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New Event Idea


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So I had an idea for a new weekend event! It would involve a fight between Corpus and Grineer again, choosing a side to fight on, similar to the Gravidus Dilemma. I am not sure on specifics on the exact reason they are fighting (perhaps some stolen tech or a captured leader I don't know). But mainly, my main suggestion is the rewards. I think if you do the majority of the missions for the corpus, you could be granted a Shield Osprey Sentinel. It would have powers to regenerate shields (Significantly more than Guardian I suppose) and also boost shields while equipped, a sort of "supercharge". I am not sure whether it would have a weapon however, as it would be quite powerful already. Next, for the Grineer, you could obtain a Grineer Roller (Grinder,Latcher) Sentinel. It would have a power to increase chance of stun on a hit, and also could perhaps have more lives than normal, as I wouldn't know if enemies would target it or not? I am also not sure whether these rewards would be given to all players who completed a requirement, or if it would be a top tier leader board reward like Primed Chamber. I just thought that the rewards need to be more faction related, as really the only reward was a badge for it, not something that really showed your side. I think these sentinels would be really cool, and add a mix to the normal flying and offensive ones we already posses. Let me know if you guys like the idea and maybe reasons for the fight to occur? Or are the sentinels too overpowered? Just thought it would be interesting haha.

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This isn't a new idea for an event, it's just Gradivus Dilemma recycled with new rewards.

Sorry to burst your bubble, unless that's what you aimed for.

I think he just meant he has an idea for a good event reward.


Anyway, I think it's a pretty neat idea.  Those would be amazing sentinels.  And it would be so tough to choose, which would make it all the better.

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