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[Warframe Concept] Pandora, A Support/crowd Control Warframe - Visual Concept Inside !


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Hi there ! 

Let me introduce Pandora, a warframe concept that came into my mind few minutes ago. 

She would be a beautiful female warframe with high potential powers inspired by the mythology. 




Stats (lv 30)   - SHOULD I CHANGE THEM ? - 


Shields : 300

Health : 300

Armor : 35

Energy pool : 225

Sprint : 1.0

Stamina : 80





1 - energy 25 - "Jealousy" - When used on an enemy, it will give Pandora the stats of this enemy in addition to her base stats : She gets increased firepower, movement speed, and armor, depending on the enemy (an enemy with no armor would give no armor) for 7/9/11/14 sec. 


Also works on teammates ?  



2 - energy 50 -  "divine cloth" - continuously adds 75/125/175/225 to the shield capacity of Pandora's team mates as long as they remain in range (and herself) for 14/18/22/26 sec (affected by duration mods), with improved shield regeneration (actual regeneration multiplicated by 1.3/1.5/1.7/2 affected by power strenght). 


It would work just like the shield offspreys, and would also give extra protection to the cryopod if Pandora stands nearby.



3 - energy 75 - "Deception" - Pandora attracts enemy fire on a wide area but takes less damage : damage input reduced by 25/35/45/60% during 5/7/9/12 sec (not affected by power duration mods)


Better use with Jealousy or Divine Cloth at the same time for maximum Tank efficiency.


Area attracted : 20/22/25/28 in-game metters, affected by power range mods.



4 - energy 100 - "Pandora box" - Pandora creates a great cubic energy box in front of her (or around her ?), attracting enemies into it and then dealing them high radiation and viral damage (20% proc on radiation, 100% on viral) with a guaranteed 0.5 sec stun every 2 sec.

Duration of the cube : 10/12/14/16 seconds.

Viral DoT : 150 damage on health per second for 4 seconds.

100 impact damage on each stun.


Enemies will try to flee out of the box as soon as they will get hitten by poison. Each stun adds a new viral mark on the enemy (just like Saryn's "Venom" when you cast it again on the same enemy).


They start to be stricken as soon as they reach the center of the cube.


It would not attract as the Vauban's Vortex does : enemies would run into the cube, and would pay for their curiosity. It would NOT create a compact easy-to-shot pack. 


    #1 the box appears

    #2 the enemy stops firing and goes inside the box.
    #3 He reaches the center of the box and gets stricken by a first stun and viral mark (eventually radiation too)

    #4 As soon as he recovers his mind (0.5 sec later) he starts running to the outside of the box
    #5 If not fast enough he gets a second stun, with a second viral mark (2 sec later)

    #6 when outside, he will not return inside and he will recover an usual behavior (unless Nyx uses chaos ? :D)


basically "pandora box" would work this way, maybe with larger fields.


Alternate ultimate : "Sacrifice" (would still be called "Pandora Box")


Cost : 100 energy + 100 health + 100 shields


Pandora becomes the forbidden treasure. Sitting on the ground during 15 seconds of invulnerability, she sacrifices her health to attract enemies from far away, destructing them when they reach her immobile circle. 


When the ability is cast, enemies in range stop attacking and all come to her.
As soon as they reach her, they take 300 impact damage, 1500 viral damage over time, and suffer from an armor 50% debuff for 15 seconds. They may also become confused and attack each other (25% chances on a radiation effect). 



It's an idea I just came up with, I don't really think it's a good one but I would like to know what you think about it.

Well, now I would like to read your thoughts about it :) 

Edited by DeadScream
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Thanks for the support ! 
I'll be working on some sketches for this concept. 


It's funny the idea came into my mind when I was watching a stupid ecchi anime where the fighting ladies are called "Pandora". I told myself "OMG WATABUT A PANDORA FRAME *-*"

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Tbh, I like it.

