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New Year 2014 My Ideas On New Feature Of Warframe


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Dear WARFRAME developers and fellow tenno,

        Firstly, I just want to say that WARFRAME is an amazing game, all thanks to you developers. Now, after getting that out of the way. I would also like to show my gratitude to the awesome DE mark for solving some of my major payment problems in PERSON. Keep up the good work!

        Now, getting onto the main stuff…the reason I’m writing this letter is because I want to bring the WARFRAME community even closer. During the update, the highly interactive and new system, trading was released. To be honest, the trading thing, has to be, one of the best thing you guys have ever came up with. So, there was this one day, I was thinking……WARFRAME developers have done a pretty good job……but can I , COLOSSUS_117(that’s my ign btw), at least try my best to make a difference in WARFRAME? So, here’s my idea—trading mods, plat and void keys were already pretty sweet, but what if warframe, weapon blueprints and parts came into the trading system? This will surely be a remarkable change in the WARFRAME community. People who missed their chances to grab founder packages/hard-to-get prime weapons or rare weapon blueprints will be able to trade with other players for it at whatever price suitable.

        Secondly, I was thinking about you guys(sorry for the informality), building something which I call—‘The player foundry/studio’, basically, it’s a private player community that will be closely linked to the developers. Players recognized as idealists, dreamers or even professional players will be able to join through online application. Players would be able to express their ideas or concept art about warframes or tile sets or even weapons(or prime even). The most supported and up voted ideas(Top 5) will then be passed on to the awesome developers, and out of the five, one of the ideas will be waiting to be approved of and made as a reality.

 This is a way I invented in order to invite the worthy players. First, any players can individually send a ticket to apply for the player studio, they will be required to name the titles of their mail as their ign, mastery rank, in the mail will be their ideas(not too absurd of course). Then, when you guys are free, you could check out a few and decide if they’re worth of joining the studio or not.

        Looking back to when I started playing this game, I remembered the tutorial was still like a mastery rank test, everything was white and all. I could really see how much effort you guys put into this game for us. I sincerely thank you for all those exciting, happy and enjoyable memories you brought to me.


Also, I would also like to suggest an event called, ‘NEW YEAR’S WISHLIST’ , where players can vote for a few choices you guys give them. For example: option 1:RELEASE THE EXCALIBUR PRIME FOUNDER PACK AGAIN!( I am seriously begging you guys to do it), 2nd option:…. And so on up to the fifth option.

Again the most supported and voted option will come true during New year 2014(jan – feb)


Well, thanks for your attention and I hope yo’re still awake and you wasn’t bored to death by my ambitions.

At last, I really hope my ideas will be accepted as you guys are my only hope to make my ambitions come true. As a player, I want to improve warframe too!


                                                                Best wishes,

                                                                                Keaton a.k.a COLOSSUS_117

Edited by COLOSSUS_117
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I think it's great for the people who want to come up with ideas for Warframe.


However, I'm gonna have to stop you at re-releasing the Founders Packages. I wouldn't have anything against that idea though if it were actually implemented, but  they were intended for the early players. 

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About trading mods and more extras that idea is already suggested in some thread and forms. I think about that not worser idea if we already trade the game is "more easy" because players can make some business there. My additional idea to remove the platinum option but the parts and other extras would be logical steps if we already trade anything. Then we need a price tables about how much cost a mod or a part or materials. Someone said auction houses but that can kill the currently system because some people will ask ultra high prices others will underprice the market and they will earn more money. The wishing event would be cool but the currently system is not able to avarege players to share other than feedbacks because of community and founder program. Logical if you spent more money to improve the game then you should have more privileges than who play freely. That you suggest is a workshop and could work like steam workshop where the peoples can share their art, ideas, works and can maybe improve the what peoples want. They can vote to each work and ideas and the devs can check sometimes and take few from them and maybe they can implement it. I am afraid to suggest any ideas because i know that never be implement in any way and if then that so far what i really wanted.  


My idea we need to make few similar sites like this one and share the ideas there and vote up which really needs. Before ofc need ask some questions 1-100 about any part of game and watch how many people say to yes or no.

Edited by animafan10
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Trading suggestions of this caliber have been flying around lately, if DE listens to our prayers and the RNG God approves, parts and blueprints will be implemented.

On the Founders packages...no, sorry, but they will remain like this. Otherwise they wouldn't be special.

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