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Some Ideas.


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A bit long but pls read.

Hello, I'm Petter.

As it is my first post on forum, i have no idea if this is the right place for what i'm going to say, nor if if it had been written before, but i have been playing warframe, and i have some ideas for it to become better(in my opinion).So:

1. It would be nice to have a more complex trading system, not just item exchange.

  First, i imagine it to have an increased value for credits, as they are almost useless at high level, so you have do make everything a little fit more expensive.    


  Then, as something more concrete, it would be nice to add near the trade system smth like an auction system, which will be split in 3: platinum <-> credits;

                    mods, gear, oth items <-> credits;

                    resources <-> credits;

There are advantages like: you don't have to bomb the chat to find people who will buy/sell stuff;

                                           you don't have to lose time, you just make an offer and wait for response or expiration;

                                           works even if player offline.

                                           free market( not needed to manage prices);

                                           credits based trading system, which will increase the interaction of free players and paying.

                                           dont need to inv someone to dojo anymore ( market can still be in the dojo thought) 


I see it like a window with 3 tabs

First ( platinum <-> credits) will be divided in 2: sellers and buyers, looking much like a table:


your name: xxxx                         |  Sellers (players sell platinum for credits from oth players)

your balance: xxxxxxxxxx            |   offer 1  (ex 1000pl <-> 3000 cr (rate 1:3) )

recent activity: ....                      |  a better offer than offer 1 (ex  50 pl <-> 100 cr (rate 1:2) )

                                                  |  the best offer  (ex 100 pl <-> 100 cr (rate 1:1) )


                                                  |  Buyers: (players buy platinum for credits from otr pl)

                                                  | the best offer (2) (ex 10pl <-> 30 cr (rate 1:3) )

                                                  | not as good as ^  (ex  50 pl <-> 100 cr (rate 1:2) )

                                                  | an other not as good  (ex 1000 pl <-> 1000 cr (rate 1:1) )



It works like that: If i'm selling, i can either make my own offer, (which will be listed in offers list according to shown system, based on rate) or accept one (any) of the buyers offers, but not the full offer (ex player buys 100 pl, but i can only seel 5.. so i sell 5 and get my credits ac to rate), and similar if i'm buying pl.


2nd and 3rd (they have a similar system)

Items <-> credits


search bar (chose the mod, gear or resource you need)


best offer

offer 2

ofer 3



make you own offer button

(offer limits [can be expended with real life money/ plats])


active offers:




Last deals





I think it will work just nice, because the free market will set its pices by time and players will have a possibility to interact. and (ab plats) if you'll say that with this system all players will have plats and dev will have noth to eat, you are wrong, 'cause plats still have to be bought with money at first!

2. It is very annoying to upgrade the mods.

   It would be better if instead of common, uncommon, rare fusion cores there will be the same fusion core, but with a stat like Fusion capacity (the common will be replaced with mods with cap 1, uncommon with 10, and rare.. 100) and to add above the fusion cores tab a button (fuse all), which will fuse all you mods with capacity 1, 2, 3 .. 12, 13.. 55 and so on in mods with capacity 100 (which can be sold in the market : P ). this will make it more easy to fuse, 'cause you don't need to use 100 mods with capacity 1, and use only 1 with capacity 100. And if i use this cores and the capacity used is more then capacity needed, another core with the left capacity will be added.




3. You've say that you are trying to balance the game, but cannot sell only skins. I think you are right. Even more that the skins in this game can offer different stats. so my idea is to add some pure cosmetic, money only skins, which will not affect the gaming process, for example, i rly like my Karak, but i don't rly like its how it looks like, so you can add some cosmetic skis, which will make it look like.... ak47 (first thought), .... but will not change it stats, and add a description like: although it;s a grenier rife, the corpus tried to make their own prototype, or this grenier rifle looks infested on the outer, bot works good. And more like that, what players can pay for, without making the game unfair.




4. About clan dojo.. It is nice, but a little boring, Why don't you add the ability to change wall colors ( i'm not sure if ints not possible) , paint them costum,, add some more decorations like weapons shelves, warframe shelves, lockers (in the barraks), or  some flags and carpets for the hall, which look different, have different colors, different fractions, and can be got as award fom events, or bought for real money (why not both), which will make the dojo, (or at least its hall) look unique ...



