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Create My Own Warframe?


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Hello Im new to here.


This is the first time i start a topic here so...


Sorry for my bad english or views :P




When the first time i saw Stalker


I was like bleeding rainbow




So i was inspired by that and try to make a suggestion for the warframe ability system.


First i think the warframe should split to 4/5parts ( Dont call me Salad V)


Each parts will provide some ability points for the ability of the warframe it belongs to.


If you have enough point for the ability you can equip it on your warframe.




Sounds confusing right? Here's an example.


The 5 parts of Warframes are Helmet, Chassis, Gloves, System and... boots maybe?


Each part will provide points for that warframe's ability


Helmet - 3points


Chassis - 3 points


Gloves - 2points


System - 5points


Boots - 2points


And the followings are the point you need to affort for the ability.


First Skill (E.g. Slash Dash,Shuriken,Soul Punch)- 2 points


Second Skill (E.g. Radial Blind,Smoke Screen, Iron Skin) - 4 points


Third Skill (E.G. Teleport, Worm Hole, Bastille) -7 points


Fourth Skill (E.G. Rhino Stomp, M. Prime, Blessing) - 11 points


Yup. I think people ( at least me) dont want to see a OP warframe with all 4 skill slot is a warframes ult.


So I think setting it a higher points needed is one of the solution


If I equipped the following things:


Rhino Helmet


Excalibur Chassis


Ash Gloves


Ash System


Excalibur boots


I will got 


3 points for rhino's ability


4 points for excalibur's ability


7 points for ash's ability


Which means I can equip Slash Dash, Rhino Charge and Teleport as my warframe's ability


Im the stalker without absorb now. HURRAYYYYYYY!




Also I think DE would like people to stick with the whole set of warframe.


So I think they can add a extra bonus as a reward for using the whole set of warframe.


Something like Extra Mod Slot or Extra Stats




So this is the suggestion for the ability system.


I know there will be alot of problems for this system adding to the game.(E.g. Warframe's Gender, Weird Looking in


some combination etc.)


But...but.... I really want to try more skill combo!! T__T


Anyway hope you enjoy this and if you got some idea too lets discuss together!



Edited by ArcanineZ
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I would really like to see the swapping of some abilities. For example, putting Slash Dash on Ash instead of Shuriken. 


Your idea is a bit confusing though... does it involve building a warframe from scratch using the parts of multiple warframes? Also, what would it's appearance be? 


Another idea is to add some "general" abilities that any warframe could equip. Slash Dash (The universal one could be called Charge) could be one of them, and would replace a warframe's first ability if equipped. 

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don't think it's going to work.

first off, let's look at a frame's BP.

there's the helmet (which can be exchanged with alt helmets), a chassis (which also come with alternative skins for some frames), the systems (the part that keeps it all together) and an orokin cell to power the whole ordeal.


now let's take a look aesthetically.

let's take Rhino's body and add Necros' skinny limbs™...

what we end up with is a beefy chunk of armor on stilts.


Lore wise? congratulations, you're now part of the event: The Hunt for ArcanineZ.

Tenno powers are sacred and shouldn't be toyed with.

Edited by Magmahunter
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I often think about how awesome it would be to make a "perfect frame" with whatever abilities you would want.

Then I realise why you can't - it's totally OP.


Snow globe + Bastille. Defence forever.

Hysteria + Blessing. You will NEVER not be invincible throughout the entire match.

Iron Skin + Molecular Prime = The little nuke that could.


I really like the idea of giving frames greater deal of customization. Especially when it comes to a variety of abilities to increase their versatility.

But it would need to be balanced a lot more than just letting players pick and choose what skills they have.


The other problem is that when players are given unhindered customization like that there eventually becomes a right way to play and a wrong way to play.

Right now we NEED a tank, we NEED a crowd control, we NEED a healer.

What happens if one out of ten million possible combinations is discovered to be the absolutely most effective one at all of these?

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Everybody would be identical. They would use only what's best of each warframe. It's like destroying the whole system and giving players only one single choice: "the thing" warframe. That's why some play Nova, or Rhino, or whatever: because they are unique. If you could just "build one", then warframes would be pointless, not to mention blueprint drops.

While a good idea, i believe its not applicable in this game.

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Thanks for replying! 


I've read you guys reply and i understand what you guys concerning about OP ability Combo.


Thats why i introduce my idea on ability point system. Each of a warframe only have a max of 15 points.


If you want to unlock the 4th ability (Mostly are the OP Ability like M.Prime, Blessing) you gotta need 11 points of that warframe.


Which will limited people to equip only one "Ultimate" ability.


Also as i the point system i introduced in the topic,


if you are trying to equip several warframes ability into your warframe,


At most you can only equip 2 " first Ability" and 2 "second Ability" or 1"third ability" since you will have insufficent point for more


those "higher tier" ability





About the problem of the looking.. Yeah i agree thats gonna be really weird for mixing certain warframes's parts.


