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There Should Be A Shotgun In Clan Research Weapons (Weapon Ideas)


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So I was hoping you guys could give some feedback for an idea I had for a new weapon while playing earlier today.

I thought along the lines of a chargeable shotgun(?)

keep with me here... so I was thinking there could be a shotgun that fires like 4 shells on 1 ammo like Sobek

and then when you charge it, it fires 10-12 shells using up 2 ammo slots.

(not 8 shells cause then why not just fire twice and save the charging time, right?)     that way it turns out stronger and worth researching.. right? 

its just the base idea, i have no idea where to start with designs and polarities and what have you... so yeah

(okay, so I just play the game and I've never really done forums... ever. I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be posting this here. So if anyone can link me to where im supposed to post suggestions that would be great.)

Thanks guys

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What the guy above me said, DE has plans for a "Corpus Flak Cannon", basically an energy shotgun that gets more accurate as it's charged. No idea when it's coming though, it may have been shelved in favor of the Penta or something.

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