This were some of my ideas (the only i give for free (^-.-)^  ︵ ┻━┻      : P) if you like smt, or dislike, pls help improving.   :) 

Edited by Deamend
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1: Auctioning sounds a little tricky to implement without adding the feeling that someone somehow is going to royally rip you off with it, just IMO.


2: You do realize you can also upgrade mods by fusing them with mods of the same type (most efficient) or same polarity (slightly less efficient), right? Fusion cores aren't the only thing you use to upgrade mods with.


3: Basically let you buy purely cosmetic skins and helmets for credits and buy stat-changing skins and helmets for Platinum? Sounds fair, but I doubt DE is going to give up a chance to make a quick profit like that.


4: The Dojo is already supposed to have placeable cosmetic items, though a little variety wouldn't hurt. And technically there already is a barracks room, but an armory room wouldn't be too bad either. Making Dojo items alert mission rewards sounds nice too, actually.

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1 That sounds like a problem.. I don't rly know a solution and there will always be risk.. I just thought of a spend per day limit for each level, in addition to trades per day limit, which will prevent low lvl players form spending all they have buying expensive high lvl stuff that they don't rly need or can't use, or of a deadline, so when reaching a certain minimum, you cannot spend on market any more, until you have more credits., 


  Also, I thought of adding an additional, optional, inventory/bank password, which will increase security.


2 You are right, but it is not that easy, for ex for rare or corupt mods, so upgrading with cores is more common, but when you have to use too many of them... it takes some time..  

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1. I'd rather not see credits turn into the power-grind that seems to exist in other games. In STO, it's dilithium. In SWtOR, it's credits to buy unlocks. In Puzzle Pirates, it's pieces of eight. Every other F2P MMO out there has a grindy aspect that inflates the value of stuff WAY out of the range that is feasible. I understand your desire for a better GUI to make things more streamlined, and that would be nice. But my understanding is that right now, the DEs are trying to create a game that can turn a profit for Digital Extremes without making a Pay2win game. I am a grandmaster founder and have enough platinum that I'll be set for life, but I really REALLY like this particular hybrid system of crafting OR purchasing. In every MMO game I play, once you implement a system like this, you end up with the rich elite who have all the stuff, and in order to keep those people paying and to get new payers, you have to implement something new that draws their cash.


I do not like the first idea at all. I've seen it broaden the gap between the F2P and P2W players too often to see it come to this game and throw out the balance.


However, a more streamlined way of offering trades would probably be beneficial. I just don't want to see credits go out there, much less people trading credits for platinum.


2. My understanding of the way the fusion system works (also from a coder's point of view) is incompatible with your suggestion and would make it an absolute NIGHTMARE to put in your idea. Perhaps a "fuse X number of cores" button would work better so you don't have to do so much clicking.


3. DE have been phasing out the stat boosting skins for a while. The exception to that is the Wraith equipment, which is not so much a skin as an entirely redesigned weapon with different stats, and those are event rewards. The idea of having more cosmetics sounds cool, especially if they don't swing the balance of the game.


4. Eh, sounds fine to me and I have no qualms with it. =P


The only issue there is someone has to actually do it and I'm not sure what DE is up to nowadays... UPDATE 12! =D


Anyway. There's my two cents from a player and a coder's standpoint.

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  There will always be the elite, regardless of the system used. You said you "have enough platinum that I'll be set for life", which technically means you are a member of such a elite, because you can get pretty much everything in the game, if not from the shop, then from other players.. So the current system is also somehow pay to win, and there is nothing to do (because the dev need to eat smth, and the game cannot be totally free :) ) 


  A marketing system should balance the paying player and the free one, without affecting the dev income .. Although you are right, and it can go on reverse, there still should be a way for free players to get the payable stuff (like inv slots, which rly affect the gaming process), and it is needed to think about it. 


 About the credits, you are afraid of them becoming a "power-grind", Why? Yes, a rich elite will appear, but, as i said, there is always an elite. Credits can become "power-grind", because they are farmable, which means anyone can, at some point, be a part of this "elite". Also, an Item to Item trading system will never be fair enough, especially if resource trading will be available. Items to credits, instead, will be more fair, because it will eventually balance itself due to Supply and Demand law ;) (currency system proved its efficiency through history :P ).


 Still, it's a complex idea and it is more to be discussed here...  




The only issue there is someone has to actually do it 



this is the most important factor :D

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