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[New] Sentinel Concept (Ping/radar) Grineer? Would Be Useful!


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Im thinking something grineer designed (cause we dont really have a grineer sentinel), that has a ping based radar as its unique mod.


In my idea,

the radar would work similar to how sonar or enemy radar works, but instead of a constant red dot showing enemy position, the mini map would

ping them every x/x/x/x seconds depending on the mod level, and the radius would be x/x/x/x also depending on the mod level.


another difference that i would ask is that the ping show a small icon on the HUD if you could not see an enemy, similar to how you can

see teammates through walls (minus the full outline of the enemies, just an icon instead). this would also be activated by the ping, have limited

range, and not be outrageously overpowered but also helpful and unique.


Not only would this be extremely useful, it gives us a grineer based sentinel and opens the door to another sentinel weapon, and hopefully more

cosmetics ^_^


really, I dont want to put so many constraints on this idea, i would love DE just to take it and play around with it.

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Its good and not it would be good if only you could see the enemys or else it would get rid of the purpose of enemy radar and to some extent sonar.


No, no, you misunderstand. i dont want it to replace enemy radar (which gives updated enemy positions on the minimap) or sonar (which also gives a huge damage buff), but like another player put it:

it's not OP or a replacement, because it's intermittent and it doesn't fully replace enemy radar or the like...

also, the sentinel would be a player advantage and not a team advantage.


the only real upgrade from enemy radar or sonar would be the HUD ping, which would make the mod and sentinel unique.


But It's still not worth me having to pick up my own crap 


I know the feeling. effectual unlimited ammo and collecting everything without actually doing it yourself is awesome, but before carrier everyone still played. i still throw on shade every once in a while and forget i have to pick up my own stuff. but that is why carrier is useful!

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