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[To All Future Creators Of Frame Concepts] How To: Stats


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A lot of you may know this but a lot of you also may not know it.


I have seen plenty of post where the original health was 100 and at rank 30 450 or something like that.

Same goes for shield value and power (energy max) 


All warframes follow a certain system while getting from rank to rank. It is highly unlikely that DE will change it or make an exception to the rule. Please consider this.


At rank 30 your warframe will have:

- 3x the original amount of health

- 3x the original amount of shield value

- 1,5x the original amount of power (energy max)

- the armor value will not change     (seen one or two post with growing armor stats)

- the sprint speed will not change    (same as above)

- the stamina value will not change  (haven't seen a post with stamina yet but better safe than sorry)


A warframe will not perform some kind of super-evolution or super-growth. It will always follow the same system.


If you do not believe me, please check it out yourself: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes


The 'Balance':

A good frame has it's advantages and disadvantages. It makes a frame realistic, so it will be more likely that DE will be inspired by your work) and allows the frame to specalize on certain aspects on the battlefield. Take Rhino as an example. He has above average armor and shiels, average power and health but well below average sprint speed.

Powercreeping is not funny and will never be funny nor be acknowledged as good contribution by the community.



I hope that this helps the creator of future concepts.


I apologize for every typo or grammatical mistake I have made.

English is not my mother-language 



Incase you don't know how to use BBC. Check this site:


Edited by Luciuris
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I prefer the idea of leaving stats out of the mix, DE would know better after all and that kind of freedom, I think, would make the idea more attractive to them. But that's just me.

Perhaps, but the stats can give an idea of how you imagine a frame being played. For example, massive armor, shields, and health (rhino) goes in the middle of combat, where as lower armor, shield, and health suggests more ranged play.

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Perhaps, but the stats can give an idea of how you imagine a frame being played. For example, massive armor, shields, and health (rhino) goes in the middle of combat, where as lower armor, shield, and health suggests more ranged play.

I just like to say "I imagine this guy's purpose being..." - but I've only created a concept or two, so I'm not one to talk I suppose.

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I just like to say "I imagine this guy's purpose being..." - but I've only created a concept or two, so I'm not one to talk I suppose.

Everybody does it in his own way, I guess. I personally do both, stats and "I imagine this guys's purpose being..."

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Everybody does it in his own way, I guess. I personally do both, stats and "I imagine this guys's purpose being..."

I do the same. If really want to go that in-depth, I will put the stats (and I see the point of how the numbers reflect the play style), but I prefer to leave that to the DEvelopers as they will know better. I think that with a good enough description, your point will get across well. I mean, I'm no expert, I've only done a couple concept type things. 

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I've considered posting this before, but I've never bothered. Funny, really, cause I just end up saying it in most topics that don't follow it, anyway. Could've saved a lot of typing for myself, but now you've beaten me to it ^-^

That is exactly why I am writing this post. Got tired of writing it under every single thread.....

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