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How Is The Ash Warframe?



Because i thinking to buy a new warframe (actually i have Volt) but i see opinions that this warframe Volt is bad at high lvls. So i change warframe,and the only warframe that i like than others is Ash. I didnt see Ash in combat but the shuriken skill surely gonna be incredible (than electric current of Volt). I think that this warframe,Ash,is the best same appearance like a ninja. So i like to know opinions about this warframe. Is good at high lvls? Is better than Excalibur? Becuase Excalibur do a lot of damage with cutting skill,and i think that Ash do the same with shuriken skill :D

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Uhmmmmmm get a Loki if you want high level, or a Frost


Ash is a combat/stealth Warframe and his Shuriken does seem great and all but it's kinda useless when there is a whole squadron of mobs rushing at you and you can only hit 2 of them (and his 4 takes too long). Loki and Frost are more useful in endgame since Loki can spam Invis and deal some amazing damage his a good melee (e.g Galatine) while Frost's Snowglobe is a must in high level defense missions

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Ash is like a mix between Excalibur and Loki, but can't do anything as well as those two.


Shuriken is worse than using a good gun. It's worse than Slash Dash as it deals the same amount of damage, but only to two targets instead of any number in SD's aoe.


Smoke Screen is a worse Invisibility with crappy CC in it. Both Invisibility and Radial Blind are a lot better.


Blade Storm is way too slow to be effective in dealing damage in any situation compared to just using your gun or stealth melee.

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I farmed and built Ash and had a REALLY great time levelling him to 30. But his lack of punch in end-game content means I don't really use him anymore.

Basically, if you are after a fun, different frame to romp around the solar system with, farm Ash and enjoy! If you are after a different but long-term frame that you want to stick with and have it keep delivering, you'd be better off with Loki.

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I can't really recommend Ash based on Shuriken. That's a pretty poor skill compared to some of the other 1:sts out there. Now this is my opinion and you might find it good, but I don't. It's basically a missile, something like that of your gun, only it takes more time to use and quickly loses it's power-value.


Ashs second ability - smoke screen is rather good. Stunning nearby enemies and rendering you invisible, while also boosting melee damage. However Lokis "invisibility" provides a longer time invisible and may be considdered better.


The 3:rd skill is the teleport, while usefull in some cases it's a tad lacking as it takes to long to recover from and can't really be used as offensively as you might want.


The 4:th skill is A PAIN! it will be ok when solo playing but it's so slow at attacking enemies (1 at a time) that most of them will be killed by other players by the time you ctually get to the targetted enemy/ies. It has poor range and odd targetting mechanics meaning you'll sometimes end up spending 100 energy only to kill 1 (OOOOOONNNNEEEEE!) enemy.


He is cool and I'd love to see him getting the much needed fixes needed but in this state he just barely makes it as an "ok" frame in my book.

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Ash is not a good high level choice right now. At higher levels you can't instakill enemies with your guns and melee anymore, and the game becomes more about CC and sustain, which Ash just does not have. I do not recommend him for your described purpose and would advise Frost, Rhino or maybe Nyx. Trinity I do not play but I find other players usually bring lots of CC and the group typically lacks Sustain, so I'll recommend her as well.



Still recommend you get him early on. I have a lot of fun on Ash in the mid levels where most people say he's broken. I think people greatly undervalue Teleport. When you teleport to an enemy they are briefly stunned, allowing you to engage enemies that normally you would not get close to, like heavy Grineer that slam the ground. It's also a HELL of a lot of fun teleporting around.


Doing Smokescreen after a teleport is a very nasty combo as well, double stunning your target (fast melee attack before doing smokescreen) and stunning everything around you, stealth gives you a damage boost for cutting everything down, or cutting down a few enemies then moving out before you're visible again... then teleport in and smokescreen again. Very fun playstyle. Add equilibrium and the power globes you're picking up all the time will also heal him.


He is my go-to frame for any mission with a max level range of 24 or lower.

Edited by VKhaun
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Ummmm,i think that Ash is good to kill a final bosses dont u think? And for stealth missions :D I think is better than Volt,because Volt only have 15 (i dont remember) armor,and Ash have 65 :D So i stay with Volt or i really think to buy an Ash?


PD: Not only for shuriken,i like the ninja style of Ash,like other skills that he have.

Edited by Dragonoscuro-
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Ummmm,i think that Ash is good to kill a final bosses dont u think? And for stealth missions :D I think is better than Volt,because Volt only have 15 (i dont remember) armor,and Ash have 65 :D So i stay with Volt or i really think to buy an Ash?

Whatever you do, don't buy Ash. Farm the parts and build him if you want to try him out.


