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New Warframe : The Artilleryman.


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Hello Tennos , i played and enjoyed Warframe a whole lot and i've been thinking of a new warframe concept during my free time , i'm exposing it to you , i really enjoyed making it and it's the only purpose of that project but if  it can gives some ideas to DE that would be great.


Sorry for my english i'm French , tell me if it's unreadable i will change asap.


Davel -The artilleryman (better than steal Vauban's role :o).


Codex (history) : Davel is the first Tenno made Warframe (no prime version) , designed to help Tenno forces to conquer over the system by bringing support to the weaponry.


Description :  Davel is a supportive warframe, he got a great teamplay role , with his uniques supply skills he can help any team to go through great challenges.


Starting stats : 200 Shield 75 Health 50 Armor

End Stats : 400 Shied 150 Health 50 Armor


First Skill : Fragmentation Mine.


Drop a sticky mine (no rebound)  that explode if activated by walking near , dealing medium amout of explosion damage and applying a slash debuff on every ennemy in a small range.


Specifications : 25 Power -Explosion  Range 7/8/9/10 Dropping Range 25 (Activating range 3) - Strenght 100/150/200/300 - Duration NA.


Second  Skill : Ammo Crate.(50)


Drop an Ammo crate that upgrade fire rate and reload time for every tenno in a range for a limited duration.

-Side effect : If activated by a Tenno (2s cast) it can revive your sentinel.


Specifications : 50 Power - 2s cast - Range 8/10/12/15 - Strenght 5%/10%/20%/30% - Duration 5/8/12/15s.


Third Skill : Portative Turret.(75)


This skill come with 3 different mods for the same skill that can be used only one time in a same mod layout.


Any of the 3 turrets got 3s of casting time.


Only one turret can be active , crafting a new one will crush any other already builded.


Any turret can be destroyed ,  they got 200 life / 100 shield / 50 armor but they benefits your own currently equiped sentinel's life/shield and armor mods.


Mod Energy Turret : Build a turret that slowly regenerate power for every tenno standing near.


Specifications : 75 Power - Range 5/10/15/20 - Strenght 2/3/4/5 energy every 10 s (pulse like energy vampire)  - Duration : 30/40/50/60s


Mod Gunturret : Build a Turret that shoot at any incoming threat, dealing part of your own primary weapon equiped.


Specifications : 75 Power - Range 10/20/30/40 - Strenght 5/10/15/20% of your total primary weapon damage ( divided by 2 for launchers.) - Duration : 30/40/50/60s


Mod Support Turret : Build a turret that protect and regenerate a small amount of life over time for every tenno standing near.


Specifications : 75 Power - Range 5/8/12/15 - Strenght 4/6/8/10 health regeneration every 5s (pulse) and 10/20/30/40% armor - Duration : 30/40/50/60s


Fourth Skill Suppressive Fire.(100)


Activating the Suppressive Fire grants every tenno weapon a berzerker state ,giving infinite ammo (no ammo consummed during effect.) and remove any reloading time for the duration of effect.


Specifications : 100 Power - Range NA (act like Benediction of Trinity) - Strenght NA - Duration : 3/5/7/10.


Thanks for reading and i'm waiting for your reports if you liked it or not !


And Happy new year ! 

Edited by Defghard
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This feels like a less lore-worthy Vauban, really. Vauban fills this exact role, much better. The turrets are overcomplex, suppressive fire is flavorless, ammo crate would end up useless, much like Valkyr's Paralysis. The 1 is just Vauban's Tesla mixed with the Penta, and overall, the frame just feels... pointless? It's trying to fill a hole that doesn't exist, IMO in a lackluster fashion.


I think the concept can be executed in some fashion, but this is definitely not it. I'd consider the existing powers and what they're good for, then rewrite.


Edit: fixing error forgotten in the midst of editing

Edited by nullCassielle
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ho , thought vauban was an architecht or some kind of thing , i'll change that ^^


Besides ,  Cassielle  , i dont see the vauban's similarities with mine , I feel Vauban more like a crowd controler , he aint got any support abilities.


But thanks for your opinion , i'll reconsider some things :)

Edited by Defghard
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Well, Crowd Control is king of the late game, nothing wrong with having it. The overall utility here though...


Suppressive Fire is worthless in the late game. It is not an ult. You can basically ignore it, it contributes nothing as currently written. Weapons in the late game aren't benefitting from this, and in the early game its only overkill on weapons like the Twin Vipers or Boar. 4 doesn't have to be a room clearer, but it should be more than passingly useful -- which right now, your 4 for this frame concept isn't.


That said, 4 has no effect on this frame. Let's forget about it.


The turret concept is suffering from massive over-design. This is more a kind of weapon (drone launcher?) than a skill, and it shows. Having extra mod cards to make a skill useful is a nasty idea, forcing players to choose between all-important mods like Focus or Stretch and having their 3 skill. That's over-designing, hamstringing the player with "clever" ideas.


Even if we ignore that, what I see here is basically Energy Vampire and Well of Life mixed with a longer range variant of Tesla. And you can only use one at a time -- good, because it would be way overpowered otherwise, but bad too: there is nothing here that another frame can't do perfectly well, except for the Gun Turret, and that's edging in on Vauban's schtick.


So 3 either has no effect, or is Vauban Plus.


Ammo Crate is pointless. It fills no role whatsoever. Reviving a sentinel is only useful on very rare occasions, and the fire rate/reload boosts make it insanely powerful for a 2 skill at low levels, and worthless at high levels, period. This skill is not even worth slotting on this frame after you hit Ceres/Pluto. Forget T3s and long-runner survivals/defenses.


So 2 is pointless, contributes nothing, let's move on.


Frag Grenade. This is a slash damage Penta as a 1 skill, with proximity activation. As I said before, this makes it a straightforward fusion of Vauban's Tesla (short-range proximity-activated damage skill, launched from the hand, in the 1 slot) and the Penta (explosive, not directed energy). That means it serves a purpose better fulfilled by a weapon and/or Vauban.


1 is a pointless skill here.


The Artilleryman Warframe is a poor man's Vauban. Its only remotely useful skills are already handled by Vauban, and it brings nothing new to the table.


I'm not doing this to say that you suck or whatever, I'm saying this is a concept that went astray somewhere. The idea of an artillery based frame is acceptable, the idea of a support frame is fine, but this is not acceptable for either of these roles. It fails to be sufficiently interesting or powerful -- especially considering in the late game, these kind of damage boosts are eclipsed by utility and CC, which this frame concept doesn't bring to the table.


I suggest looking at the top five frames (ask around in game) to get an idea of what keeps a frame relevant, then redesigning or starting from scratch. As is, this is a no-go.

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