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Why I Believe Warframe Will Never Become A Great Game.


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I rather expect Warframe to become a sort of cult game. I personally recently started playing on PS4 and am enjoying it quite alot, though I already get the impression it will turn into a game that not many people have heard of, but has a bunch of us fanboys behind it that really enjoy it. Reminds me alot of Monster Hunter actually, especially from the old PS2 days before the servers got closed down, when there were not many of us left, doing plate runs and waiting for Fatalis and Kirin events.


To shorten my ramblings, I expect this game to become rather unknown, with a small player base fuelling it on, I hope I am part of that.

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Though i feel DE has their own future outlook for the game aside from what most veterans want, it is their baby and they will raise it the way they see fit.

With that said, I will enjoy it for what it is until "and i hope not" it becomes like other mmo's that have changed so much that it looses me, but i don't see that happening...right Scott? lol

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I won't reiterate what has been said before in regards to RNG, Lore or even fixes that need to be done because the number of posts on these subjects are vast and numerous and it would be redundant to do so. What I want to touch on is DE's refusal to recognize or even acknowledge in what direction they want to take this game. In livestreams of late it almost reminds me of Politicians in a news conference giving vast amounts of information without really giving any information at all.  If you strip away the amazing graphics, because in all honesty they are amazing, this game is nothing more than a mindless, droning game of shooting mobs. In some context I'm sure that can be fun because I love killing mobs mindlessly as much as the next person, but after a while that gets old and any game that is one dimensional will eventually not survive or simply fade into obscurity.


Some will use the excuse that Warframe is still in "Beta" and that might be true, but even in the beginning it started with no core story line to propel the game as many other "Beta" games have done, which is like baking a apple pie and forgetting to put the filling in, then trying to do it afterwards. We all who have been playing since the beginning know what Warframe needs to be done and as I said the posts about these things is vast. I believe DE is so worried about getting new players and keeping the old ones that they would rather saturate the game with new shiny guns and warframes rather being brave and saying heck with putting out new content and lets fix all the things wrong with Warframe, Lore, New Player Experience, RNG etc. I truly believe if they concentrated on this they could have a great game that could rival Halo and I also believe that even if some people left because of no new content they would come back later to a better game with a true story to drive the game and missions, better balanced RNG and weapons and a truly perfectly working game. These are my own observations and thoughts.


I'm sure DE will probably never see this post or even if they did they will continue their path of giving out shiny new things to distract the community, sort of reminds me of the Roman Emperors when they would put on vast games to distract the populace from everything that was wrong with the empire, lets hope Warframe does not go the same way the Roman Empire did.

This game already is a great game.....

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Excellent point made, pendragon. We can all see the nervous expression on the face of developer on the last livestream when Rebecca pestered them with these concerns of RNG, repetition, and lack of lore/progressing storyline. Too many white knights are disagreeing with the opening post instead of acknowledging the core issues that could bring down warframe.

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I think that the basis of the game is good but has aspects that I like more and less. For example the maximum difficulty in this serious game play survival in pluton and most of all by the amount of enemies that appear , not his skill. It would be nice to balance the difficulty of the characters with the maximum capacity of damage that may have a warframe with a decent team . Another thing I do not like are the last skills of most of the characters, they seem excessive, kill all enemies in the room , which becomes a race watching enemies die , for my taste I would reduce the damage until use and could be temporary , not orbs of energy. I prefer that there would be fewer enemies but are more resistant and fire while moving more and more taken away if forcing you to cover your life instead of rushing and unblinking killing everything that moves. Many people just shoot let alone to use the weapon because his last ability is killing everyone what lies such as the ember . It could put enemies semijefes type as melee weapons only be used or having to go shooting at various parts to destroy it as a robot or something , anyway I 'm digressing , is a good game but must improve some details.

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