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Defense Is No Longer Worth It.


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Sure, defense might not give rewards as good as survival does, but is it really about that? Maybe just play defense to have fun. Like at the start of a wave, grab your Soma and spray every enemy down as they're rushing out of their spawn.


It's satisfying. c:

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I really like both of these, but let's mash them together for MAMXIMUM GREEDY MILK FACTOR.

At wave 5, you pick between two mods.

At wave 10, you choose between two pairs of rewards.

at wave 15, you decide on one of two groups of four rewards.

And so on, until you can't continue or until your game crashes from having too many rewards.


wave 100.


"will i take this group with 50 fusion cores? or will i take that group with 50 fusion cores? maybe i'll do 5 more waves and see what it gives me then?"

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wave 100.


"will i take this group with 50 fusion cores? or will i take that group with 50 fusion cores? maybe i'll do 5 more waves and see what it gives me then?"


To be fair, a "50-pack" of fusion cores for 100 waves of defense doesn't seem all that outrageous given the time investment, how high of level the enemies got, it's not even enough to fully rank up some of the higher levels of the ten-level mods. Even if it's combined with past choices. When I was maxing Serration/Hornet Strike, the last few levels were taking as many as 250 cores. So playing 100 waves of defense for half of that doesn't seem out of the realm of "worth my time".

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Just a random idea, but what If defense mission had a mission reward tree? Like when you do five waves, you receive two reward options and then the option to extract. Every time you do 5 waves, two rewards branch out of that mission, so every five minutes you could select the reward you want. That way, people hunting for keys, rare mods, or even blueprints can get what they want and keep farming for more.


I've got a slightly fairer suggestion based on this since I think being able to cherrypick your options makes the rarer items a bit TOO easy to get hold of.


I think for each 5 waves you get you should have an option to RULE OUT any given mod.  This way, you can run a wave, rule out FUSION MODS (lol) then on your next wave, rule out something else so you have to keep going to get what you specifically want, but are at least avoiding some degree of the frustration of getting a horribly useless module.


This way works well since whats rubbish for you isn't for someone else.  This way the loot tables can retain their population of varied modules while helping each player narrow down to what they want... provided they are willing to work for them ^___^

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Oh please, the game is already easy as it is, I love the fact that at least the defense missions could hurt you a lot on your failures. At least there's some moral challenge here.


Shooters are supposed to be "easy" in terms of mechanics/what to do. That's what the genre is, and it isn't a problem. But they're also supposed to be fun, which is the current issue we're having.

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You sir. Are a genius.

How has someone not thought of this?

I actually made a topic about improving Defense and that was how I was going to improve it. People didn't exactly like the idea and said it'd be too imba and too much. So people made their call on it and didn't want it.


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I feel like there is real room for the reward system in defense to grow when there is a deeper loot pool. I agree it could be better, but I don't know that i want them to focus on it yet. That being said to bump the chance of the high end rewards you receive in survival that are shared with defense would not be to much to ask i think.

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It would be a neat idea if every 10 minutes in a survival, you would have to defend important objectives like a cryo pod and hold it for 5 minutes.


Survival needs to have some other things mixed in it to make it fun, I don't see how anyone can play Survival for an hour or more when it's so boring and not interesting especially if you drop into a game where everyone wants to stay as long as they can and you only want to stay for some 10-15 minutes before your bored to death, but your unable to leave cause you'll lose all the rewards you earned and such.


Gives us something to do other than isolating yourself and just killing enemies, Survival is boring when they're aren't any objectives you need to do. And I don't count the life support as an objective, it's just there if you want to keep going.

Edited by __Kanade__
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Perhaps it could give you "defense reward points" every 5 waves which you could use to buy items you are specially searching for.


The formula could be something like the following:


max enemy lvl reached * (current wave)/2



Ths should award about 80 points each time you do a defense up to wave 40. So you could sell void keys at 80 - 120 - 160 points, and rare mods an and banshee parts at 400 or so.

This is just an unpolished idea, you can polish it a little more and create something good. Perhaps since you DE love RNG you coudl create different type of "packs" that bring 4 or 5 different rewards.

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