The third skill is pretty bland because it's just Loki's Invisibility. Maybe I'm missing something.

How about this for the third skill? Pandora vanishes becoming invisible, immune to damage, and unable to move. During the next 2/3/4/5/6 seconds, all Allies (Teeno and allied faction if any) get a substantial buff. The buff could be damage dealt, armor, health, shields, a combination or some other stat. This would synergize well with the first skill if you go the defensive route.

Fourth skill is cool but how large is? Does she create it at her position or does she summon it at  the cursor? Is the damage over time or do the enemies walk in once and get hit once with a nuke? Can they shoot out of the box? It's generally a cool idea but more info would be neat.

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Tbh, I like it.

The third skill is pretty bland because it's just Loki's Invisibility. Maybe I'm missing something.

How about this for the third skill? Pandora vanishes becoming invisible, immune to damage, and unable to move. During the next 2/3/4/5/6 seconds, all Allies (Teeno and allied faction if any) get a substantial buff. The buff could be damage dealt, armor, health, shields, a combination or some other stat. This would synergize well with the first skill if you go the defensive route.

Fourth skill is cool but how large is? Does she create it at her position or does she summon it at  the cursor? Is the damage over time or do the enemies walk in once and get hit once with a nuke? Can they shoot out of the box? It's generally a cool idea but more info would be neat.

In my opinion the third skill is neat as it is because it negates the previous damages. It's more a cancellation skill than a furtive one. You just negate what they have done to you during the last seconds ^^ 

I'm adding some more info on the ult, for sure I didn't give enough.

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Edited the 4th ability with some modifications and info !


I worked on the mechanism : 


#1 the box appears

#2 the enemy stops firing and goes inside the box.
#3 He reaches the center of the box and gets stricken by a first stun and viral mark (eventually radiation too)

#4 As soon as he recovers his mind (0.5 sec later) he starts running to the outside of the box
#5 If not fast enough he gets a second stun, with a second viral mark.

#6 when outside, he will not return inside and he will recover an usual behavior (unless Nyx uses chaos ? :D)

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Hey, some interesting ideas here. I like the 2nd ability.


Some input from me:

3rd skill does sound like Loki's invisibility. Also it doesn't really match its name. To fix it, I'd suggest that it would cover Pandora in a cloud of smoke or something, something distinctly visible, while making her impervious to any sort of damage? At least I'd like it more as a distraction to draw attention off your teammates rather than an escape ability.

4th doesn't seem powerful enough unless you give at least approximate damage numbers. Also, imagine this box summoned with its center over an impassable terrain. Would it then work just as a 16 second disable causing enemies to run into a wall or fall down into a pit?

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You are pointing some interresting issues ! Thanks. 


In my mind the "core" of the pandora box can not spawn at an unreachable place because it would "totally" make it useless (well it would still attract enemies and prevent them from shooting for a while but that's not enough for an ultimate skill). So, just like "shadows of the dead" when you didn't kill anything, the HUD would show "power not ready to use" when pointing a wrong place. 

Or we could make the core spawn where Pandora is, and then she could move out of the box. 

Damage would be something like 150/s for the poison DoT with armor and shield ignore, and something like 100 impact damage on the stun. Good ?



For the third power I'm really looking for something to "deceive" the enemy, that's why I choosed the invisibility. Still it's really a short one and something that would make the last enemy attack a failure. 


Maybe something like : 


3 - 75 energy - Deception : Pandora attracts all enemy fire on herself during 2/3/4/6 sec on a very wide area but takes no damage during the skill is active. 



Updating the main post !

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Thanks again :D 

Also I'm thinking about poison and radiation damage because of what's inside the box in the myth : illness, madness... And the fact they are punished if they aren't fast enough is the same thing than the fact Pandora tried to close the box when it began spreading out, but only was able to keep hope inside it. 

