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[Sentinel Concept] Rampart, The Shield


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So I got thinking about new ideas for sentinels, and this particular one caught my interest especially.


Rampart, the Shield Sentinel

Rampart is a sentinel focused heavily around defending it's owner by boosting their shields back up when they fall.


(I'm really bad at stats, so i'm gonna go on a Low, Medium, High scale here.)

Health: High

Shields: Low

Armor: High

Power: Medium

Stamina: Medium


Weapon: Marauder

A rapid-fire shotgun. It fires in short bursts, with a noticeable delay after firing. The shots themselves deal medium damage.


Major Mods:

Shield Wall: When your Warframe's shields are fully depleted, Rampart will become unable to fire and will regenerate your shields at a fast pace. After this regeneration happens, Shield Wall goes on a moderate cooldown.


Overwatch: Rampart will fire at any enemies that get too close to it.


So there you go. Hope you guys liked the concept!

Edited by LordWartusk
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We already have Guardian, so I'm not sure how this Sentinel would be put into play.


I mean, you wouldn't have to waste mod points on Guardian, which is a good thing, so I guess it kind of works out.



I was expecting to see a Sentinel that would deploy an Energy Shield or something when the player runs into too many enemies.

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Rampart is a sentinel focused heavily around defending it's owner by boosting their shields back up when they fall.

All Sentinels do that. And instantly.


By the way, Stamina and Power are both irrelevant stats for Sentinels. They use neither.

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We already have Guardian, so I'm not sure how this Sentinel would be put into play.


I mean, you wouldn't have to waste mod points on Guardian, which is a good thing, so I guess it kind of works out.



I was expecting to see a Sentinel that would deploy an Energy Shield or something when the player runs into too many enemies.

oooh i like that thought. Instead of a weapon, it shoots out a deployable sheild over you, infront of you, that defends for a set amount of damage? that would rock.

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Someone on the forums might have also had the idea for a Shield Sentinel (Aegis is the perfect name), which is a pretty good idea, now that I think it over. It can either power the warframe's shields, boosting like a corpus drone or it can provide an additional secondary shield over itself and its master. If it were to use my mechanic/mode, https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/152789-sentinels-adding-a-bindingleeching-modemechanic/ it would bind to the warframe's left arm and reform its body into a shield/shield projector, albeit an energy-type shield, allowing for sword & board techniques (shield bash).


This can happen one of two ways. Either the sentinel will take on a more bracer like form and project the energy shield from out of the sides of its reformed body, leaving its solid metal body exposed in the center. Or, it will reform into a bracer and project the energy shield over itself and the arm of the caster/ like a regular shield but entirely composed of energy and not leaving itself exposed (like Captain America's but made of energy blocks/diamonds). Regardless, while in this mode it cannot provide extra shields but does increase armor rating and is elementally powered based on the faction it is fighting (it kinda looks like a plasma shield). Any attackers that enter into melee combat while the shield is wielded will take the appropriate elemental damage (DoT). I think it's the best of both worlds. Extra shielding when you need it (ranged combat) and added armor/blocking for getting in close (melee combat).


Here are two google links to images that show some of what I am talking about. Hopefully you can see them...





Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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