to use her 3rd ability to multiply it before it comes homing in on you in which you should take cover. Her secondary weapon will be a special kunai she designed herself for her own use. As they kunai are thrown they stay frozen in mid air. Till the aim button is hit then they will all launch at once when used by a player, and entire lines of these can be set up across rooms before she activates them all to be sent off, but of course she will use the 3rd ability to multiply them all before sending them off.


she will also use a spectacular melee weapon. One that shows Tenno supremacy at its finest. A large two ended blade with 6 handles on it. One on each side beginning point of each blade near the center, and one on both sides of the center allowing the Tenno to inter change between handles while swinging it around like a Orthos, and than being able to manipulate it with their hands for the best throwing to lob it through the air like a giant deadly shuriken cutting through foes before returning. She will throw this deadly weapon at you a lot in-between using her primary, and secondary.


After a lot of hard work of fighting her, and watching her bounce of walls, and swarm the room in bullets she will fall in battle... not dying, but not accepting defeat either... she will not join you, but expects you to return and fight her again so she can get her revenge.


Final Boss... The Grand Master


The Grand Master now awaits you.


You will fight through 9 levels, and than finally reach the boss level. His location is guarded by Frost primes who are not hesitant about filling the area with snow globes, and using avalanche on you. After fighting through this you meet with the Grand Master who awaits you outside of his Flag Ship... Yes you will fight through the inside of the ship only to find out he is standing outside the ship in a barrier that prevents the vacuum of space from pulling out all the oxygen. He will be waiting to fight you to the death.


When you finally meet him he has no words for you, and will fight you silently. His warriors will not stand by his side and leave him. The Grand Master's barrier also prevents all communication so you never hear from Lotus, or Mirror warframe during this final battle.


Grand Master gained a unique Warframe the ULTIMATE conduit. As each warframe was a conduit to allow a certain set of powers to be used. The Warframe Grand Master obtained has no certain set of powers. In that it allows him to use his power freely with no control, or restraint. The ultimate Orokin weapon.  He will start this battle violently with Ice waves shooting off in straight lines across the floor, fireballs spiraling out from his center point of the battle, Orokin Void lasers shooting down from above going in circles to keep you on the move.


At about 75% health. Things will get heated up(all this happens with the last set of abilities, and attacks still being used at the same time) as he starts using world on fire with red circle markers on the ground indicating when a erupting tower of fire will rise up, and, and if you get too close to him he will use avalanche to freeze, and do serious damage to even death. Accompanied by a sonic boom to knock you back into the swirling arena of death. He even throws in Radial Javelins as well with lines showing up across the ground giving you a heads up of javelins flying through a certain area.


Than at about 50% health. He will lose it, and start shooting out anti-matter drops, using ash Kunai which can be dodged if you roll at the last second, and throwing Tesla, mini bastilles making small areas death traps. He will also put up Volt shields in two different directions, but opposite sides of each other.


At about 25% you may not live to see the end of the fight... all of this will be happening while he starts using Mag's pull on nearby meteors. Yes Meteors. A different color circle from the erupting towers of flame will appear showing where the giant rocks will smash into the arena. Meanwhile small rocks will be M. Primed to explode on impact. All of the said things happening now all happening together in unison creating very small openings for evasion plus topped with an Iron skin that he puts up every minute after losing it.




Once the final battle is over, as the Grand Master falls his color will disappear and reveal himself to be a Decoy, and that the entire time he was just watching from the Ship bridge. Infact he was controlling all his powers from there using the Decoy as an ability Rod to use them all from. Which means even his Decoy puts Loki's Decoy to shame with an insane amount of health. He will only drop weapons, and not himself as a warframe as you never fought him directly since he is technically way out of your league.


 A message in your inbox will appear stating that he will watch from afar during your battle, and strike when he is most needed. Since this battle is more personal to you, than it is him being disconnected from the events that have occurred. He will also mention that you need more training, and to become stronger, and that maybe when your good enough he will face you personally.


Possibly future events could branch off from this...


So what do you all think of this series of events, and new bosses accompanied with weapons, and warframes?

Edited by Arlayn
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The Orokin made the technocyte/infested virus.


They would know everything about it.

The Orokin made the virus near the end of the war... not during... The Tenno fleet that left DURING the war, and would not know of it if they left before it.

Edited by Arlayn
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I think this is just a bit too complex for me to actually want to participate in it.


(Technocyte was made in the presently near-future since DE has confirmed Hayden Tenno is the first Tenno.)

yes but the Orokin never employed it... till near the end. So the Fleet that left wouldn't know the Orokin had USED IT...(which led to the full blown rebellion, and if the fleet had stayed they would agree with the main council of Tenno who also wanted to rebel to kill the Orokin.) Which is why Mirror Warframe was willing to join you after you defeated him, and of course the Master Quantum Warframe was mixed up with the other masters and sent off to go fight Sentients outside the Sol system which is why she doesn't care about the data, or the Grand Master simply stay loyal to the Tenno and if they want to wipe out the Orokin as a whole legion of Tenno then it must have been for Good reason. The Blood Mistress Warframe on the other hand was more like Stalker, but abit bonkers... so that's why she injected herself with the infested because she thought maybe they must have been superior if the Orokin had to employ them in combat. Such as feeling the Tenno were inferior so she wanted to be superior once more.


Grand Master on the other hand felt slighted, and betrayed that the other Grand Masters didn't want him in on it all so he wanted to test the current Tennos through combat. As he is a Grand Master that speaks through action, not words. He wanted to understand them through battle, and he got his answer.

Edited by Arlayn
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The rebellion ensued because the Orokin were an empire and the Tenno balance keepers, it's only natural to destroy the Orokin empire.

Yes but the Low guard were loyal. Even after the use of infested. Its that kind of loyalty that some of the Tenno would have noticed and tried to distract certain loyalist. Its even possible a special kind of Tenno jumped the Low Guard, and Stalker preventing them from reaching the Emperor in time to save him.


However I am sure the main Grand Masters plotting it all would have been too careful in choosing who to distract, and who to keep on the ready. So they may have accidentally sent out Tenno who weren't 100% loyalist, or would have been convinced by the infested use.

Edited by Arlayn
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