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I've Come Up With The Perfect End Game! (Please Don't Take This Thread Seriously) Updated! Now With Derf Anyo!


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So wait wait, let me get this right. We want infested, corrupted, giant rollers that perma stunlock you, are invincible to anything but instant, on screen platinum purchases (5 bucks to make them go away, 10 bucks to kill) are immune to all Tenno powers and they also suck away 1 platinum per second you are stun locked by them?


That about right? I can totally hook that up and we're good to go for hotifx 11.8.3!


Just to save my hide, I am not going to do this, this is for fun, it is 11pm and I am posting from home, I am not at work and cannot do this...though I could drive to the office real quick, grab some Timbits on the way and..hmmm...

Ok so users hated the mechanism of the Scorpion wire lasting for a long time. You could put a scorpion wire that could be shot in the game mode but it would last longer, frozen on the ground when knocked down (albeit not very fun -- but hey you wanted difficulty.)

Breaking Steve's design habits with weakpoints. What about the potentially (once we get the bosses in game to have a more corrupted 'boss' like monster -- potential story / lore expansion.) Corrupted Sargas Ruk / Vor / Kela De Thym.

Edited by Kinjeto
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I've come up with an index of their stress levels, actually: Depending on how diagonally they sit on the couches during the livestream. More diagonal = more stress :)


So all we need to have these ideas added into the game is to kindly Bribe Ask Rebecca to remove random springs from the couch.

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I've come up with an index of their stress levels, actually: Depending on how diagonally they sit on the couches during the livestream. More diagonal = more stress :)

Remember the heart beat monitor.

Corrupted nervos. -- Corrupted Roller boss?

All nightmare debuffs on. - Do you want this RNG or not?

All vault key debuffs. - At what strength?

No UI -- This could be plausible

Controls can randomly change between inverted and not. - Potential new type of enemy. It will ring well with the Playstation 4 people if they've played Metal Gear Solid.

Friendly fire is enabled. - Potential % for this (But also think of the trolling and the end user experience.)

Tenno can hallucinate into thinking allies are enemies. - Could do this like with the Gradius event.

All bosses including stalker, harvester and lephantis also spawn as regular mobs. - Yes can do. (We've seen Vor and Lech Kril do it in Phobos.)

Gravity randomly changes. - Hrmm

Edited by Kinjeto
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So all we need to have these ideas added into the game is to kindly Bribe Ask Rebecca to remove random springs from the couch.



I'm terrible with upholstery, so shall I handle the bribery? My silky smooth voice and wildly impressive nerd physique could charm DERebecca, I'm sure. 

. . . 





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Tower 9. Is still beatable by a Max Duration Trinity, with a team of Boobens and Novas.

Make T10 have No Energy, including auras and drops

Tower 11 will have no Shields.

Tower 12 will have no Ammo

Tower 13 is Melee only

Tower 14, all enemies are replaced with harvesters

Tower 15, There is a stalker in Every Room.

Actually maybe potentially a user back-end experience using credits or resources as a system to randonly generate user challenges?

Is the Mastery System currently a challenge system? Could this be expanded upon? Game mode? High score chart? There was talk of making the Mastery Rank challenges replayable.

Edited by Kinjeto
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If all nightmare debuffs are on, which includes no shields, how does the boss with no weakspots drain shieds? Hmmmmmm...

Crap you're onto me!

But in all seriousness, it will give you shields just so you can see them be drained!

Also Killerkarpfen, if need be I can hop a bus down to london, I can come down and work with you guys and such.

Oh also I forgot to mention, if you survive for an hour in tier 9 survival, then you have to fight derf anyo!

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I think if i walked into a room i would be mowed down by rollers followed by bombards and then shockwave moas knock me down and then bombards would again tear me to shreds and i would be constantly knocked on the ground and switch teleported.


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So wait wait, let me get this right. We want infested, corrupted, giant rollers that perma stunlock you, are invincible to anything but instant, on screen platinum purchases (5 bucks to make them go away, 10 bucks to kill) are immune to all Tenno powers and they also suck away 1 platinum per second you are stun locked by them?


That about right? I can totally hook that up and we're good to go for hotifx 11.8.3!


Just to save my hide, I am not going to do this, this is for fun, it is 11pm and I am posting from home, I am not at work and cannot do this...though I could drive to the office real quick, grab some Timbits on the way and..hmmm...

Nervos 2.0 :D. I'd be happy if Nervos make a return! Edited by jrkong
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I actually REALLY REALLY REALLY want to see this RNG tower, and then I shall no-life it for days on end, until finally, I've beaten it 100 or so times, and I actually get bored with it, but must continue anyways, because l4z0rs. ^^

Edited by Shakara
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Just to save my hide, I am not going to do this, this is for fun, it is 11pm and I am posting from home, I am not at work and cannot do this...though I could drive to the office real quick, grab some Timbits on the way and..hmmm...

Haha, I'm not sure how many players will know what timbits are, but it sounded like a dandy plan to me, Karp!

Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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