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Failed To Join Session And Strict Nat Problem Persists


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Me and my Friend Dtiberiuz is having an extremely anoying problem. This never happened in the past before, and we done exacly EVERYTHING to solve this persistant problem, ranging from portforwarding UDPs, turning off and on routers, restarting the game several times, tried these ''fixes'' others have posted and more. 


The screenshot you see here is Dtiberiuz's screen and he sent me the screenshot. he gets that everytime regardless of the UDP. I have helped him to portforward those ports, hek (pun intended), i even portforwarded every single UDP that Warframe supported, but still gets this exact problem. Any ''fix'' you might know of wont work, trust me, those you posted already in the past simply doesnt work.


Any assistance in this mather will be appreciated.

Edited by Cebius
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ok so this is a bit annoying, its the same story for me, hings have worked fine for me up until yesterdays update (11.6), I logged out, updated the game and logged back in and now i get this crap in my face:


Strict Nat detected. UPnP not detected please forward UPD ports 3960 &3962 to (ipv4 adress)


I started going through the help section and started ticking of problems, after a while i'd done all it suggested, and still nothing

first i opened up the requested port in my firewall -nothing, then i opened up all ports in my firewall -nothing, then i disabled my firewall completely and guess what!?... exactly, more nothing!

So now what? well the only internet connection i have is through an mobile connect  3G modem and that have always worked like a charm...and i think it still does. But i can't exactly do the port forwarding because the provider have locked all their ip addresses from people trying to directly connect to them. so in this regard i am thoroughly #*($%%@. but as i said nothing seems to have changed on this end, and it certainly did not change in less than 5 minutes
so based on the fact that the game worked like a charm up till the update, and the fact that i have no other problems with any other of my online games, I can only conclude that there was something with the latest update that messed something up.

Edited by Rothyn
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Some 11.* update is what broke the StrictNAT thing.. I got exactly the same message since then, but before I only had to enable UPnP and I could play with anyone online...

Just a pain to not see any reply, thread or other thing from DE to let us know about it.. can only wait and hope for a fix soon, in the meantime it kills Clans and other things warframe gameplay-related... :(

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I'm in the exact same boat here. I've forwarded the ports (after disabling UPnP), turned off all my firewalls, and still nothing. I even used a static DNS with the portforwarding and I've still get the 'Strict NAT' message. I'm at a lose as to what to do, DE please help~

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I have the same problem, before I could join my clan members in my dojo, trade, everything. Since the new update I can't do any of that. I can still play online with other players but can't join sessions or invite people. I had the Strict NAT before and it never bothered me, since the new update I have issues. I even went through and opened my ports to them, my router is fairly new, only thing that has changed is the update.

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