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Oberon Shunned


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You haven't poked any holes in anything. Interestingly enough, I'm actually the one who shot down one of my arguments.


E1. Those two quotes do not oppose each other.


E2. Neither do these.


E3. I never said that, nor did I imply it. I made it clear that the major difference was blinded enemies only seek out you (tenno), Chaos'd enemies will attack each other and you (tenno). You can stand at a distance and shoot enemies without having to worry about them turning away from that guy who is two meters from them and firing at you/sprinting across twenty meters just to attack you.


E4. You skipped four.


E5. To be counted as CC it must affect multiple enemies, only affecting one enemy is not technically CC. 


E6. Are you even trying to read? Here, I'll make this really simple for you:

Enemy A & Enemy B have 200 health.


One ability does 50 damage, the other does not.


Your gun does 50 damage per second. 


Now, assuming you must use your ability before shooting, which ability is going to save you ammo? 


So, an ability that does damage decreases the amount of ammo your weapon is consuming. Stop trying to act like I'm the one being dense. You're the one who doesn't seem to understand just how big of a factor the damage is.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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>Implying volt+speed+zorencoptering doesn't let you go anywhere whenever in survival and be 50 metered away from a crowd you stumbled upon in 5 seconds 


How is that all that useful in Survival? You're supposed to kill enemies, not flee the entire time.


Edit: Unless you're the guy who get's stuck with O2 drop management and you have to sprint half way across the map to get the the drop before you hit 0. Ash would also work nicely for that, so would Rhino with Rhino Charge.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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I built my Oby stacking all the 'caster mods'...with vitality and equilibrium.  I do not use redirection.


I am able to take a few hits, let my HP drop a bit, pick up some health orbs from reckoning(which in turn give me energy back so I can throw more carpets or reckoning again) and I continue pew pew.  My group mates were loving the fact that there were so many orbs laying around.  Also, with the bountiful amount of energy orbs in defense, Im getting HP back from there as well thanks to equilbrium.


Last night with a rank 12 Soma, I took my Oby into an ODD with my buddy who was leveling his Galentine(he was on vauban).  Two of us easily got through 35 waves.  I know its not a lot, but for two people fighting waves of mobs that ended up being lvl 55, with a low ranked soma and low ranked galentine(he was just swinging away)...I dont think it was too shabby.


Oberon is good, could be better though.

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 I've never had any problems using Nyx's Chaos to start cleaning up. Funny how that goes. Different experiences, I guess.

Thing about that is, I agree with him. Chaos has it's use for larger scale environments, such as defense but Excalibur excels more at situational encounters. Excalibur in general is more of a skirmisher warfame.

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Read through a few pages, and I'm sad nobody's really defending Volt... I've been in PLENTY of survivals and such with him, and Volt is a great frame! His new #1 is great low-mid level death, +CC from the electric stun. His ult is just a bigger version of that, and with energy Siphon I can keep my whole team coked up on speed boosts indefinitely. Heck, his shield's even good in a choke-point on survival. It's like setting up a little pillbox to cover a hallway.

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Radical Jav damage holds up pretty well against corpus until they scrape about level 50+. Still not a nova ult, and its at the mercy of terrain.


Radical Blind is CC and will always stick. Something to note is that the actual 5 second stun isn't affected by duration, so -Duration is better because of how long the blind lasts normally. Lowered blind duration means less time between recasts, unless you manage to kill everything beforehand.


Jump is a novelty, and in some maps good for setting up Radical Jav. Slash Dash is really just for the Dash now, its damage is S#&$. Thing is, if you don't pack duration, its not even good for Dashing.



Volts actually pretty good now, don't know why people are still bagging on him.

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Oberon is my main, I hear people say that Necros is awesome, yet I have yet to enjoy playing as him. He's not a bad frame, I personally don't feel like all that time fighting Lephantis was worth it, maybe I'll like him one day, maybe not. As they say, One man's trash is another man's treasure. To each their own way. 

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