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Fabpsi's Fan Art


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Do you draw the Models?

Sry for the late reply, I was all over the place and I am finally back home...mh? What has this to do with your question? Wellll not really a lot, but now that I am at home I can talk and use little pictures to explain a little bit more^^


To answer your question "short":

I don't really draw at all xD Since I use photoshop and sfm (mostly) I more or less take screenshots and refine/recreate them later or I take Screenshots and use them as inspiration. But all in all:

I don't post here things I draw. The stuff I do in Photoshop could be seen as drawn, but since I don't use a pencil I don't really think of it as a "drawing"...maybe that has something to do with my first art-teacher and the way she taught us to "draw",but I digress...


Long answer:

Now I will explain this a little bit more with some pictures I have here on this pc (should help...maybe xD)

First, I create a little scene in SourceFilmmaker. 

That could look like this:


The models and structure you see isn't drawn, they are all 3d-models. Most of them are -who would have thought- models that DE used in the past^^

and as a sidenote: That's just an old w.i.p thingy I thought could be fun...but I didn't want to work furhter on this...yeaa...just wanted to say that^^


OR I take a Screenshot in Warframe, for example this picture here:

(not my screenshot idea, it is more a random rework idea I got when I looked at some of the Contest-submissions)



Let's work with the Ingame Screenshot above for now.

I try multiple stuff...yea, that doesn't explain it..okay xD I sometimes completely redo a part of the Screenshot so I can change it completely (so I take part of the Screenshot as inspiration and make something that looks like it from scratch) That way, I can create a style I like and still be "on topic" because I won't change too much.


and after I am done, something that started as an ingame-Screenshot now looks like this:


Again, I don't think that I "draw"... I just edit...a lot...or recreate things from scratch xD It just doesn't feel like "drawing" to me...


And Since this is probably a question about the Submission for the current contest:

Yes, I did everything you can see there on my own. I used a Screenshot and multiple tools -e.g. Photoshop- It does not conflict with the rules^^


I hope that this explains a little bit how I do fan-art in this thread :3

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  • 1 month later...

sooo with all the Warframe china stuff going on, I looked around on the Warframe-reddit page  (like I always do) and saw this little thing:

http://imgur.com/a/gbpUJ.  And if you scroll down, you will see this little picture:



...yay? Someone used one of my fanarts xD I am not mad...just suprised^^ 

But hey, they could've totally used the black border on the left for text... that's the only reason it was there in the first place!


But I digress... (totally logic to do a post about an old fan-art that is already in this thread <.<')

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