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Just Got Stalked! And Loved Every Second (A Big Thank You To The Devs)


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Just want to sya a BIG "thank you" to the devs! i never got so surprised/scared since quake 2 and its giant bosses. You guys REALLY raised the bar in this update!

So....i joined an alert today (at mercury)...was doing great with my new paris and stuff...killing grineers all over the place and then i received a message like one of those boss taunts in the assasination missions but this one doesnt had a name and appear to be a TENNO! thats right an EVIL TENNO just taunted me in the middle of the alert...i didnt know what to do so i just speed up to finish because i didnt know whats about to happen...

After 3 taunting messages i hear a BRATON VANDAL sound popping behind me and when i turned i was just SHOCKED! an evil tenno named as STALKER [45] just used my ash skill (teleport) and then used that sword rush from excalibur taking almos all my hp (450) i just froze in fear and then tryed to run...hide behind some pipes and aiming at the air duct he had attack me...my mind was really confused by his AI lvl...by its movements i really tought he was one of the devs trying to scare some players XD...he just shot me 100% precisely then used a combo of skills and just hide like i would do... so i went there and BOOM! dead by a really rapid fire from that vandal..and after i died he just said to "someone else"...."Holysoul77 is no more...".

so im sensing some hardcore lore coming up...was he a tenno? orokin-like tech? new faction coming up? or just a tenno mercenary trying to make a living? idk but that was awesome haha i just think warframe is the best thing i got in my computer...even stoped playing tera and blacklight xD


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Yeah. I've never been attacked by those so I can't say I've lived the moment. :c


But either way, having Stalkers have Tenno-like abilities (do they look the similar? I dunno) opens up a lot of new theories for back stories as well as new features.


The Tenno (or Lotus clan) are actually bad guys and all the other factions are good.

Yes. The infested as well.

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Yeah. I've never been attacked by those so I can't say I've lived the moment. :c


But either way, having Stalkers have Tenno-like abilities (do they look the similar? I dunno) opens up a lot of new theories for back stories as well as new features.


The Tenno (or Lotus clan) are actually bad guys and all the other factions are good.

Yes. The infested as well.

The Tenno are not 'Bad', nor are they 'good'

It depends whose side you're on - the Tenno, the Grineer , or the Corpus.

The Tenno want to clear up the mess made of the universe by the other two clans.

The Grineer want universal domination.

The Corpus want to create dangerous new technology.

It is unclear the reasons behind the factions doing these things.

Oh yeah and the Infested are just zombies who eat Tenno ;P

Edited by Bennyworld
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I've fought him twice so far, and each was frightning. From what I know, he will appear on absolutly any map, on any mission, as he pleases. The only story we have is that he seeks to punish the tenno for kill Lich krill (I think, may have been another guy) and yeah, looks very tenno-ish, and his abilities are the same as the warframes, he has excal rush, loki/ash disapear, a braton vandal, and who knows what else!

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Yes! My first encounter with the Stalker was awesome! I was on a Mercury snow mission as well when he jumped down from on top of a storage container. He immediately depolyed a smoke screen, making himself invisible to me. I managed to get half of his health down, then he delpoyed his smoke screen and vanished.

Later on in the mission, he popped up as I was nearing the LZ for pickup, and he used what looked like my Ash's Bladestorm ability. That hurt. A lot. I managed to kill him though, he dropped some nice loot.

His abilities seem to be:

- Ash's Smokescreen

- Ash's Teleport

- Ash's Bladestorm

- He also used the Excalibur's "charge" ability (forgot what that was called)

The Stalker cannot be stunned with gunfire, so don't try that. Also, if he hits you with his sword...um...don't let him hit you with his sword.

Again, amazing work, DE. I felt like I was actually being hunted. That was awesome.

Edited by Crimson_Thomas
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just fyi, the stalker is vulnerable to Nyx's mind control skill. He was a great help clearing an entire wave of corpus on a defense mission =P.

