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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
Edited by Zulaica
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I finally finished this stupid quest!!


Took me 10 encounters to get all the parts.




I'd like to thank everyone that helped me on this topic!!

Azure_Kyte for his Stalker Hunter app that helped me a lot on my first encounters pre-U11.6

SALE94 for giving me luck, he joined our game even tho he already had a Detron, and the Harvester spawned with him in the group!!

siralextraffo for being so helpful here on the topic and in-game, always organizing squads for hunting the Harvester

Mallagrim and Radonel for joining me for 100 runs today!!

And everyone else i played from previous runs!! -CM-Czarok, ChinaTercel, Z3R0-1, and everyone else i can't remember now!! I wish you all good luck on your runs!!


Now its time to forma the **** out of this baby!!


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Congratz man....


On the other side I feel a bit depressed now, I was so close this time.

And just to make me feel better the next run I had a spawn on teammate, no drop. Let's update then:


21 spawns

5 BPs

3 Receivers


Lots of people are thanking me and I appreciate it, but I'm still stuck here and I'm really tired.

Edited by siralextraffo
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Thanks Rex and congratz  but i dont feel good at all :(


I informed Siralextraffo too join instead of me because i knew he need barell, but i didnt know that if i quit he cant pickup it  i wanted good but i messed up by not calling him before we faced harvester :((


I wanted only good but i failed.

Edited by SALE94
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Thanks Rex and congratz  but i dont feel good at all :(


I informed Siralextraffo too join instead of me because i knew he need barell, but i didnt know that if i quit he cant pickup it  i wanted good but i messed up by not calling him before we faced harvester :((


I wanted only good but i failed.

Don't worry, things happen....it's a combo of bad luck it seems.

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just so I'm clear on this and i don't have to read all 71 pages of this topic.. I have done invasions supporting the Grineer and i haven't received a letter from Alad so I'm assuming that i already have a death mark... how can i get him to spawn is there certain ways i have to do it? and i also have stalker death-mark and neither of them will spawn if it helps i usually play about 150+ missions each day. still no luck in being attacked by either of them though... can anyone help me please!? )=

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just so I'm clear on this and i don't have to read all 71 pages of this topic.. I have done invasions supporting the Grineer and i haven't received a letter from Alad so I'm assuming that i already have a death mark... how can i get him to spawn is there certain ways i have to do it? and i also have stalker death-mark and neither of them will spawn if it helps i usually play about 150+ missions each day. still no luck in being attacked by either of them though... can anyone help me please!? )=


We cannot help you. It's spawn entirely relies on RNG. If there was a specific way to make him spawn, or even just increase the chance of him spawning, this thread wouldn't have 71 pages by now.

Edited by Storchenbein
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just so I'm clear on this and i don't have to read all 71 pages of this topic.. I have done invasions supporting the Grineer and i haven't received a letter from Alad so I'm assuming that i already have a death mark... how can i get him to spawn is there certain ways i have to do it? and i also have stalker death-mark and neither of them will spawn if it helps i usually play about 150+ missions each day. still no luck in being attacked by either of them though... can anyone help me please!? )=

Play in a group of marked players any corpus mission; best way in terms of time is to stay afk right after the spawn point and wait 4 minutes, then restart. It's rng, Harvester could spawn after 1 mission or after 200.

Same for the stalker, but for him any mission but assassination is good, you have a 2,5% chance, +0,5 for each player marked in the same mission.

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Then is like I said.

Doing invasions before the last hotfix you got a mark, as I did and this is why we didn't get any message until after the first spawn.

After that mark is resetted, now you'll get the message.

it  sounds logical ^.-

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Play in a group of marked players any corpus mission; best way in terms of time is to stay afk right after the spawn point and wait 4 minutes, then restart. It's rng, Harvester could spawn after 1 mission or after 200.

Same for the stalker, but for him any mission but assassination is good, you have a 2,5% chance, +0,5 for each player marked in the same mission.

Thank you very much, that was the useful info i was looking for.

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Yes, you will get him on every mission and he will drop the receiver and barrel.

If you get the BP again is the question...


no i asked for confirmation and not another doubt for getting another same ridiculous weapon's bp, so question again-

If i sell my detron bp, will harvy's spawn chances increase? need a serious answer please.

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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no i asked for confirmation and not another doubt for getting another same ridiculous weapon's bp, so question again-

If i sell my detron bp, will harvy's spawn chances increase? need a serious answer please.


Are you really asking that...

No offense, but... you must be really frustrated by it to think selling your Detron components affects it's spawnrate.

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No, why would it affect?

It's not really hard to guess i.e. since hotfix 11.6, i havent received its spawn, no matter what i try, even with mates ..nope it didn't work even so, despite having alad v's message, i am still wondering what's the reason of holding harvy's spawn even so. So i am wondering if the detron bp which i got b4 hotfix 11.6, is probably interfering someway with harvy's spawn till now, so i am wondering if i sell it, will it really increase harvy's spawn chance?

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It's not really hard to guess i.e. since hotfix 11.6, i havent received its spawn, no matter what i try, even with mates ..nope it didn't work even so, despite having alad v's message, i am still wondering what's the reason of holding harvy's spawn even so. So i am wondering if the detron bp which i got b4 hotfix 11.6, is probably interfering someway with harvy's spawn till now, so i am wondering if i sell it, will it really increase harvy's spawn chance?

It won't increase harvester spawn change, I have been marked for a few weeks and I still haven't been attacked. It's all rng. A clan mate of mine got attacked the first non invasion match he did after getting marked.

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