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Stats (lv 30)

Shields : 300

Health : 325 

Armor : 15

Energy pool : 225

Sprint : 1.0

Stamina : 80

Stats don't increase arbitrarily, they're based on patterns/formulas. I just bring this up because your health value doesn't work. Shields and Health both triple by level 30, so Pandora's base health would be 108.33--not exactly a round number.


Other than that, sounds pretty cool. I'd be a bit worried about some of the powers being too strong, mainly that first and third. A buff that powerful might be more suited to a 2nd ability, but I like the idea. Maybe tone it down a bit, keep it in line with the other 1sts? As for the third, it's mechanically very similar to the old Iron Skin, which was deemed too powerful...

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Thanks again :D 

Also I'm thinking about poison and radiation damage because of what's inside the box in the myth : illness, madness... And the fact they are punished if they aren't fast enough is the same thing than the fact Pandora tried to close the box when it began spreading out, but only was able to keep hope inside it. 


Ahh yes, a dual stat affect from the box, now that would be cool. Giving another frame some sort of elemental stat other than the ones we have now, especially when it's two stats that you normally don't see together.

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Stats don't increase arbitrarily, they're based on patterns/formulas. I just bring this up because your health value doesn't work. Shields and Health both triple by level 30, so Pandora's base health would be 108.33--not exactly a round number.


Other than that, sounds pretty cool. I'd be a bit worried about some of the powers being too strong, mainly that first and third. A buff that powerful might be more suited to a 2nd ability, but I like the idea. Maybe tone it down a bit, keep it in line with the other 1sts? As for the third, it's mechanically very similar to the old Iron Skin, which was deemed too powerful...

Oh thanks for the advice, I'll set max health at 300 (still I'm asking myself if Pandora should not be a tank instead of a light one)


And for the first power, I don't think it's that powerful, as it's only a shield. Enemies still can shoot through it when lucky, don't care about when disruptors/leechers/toomuchfirepower ... 

Considering the available mods I must admit it could be a little bit too much if adding 400+ shield ^^' 


I will tone it down :)


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And for the third, i set up a very short duration because of the "OPness" of the invulnerability. 

At the beginning I was thinking about a short invinsibility that would cancel the damage taken during the last 2/3/4/6 sec, but with no damage taken it would be a regular invinsibility skill that would cost too much, so I changed it. 



I still need to find the perfect one, it's giving me hard times °-° (joke)

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And for the first power, I don't think it's that powerful, as it's only a shield. Enemies still can shoot through it when lucky, don't care about when disruptors/leechers/toomuchfirepower ... 

Considering the available mods I must admit it could be a little bit too much if adding 400+ shield ^^' 

I will tone it down :)

It's the shield regeneration that could really make it potent. All you have is 'greatly improved' not an actual number, so all I can say is it sounds like it could be pretty dang effective. She is very much in a supportive tank role. She's not a passive tank, but an ability-based one--kind of like Trinity, but more of a tank in a traditional RPG sense than in a simply unkillable sense. She takes aggro onto herself, she increases the durability and regeneration of the team, and Pandora's box is an effective distraction to complement her own tricks.


And for the third, i set up a very short duration because of the "OPness" of the invulnerability.

At the beginning I was thinking about a short invinsibility that would cancel the damage taken during the last 2/3/4/6 sec, but with no damage taken it would be a regular invinsibility skill that would cost too much, so I changed it. 

Taking aggro is a pretty good ability, too, especially in a large area like you described. Nyx's absorb takes aggro, too, and it's probably one of the best aspects of the ability (the breathing room it buys your team-mates). Don't underestimate it.

Edited by Siubijeni
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I tried to make her "look like" a young woman who is getting married. I can't give her a dress but still I put some hints here and there : the veils, the ring at her left hand, and some things one could offer to a woman we'd like to marry.

In the Myth, Pandora is offered to Prometheus' brother as a wife by Zeus for a revenge, that's why she carries the doomed box :) 

Our Pandora could be this kind of "present" for the enemies she would visit. 



Thanks for your feed back !

Edited by DeadScream
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