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Hello! Introduction Thread.


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Hey! Hi! Hello! Happy New Year!


My name's TengHu on PSN and rgangsta elsewhere. But you can call me by my real name, Roody, if you choose.


Anyways, I'm not new to this game but I am to the forums. I used to play on PC a while back but decided to quit because my laptop couldn't handle the graphics too well and would overheat. This is the main reason why I prefer consoles. You could imagine my excitement when I heard Warframe was coming to consoles.


After beating AC4 last weekend, I decided to give Warframe a playthrough. I haven't dropped the controller since. I learned so much through my 5 days of playing. It's like the more I learn about the game, the more I love it. I felt the same about Skyrim and its deep level of customization. I guess that's what's drawing me to Warframe. Everything is just so much easier when you understand the mechanics of the game,like how to upgrade mods, using the Codex to gain info on enemies, and equipping the right tools and warframes for a mission. I just want to say that this game is really awesome. I love almost everything about it; Platinum prices are too damn high. >.> +$15 for a warframe is absurd.


Oh, one more thing. I'm a graphic designer and I just made my first Warframe clan logo! Check it out. :P



I'm taking requests for 10 Plat. Send me a PSN message if you're interested.

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