Although when I encountered him he was a bit buggy, as he was level 1 instead of 45 and was missing the head/helmet part of his model when I looked at him up close. Unfortunately I did have to kill him to get the next wave to start. It would have been epic to have the stalker assist us for an entire defense run, heh.

EDIT: when I "killed" him he didnt actually die, he teleported out with a message when he was very low on hp and left no loot.

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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But either way, having Stalkers have Tenno-like abilities (do they look the similar? I dunno) opens up a lot of new theories for back stories as well as new features.


The Tenno (or Lotus clan) are actually bad guys and all the other factions are good.

Yes. The infested as well.

True fact: the Tenno are lifeless killing machines manipulated by the Lotus, which seek the destruction of all sentient life in the solar system. The Stalker is an ex-Tenno that's trying to save the various races of the solar system.

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I've fought him twice so far, and each was frightning. From what I know, he will appear on absolutly any map, on any mission, as he pleases. The only story we have is that he seeks to punish the tenno for kill Lich krill (I think, may have been another guy) and yeah, looks very tenno-ish, and his abilities are the same as the warframes, he has excal rush, loki/ash disapear, a braton vandal, and who knows what else!

yes i remember some of the first lines like "you have tyl regor's blood in your hands" or something like that....but why would a tenno be allied with the grineers? looks like conspiracy theory to me =P

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Yes! My first encounter with the Stalker was awesome! I was on a Mercury snow mission as well when he jumped down from on top of a storage container. He immediately depolyed a smoke screen, making himself invisible to me. I managed to get half of his health down, then he delpoyed his smoke screen and vanished.

Later on in the mission, he popped up as I was nearing the LZ for pickup, and he used what looked like my Ash's Bladestorm ability. That hurt. A lot. I managed to kill him though, he dropped some nice loot.

His abilities seem to be:

- Ash's Smokescreen

- Ash's Teleport

- Ash's Bladestorm

- He also used the Excalibur's "charge" ability (forgot what that was called)

The Stalker cannot be stunned with gunfire, so don't try that. Also, if he hits you with his sword...um...don't let him hit you with his sword.

Again, amazing work, DE. I felt like I was actually being hunted. That was awesome.

idk how u killed him but congrats to you! that vandal was just too strong for me and my bladestorm didnt work on him =/

Also the fact that hes rank 45 makes a little bit unfair =P

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True fact: the Tenno are lifeless killing machines manipulated by the Lotus, which seek the destruction of all sentient life in the solar system. The Stalker is an ex-Tenno that's trying to save the various races of the solar system.

wow...kinda feel bad right now...i tought the corpus were some heartless-mercenary-pirate-hightec-like things and the grineer just a bunch of humans wih that old universal domination feeling...

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I dont know it it was intentional or not but my chat was disabled so i couldnt even warn my team that something was about to happen to me just an hour or so ago, it actually added to the whole experience of me freaking out lol. I cant wait to see what happens to it in future!

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I absolutely love the stalker addition.

First encounter for me was on venus, never saw it coming. Died within 4 seconds going 'WHAT THE F***" in the council chat.

Second time though i was ready for him.

Nyx Mind control...hahahahahahaha!

I just sat back on my extermination mission and watched the exterminate targets counter drop like a rock when he was mind controlled. Then after he 'helped' me finish the mission by clearing out multiple rooms by himself, i unloaded every single bit of ammo i had to finish him off.

Love the stalkers, Love Mind Control more.

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I absolutely love the stalker addition.

First encounter for me was on venus, never saw it coming. Died within 4 seconds going 'WHAT THE F***" in the council chat.

Second time though i was ready for him.

Nyx Mind control...hahahahahahaha!

I just sat back on my extermination mission and watched the exterminate targets counter drop like a rock when he was mind controlled. Then after he 'helped' me finish the mission by clearing out multiple rooms by himself, i unloaded every single bit of ammo i had to finish him off.

Love the stalkers, Love Mind Control more.

hahahaha well played sir...but hes not absurdely strong...i just encountered him with the wrong weapon...the paris is useless agains him, maybe a hek do the trick

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