For stealth missions and meleeing, Loki is a better choice.


Those amounts of armor are irrelevant.

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Every frame is good.

Ash, however, is fantastic.

He's fast, fun to play, and surprisingly durable.

Get him, focus entirely on Smokescreen, and you'll do just fine.


While a frame like Loki is fantastic late-game, he depends too much on his skills to prevent his demise.

Ash is a frame that has a little less utility than Loki, but a group stun coupled with invisibility is pretty hard to pass up.

Plus, he doesn't NEED it.

He's easily an incredibly durable frame, and if you throw an Ash into a massive group of enemies on his own, he'll be able to hold his own better than most frames currently in the game.


Get him, but don't depend on Shuriken or Blade Storm.

It's all smokescreen baby.

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While a frame like Loki is fantastic late-game, he depends too much on his skills to prevent his demise.

As long as DE doesn't add AOE energy removing effects for enemies, this is in no way a problem for a Loki. He doesn't even need more than 225/225 hp/shields in any content.


So if Smoke Screen is the reason to play Ash, you should just play Loki as Invisibility is better and he's faster with added utility from decoy and disarm.

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basically all frames(excluding excalibur) will be able to run every mission in the system. the "end game" that most people speak of is usually refering to high wave defense and survival where enemies will actually reach lv50 and begin absorbing all kinds of damage. most damage ability focused frames will become useless at this point and cc frames will be invaluable during those situations. ash has no abilities that are team friendly(he's best solo). are there better frames than ash? sure i guess. oberon with the right mods can straight up murder everything till lv28 or so with an ult spamming build. so can nova and any other caster frames. ash's best ability is his invis. for ash to be good, you will absolutely need good weapons to make the most use of that skill.


the reason why people call volt useless is because his damage abilities are electric elemental which is basically useless to all factions except for corpus that do not have any shields(which is none). volt is amazing w/ the proper gear as his shield turns most nonhitscan weapons into hitscan and makes citicals do nearly twice as much damage. his speed ability also allows him and the party to run through rooms as fast as possible which is very useful when people have a heavily modded ignis or embolist. tbh, my favorite frame atm is volt and i have tried and fully modded basically all the frames except for ember and banshee.


if you're worrying about endgame already dont be. for the first 200hrs or so you will be grinding survivals and what not for mods and mastery. like most mmos, its not till then do you start looking for the perfect weapon and armor.

Edited by lkkie
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As long as DE doesn't add AOE energy removing effects for enemies, this is in no way a problem for a Loki. He doesn't even need more than 225/225 hp/shields in any content.


So if Smoke Screen is the reason to play Ash, you should just play Loki as Invisibility is better and he's faster with added utility from decoy and disarm.


I'm aware of Loki's power, he was my starter.

But he doesn't have any raw strength.

For anybody who can't avoid ALL bullets, his abilities become the basis for survival.

I'm also willing to wager you're slightly bias towards Loki.


Loki's Invisibility lasts longer, but is more expensive.

Ash's Smokescreen has a group stun, and is cheaper, but doesn't last as long.

Loki is faster and his other abilities combine with invisibility for much added utility, making him a great frame.

Ash isn't as fast, but has more raw durability making him much easier to play


All frames are good.

No frames are bad.

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Well, in a way i think his quite balanced.

He and Saryn has the most health in the game.
His shield, armor and energy is at the avarage rating
And his sprint speed is slightly higher than most of the other frames (he's the 3rd highest)


Other than that, his skills might be "broken" as most of you say
But give the guy a break, he's one of the more enjoyable warframe you can get if you mod him right.

Shuriken when maxed does 500 puncture damage at the foe, and doesn't drain that much energy.

It seeks targets. Can be used while jumping and flipping. Does not disrupt cloak.


Smoke screen makes you invisible for a shorter period but gives you an 400% stealth damage multiplier.

While executing, enemies within 10-in-game meters will stagger for 1 sec.

Teleport can be used on either ally, foe, hostage, pod. doesn't take that much energy

Blade storm on the other hand is the ultimate that deals the most damage in-game.
when maxed it deals additional 4580 damage to random enemies within 47m radius(when activated it gives the foe a red mark) and lasts as long as the target is already damaged or dead.

The skill can be used in air and makes ash invulnerable to incoming damage (except toxin, perhaps a bug?)
The bugs with this skills could either be that in void missions it starts to lag or very rarely starts to float (can't jump or go down)


there's probably more buggs that needs to be fixed on the frame, but that goes to every frame. (i mean vaubans bastille makes your game crash)
Don't hesitate to try him. he's really enjoyable.

Edited by thecarrera
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