But i think it might be counter by things like skins(?)


The best way to counter this i think is making all warframes looking become just "skins"


Which means the warframe no longer actually "link" to a fixed set of abilitys.


Making a warframe will just change the look of your warframe. (Yeah i know it sounds stupid and crazy :(


The other problem is that each frames now only have 1 gender looking.


mixing male and female frames gonna be.. disgusting imo.




Anyway this is just a concept and i know this is not gonna happened in the future


Still glad you guys actually read it all and agree some of my idea. Thanks :D

Edited by ArcanineZ
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dunno, mixing will just ruin whole art of every wf, even you realize that

best option on my opinion will be just to add 4 more skill mod for every wf, but if to think about it, you also can imagine how much time all that can take, not even making just mods, i mean making skills so they can be usefull in fight, some sort of balance (for conclave and common mission runs), so theres a lot of work to do, but when you see how devs care about this game, i think there no point to worry about, because they will do it more fun 4 sure in future =)

p.s.: and yeah, sr for my english tho =P

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You don't need more than one ultimate though. You don't even need one ultimate.


Bastille isn't an ultimate and it's an extremely useful ability. Better than some ultimates. Better than Vauban's own ultimate.

Snow globe is one of the most potent, if not THE most potent team defence ability, and it's the only skill of Frost's that scales into the end-game, and boy does it scale.


What happens if, like I mentioned above, the user just goes with Bastille + Snow Globe?

Snow globe blocks all incoming fire from outside the bubble, while Bastille stops anything getting into the bubble.

It's 30 seconds of team invincibility on a defence mission that can be popped  over and over.


Oberon's Renewal isn't an ultimate, and it's on-demand health regeneration.

Iron Skin blocks all incoming damage and it isn't an ultimate either.

What happens when a user combines Renewal with Iron skin to block all damage and regenerate health on demand?

Or Loki's Invisibility in place of Iron Skin. It isn't an ultimate either.


Some of the frames best abilities aren't their ultimates, it's their 2nd/3rd ability. They are balanced (at least in theory) by having a diverse set of skills.

There's some synergy between their skills - like switch teleport and decoy, but generally not all skills will be applicable in all situations.

But every frame has at least one skill that IS applicable in all situations, and they're not all the ultimates.




There's never a reason not to have Iron Skin. There's never a reason not to be invisible. There's never a reason not to have a bastille up. There's never a reason not to have health regen.


The there's the issue that some skills become incredibly viable when combined with others they normally wouldn't.


Can you imagine what happens when you combine invisibility, energy vampire, shock, and tesla? Those are all 1st and 2nd abilities. Running around invisible with infinite energy spamming AoE shock and boobenspamming the room with teslas.

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You don't need more than one ultimate though. You don't even need one ultimate.


Bastille isn't an ultimate and it's an extremely useful ability. Better than some ultimates. Better than Vauban's own ultimate.

Snow globe is one of the most potent, if not THE most potent team defence ability, and it's the only skill of Frost's that scales into the end-game, and boy does it scale.


What happens if, like I mentioned above, the user just goes with Bastille + Snow Globe?

Snow globe blocks all incoming fire from outside the bubble, while Bastille stops anything getting into the bubble.

It's 30 seconds of team invincibility on a defence mission that can be popped  over and over.


Oberon's Renewal isn't an ultimate, and it's on-demand health regeneration.

Iron Skin blocks all incoming damage and it isn't an ultimate either.

What happens when a user combines Renewal with Iron skin to block all damage and regenerate health on demand?

Or Loki's Invisibility in place of Iron Skin. It isn't an ultimate either.


Some of the frames best abilities aren't their ultimates, it's their 2nd/3rd ability. They are balanced (at least in theory) by having a diverse set of skills.

There's some synergy between their skills - like switch teleport and decoy, but generally not all skills will be applicable in all situations.

But every frame has at least one skill that IS applicable in all situations, and they're not all the ultimates.




There's never a reason not to have Iron Skin. There's never a reason not to be invisible. There's never a reason not to have a bastille up. There's never a reason not to have health regen.


The there's the issue that some skills become incredibly viable when combined with others they normally wouldn't.


Can you imagine what happens when you combine invisibility, energy vampire, shock, and tesla? Those are all 1st and 2nd abilities. Running around invisible with infinite energy spamming AoE shock and boobenspamming the room with teslas.


Yeah i understand your point. Theres lots of thing to do/balance if DE actually will to add this system to the game. I think thats


pointless (kind of?) to actually quote all them out since this is just a concept (and theres too much to list).


The thing i want to point out is that there's so much potential skill combo to make your warframe alot more fun to play (and


made your warframe a bit more unique) Which will make this a game a bit more durable to play since you can try to discover


more awesome looking skill combo / skill set to use.


Anyway still thanks for your replies and i enjoy the discussion alot :D

Edited by ArcanineZ
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