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New Race. The "oblitus" -The Forgotten. (Fanfiction Included)


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So after i was thinking about how Warframe only has 3 different races (tenno excluded) i thought about how a new "race" or "faction" could look like and feel.



The Oblitus are a race which consists of humans, left behind when the orokin crisis on earth happened. While the commanding Grineer and richest Corpus left earth, a large percentage of the remains of humans, who were not able to flee, was wiped out. Whole familys were left to perish at the grasps of the Orokin, which were invading earth to destroy the Sentients, who wanted to enslave mankind. The Orokin terraforming was a horrible, yet the only way to destroy the Sentients who had invaded earth. The Terraforming process used whatever resources it could find to grow large, tentacle like, veins, that harshly destroyed buildings and landscapes. The humans who stayed on earth and tried to escape fled into vaults, deep underneath the earth, that were planned to hold of explosions of bombs, not veins. Some where deep enough, some were not. Those who got broken open where turned into large biotops, consisting off plants and insects who could not be harmed by the orokin terraforming process. Humans who had fled into these vaults where turned into terraforming material.

Remaining humans who where allowed to enter the deepest vaults on earth, where only the brightest and most intelligent people left on earth. Left behind on earth they savanged older Orokin technology left behind and tried to use it for their own. Having aquierd new technology, they swore revenge on those who had left them behind.




The Oblitus reside in deep vaults beneath the earth or other planets. They could be described as "enhanced"-humans.

Basically having acquired Orokin technology, they tend to have super strenght, regeneration powers, or the power to become invisible or teleport. Having enhanced their bodys with augmentation, which feature altered technology of the orokin, these humans look like cyborgs. Not the Grineer kind of cyborg, but much more technologically advanced.

Not very strong in numbers, due to the fact that only a few humans were able to survive the orokin era on earth, they are strong  or cunning as individuals. They tend to stalk their prey, as soon as it enters their vaults and keep following it until it is cornered in a dead end or is not watching its surroundings.



Now remember. These are highly intelligent people, who are left with orokin technology, so weapons should be somehow advanced compared to grineer weapons. Nevertheless i would still like the weaponary to look like old savaged and makeshift weapons because they had not that much technology left to produce their own weapons and only enhance old once. Imagine an assault rifle wich has been lieing in a puddle of water, rusting and awaiting the end of the world and was picked up after 50 years of lieing there anyway. Not completly functional this was then fixed with orokin parts. *Bayum new weapon*




- I mentioned vaults before. Going into one of these vaults should be scary. They are half destroyed by the orokin plants but if you go deeper inside you will find intact hallways with labs, plantations to grow food and even livingchambers. The light might be flickering, depending on how damaged the surrounding area is and sometimes a few passways like hallways need to be bypassed because they collapsed.

- Another alternative might be a jungle-tileset which is already featured in the Cicero-crisis, which is happening right now. However Oblitus would be some kind of invading faction, killing grineer and trying to steal their stuff, which would only happen at night. Maybe it would also feature a part of the old earth, where the orokin-plants have invaded some older buildings or cities and as soon as you are deeper inside them, you get attacked by Oblitus.




You are walking down a hallway. To the left you see a glasspanel. When you look trough it you see a table. This is not a normal table. There is blood on it and you can also see some tools lying there. A robotic arm of some sort and what appears to be a hand that has been cut off and opened to attach wires. You think nothing of it. The Grineer have been useing cybernetic implants for a while now,  so a robotic arm and a cut off hand can't scare you that much. It is just wierd that noone is around. All you hear are noises behind you, however every time you look back they vanish. After you took a look in this little operationg room you decide to go on. You were told,  the Corpus had shipped some sort of orokin device to this location and you need to destroy it, to prevent them, or whoever should have recieved it, to use it for their own. The price for this technology was high, so it had to be something very expansive or at least something very powerfull. The door ahead of you seems to not function right. Only the left side opens so you try to squeez your frame through it. You arrive at another lab. This one is clean. You hear these wierd noises again. This time you do not turn your head because you know they will just vanish again, like before. Instead you use a little mirror that lay on one of the little carts next to the table. You look into it but see nothing coming out of the half opened door you just came through. However the footsteps get louder. And louder. You stare at the mirror not able to comprehend what is going on, but just when you decide to pull out your sword you hear a highpitched scream and sense a hard knock on the back of your head. Your sensors loose the ability to see in the dark. Only your flashlight attached to your pistol remains intact. Scared, you now decide to look back and see no one. Where did this scream and the hit come from? Just when you try to stand up you hear another scream. This one is even louder. You try to hit what ever was behind you but your gun only hits the plates at the back of the lab hanging from the ceiling wich had been penetrated by the orokin plants, that the grineer once tried to poison. This time you only feel the pain on your head. You collapse. Your shields have been disrupted and your vision slowly faints. You only hear a clear voice, seemingly one of a man. Not like you used to know, old and bitter like the once from Grineer or robotic, like the once the Corpus use to amplify their voices with. Just clear and somehow angry, yet calm. -"Target apprehended."

Your vision turns black. You feel a hard grasps on your right arm and loose consciousness...



Where the idea came from

I gave this some thought and i guessed, that warframe needed something more scary than the infested. Now do not get me wrong. The infested ARE awesome. They do not have enough "types" but they are still cool. You know the first time i got swarmed by them wielding my MK1-Braton was horrific. I saw one off them and thought "Yeah. I will just shoot them down like i did with the Grineer and Corpus, no big deal, it's cool." So i shot him. Now back then infested were a little more resistent against bullets, so i used , like 20 bullets to shoot this one infested down. I started reloading and just when i was doing so, A LOT infested came running around the corner. You know it took me a pretty long time to shoot one down so i was scared. I ran away shooting the whole clip i just reloaded into the infested and when it was empty i was at the end of the room i had started in. Driven into the corner, i sensed something i had not experienced in a long time. ---FEAR.

That was awesome.

Now i am not talking about this kind of fear, but about a diffrent kind of horror. You know this horror from Deadspace when you are walking down a long hallway and -*WAYUM* something grabs you and tries to rip you apart. That is just some kind of jumpscare but it is still horriffieing.

Now about this race i thought about (Oh yeah, finally, you procrastinator, you.).

This race behaves similiar to these jumpscares. Well, they are not exactly jumping down from the ceiling or something, like in deadspace, even though unprepared, this would be scary also.

I thought they should be something else. You know, when the stalker spawns he kinda spawns somewhere near you. I thought maybe these type of enemy might behave similiar.

What is really scary is something you can't really see but you know, it will still happen. So what i thought of was, that this kind of enemy is invisible or at least hiding very well. You can't see them but you can hear their footsteps when they are approching you. When they then start to attack you, they become visible for a short time and are making a loud highpitched-sound. Not just a piep. I thought it would be some kind of battlecry they invented to scare their prey. I also always liked cyborgs so i thought "Hey cool let's mix this up a bit" and it was also a viable option because, where else would they have gotten these invisible-powers from but salvaged orokin technology, implemented into their bodies.



- i am horrible at digital art, which also kept me from entering the melee-contest going on right now, so it might be hard for me to draw, how i imagined the Oblitus to be, however i will still try. If someone is willing to draw this race, just answer to this post and include the artwork if possible.

If the community likes the idea, of this race, maybe it will be something greater, than just fanfiction, so please at least tell me what you think about it.


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Technically the Grineer didn't leave Earth, they just were limited as to what they could control on Earth by the genetically engineered plants they're currently trying to poison to death. The description for Earth still puts it as the Grineer homeworld, doesn't it?

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