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yeah that desecrate modification is one of the best changes i've seen for the skill. reducing range is viable for the trade off. i'd be increasing costs too. if it's going to last 30s it needs to cost 100 energy minimum i reckon. it also encourages teams to stick closer to the nekros making them all the money, mats and mods. instead of charging ahead leaving a trail of corpses.


it would probably mean that exploding enemies get desecrated too. potentially doubling oxium farm efforts or at least making mod drops from ospreys more frequent


the only downside is it may mean having the nekros upfront which he's not really built for


one issue is how would it calculate the the effect. the current is a 60% chance to desecrate followed by a 90% chance to reroll the loot table. if it was an aura how would it apply? would it just add additional rolls to the RNG upon death? so 40% of the time would be standard drops the other 60% of the time would be 1-5 drops including health, energy, loot, ammo and mods? sometimes multiple mods from one mob?


it would be entertaining turning every mob into a pinata

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yeah that desecrate modification is one of the best changes i've seen for the skill. reducing range is viable for the trade off. i'd be increasing costs too. if it's going to last 30s it needs to cost 100 energy minimum i reckon. it also encourages teams to stick closer to the nekros making them all the money, mats and mods. instead of charging ahead leaving a trail of corpses.


it would probably mean that exploding enemies get desecrated too. potentially doubling oxium farm efforts or at least making mod drops from ospreys more frequent


the only downside is it may mean having the nekros upfront which he's not really built for


one issue is how would it calculate the the effect. the current is a 60% chance to desecrate followed by a 90% chance to reroll the loot table. if it was an aura how would it apply? would it just add additional rolls to the RNG upon death? so 40% of the time would be standard drops the other 60% of the time would be 1-5 drops including health, energy, loot, ammo and mods? sometimes multiple mods from one mob?


it would be entertaining turning every mob into a pinata

it's a quite nice question, but i give away ideas, i don't exactly know how to program this kind of stuff

i mean, it might be using an aoe periodical desecrate once in every 0.x seconds, which means that you will be able to see each corpose disappeare one by one, or 3 by 3 like word on fire is supposed to do with alive enemies xD ... i'm not sure if with the actual codes of those 2 abilities (desecrate and WoF) is possible to do what i ment to, but it would be nice though


and yeah, the cost should get increased to to be around 75-100 to balance the duration

Edited by Regar
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Update: added Oberon paragraph, fixed some issues with bbcode in the post.



I like your QOL suggestions for Loki and the ability to disarm in the air.

But I dislike your suggestion by making Excal's RB line of sight.


This makes him weaker than Rhino in the stun bot department and we all know how overused a stomp based Rhino is. :p

i ain't made any suggestion about exca blind, it was just an obervation, there is literally written that somone else might say something about the line of sight, i just considered the situation, but i didn't suggested anything, any suggestion made by me is covered by a spoiler named "possible soultion" ...but since it seems to not be clear, i'll edit it to sound more clear as possible

Edited by Regar
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Ok I will give you my opinions on Nyx and Oberon as they are the frames that I have brought everywhere and that I can speak about.


For Nyx I totally agree on the propositions you made. Slash damage doesn't make much sense on her. And for her Absorb, I agree that the main problem are the coward ennemies runing to cover instead of shooting you. The solution would be either a radius buff or give Nyx the possbiility to move, even at slow pace, while channeling.

That said, Nyx is in my opinion one of the most effective frame, there is really little job to make her perfect.



For Oberon on the other side I won't agree on each of your solutions.

About his Smite, I don't see the point in giving Oberon another damage dealing skill, and such a poor one on top of that. Oberon is meant to be a jack of all trades and actually except his 3 he only has damage (and small utility on 4).

Smite could be turned into a little crowd control skill, something à la Pull or Soul Punch that would knock ennemies back. That's an exemple I won't dig in this, I leave that to competent authorities. :)


About his Hallowed Ground you are oh so right, this skill is more than situational. Your suggestion of buffs/debuffs for those standing on it would be an awesome solution to make it usefull, even if it means removing all damage from it, HG would benefit way more of utility.


About his Renewal I got no real problem with it except the "fairy" projectiles. Make it instantly affecting your team, even if that would need a max range to be added. I know it's been buffed but still, the little time it takes to start the HoT can cost lives. For an ability that cost 75 energy that's too much handicaps to make it really worth its cost.


Then his Reckoning, I won't agree on you there. This skill is very strong and highly underestimated. I agree that the radiation/impact combo makes it weak on infested, but it's efficient on grineers and corpus and the 2k8 with max power strength makes it one shot nearly anything prior to late Pluto/Ceres.

The range is short compared to many other 4 AoE abilities, but animation is really fast making it spammable without any risk of being struck between two casts. Then about the crowd control, I agree that it's not outstanding, still gives enough time to run away or give few precious seconds to start reviving your team mate (given that you didn't destroyed everything).

Now removing the health orbs for an AoE heal would be an hardcore nerf. The drop of health balls seems useless in appearance but turns to be a strong survival tool and the source of his gameplay. Oberon doesn't need shields at all but he is meant to run into the fray to land some effective Reckoning. The health drops helps a lot for that, and it's actually one of the only justification to Equilibrium's existence, but a very strong one I admit.

IMHO, if DE were to buff Reckoning they should either make the CC last a bit longer, or buff the damages (adding a scaling value ? :3).



Well, this is just my opinion on them, don't want to discredit your remarkable dedication and inspired job in any way.

Edited by Cyrionn
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  • 4 weeks later...

Saryn Paragraph has been added to the main post



I love Saryn, her design is, in my opinion, the best of all the female warframes. 
Her health and shield are pretty enough to compensate her low mov-speed and to follow up the abilities that in general require to be in the middle of the fight to be used. I actually think that she is awesome, but the truth is that her abilities doesn't combine very well each other.
I already wrote down an entire post for saryn, but it was really long and a lot of parts are missleading, i still think that it contains valid ideas and a lot of insights about ways to revamp saryn
if you want to have a look, you can fidn it Here

A very interesting first ability, it's a bit complicated to use properly, and requires time to be effective, probably one of the best ability at higest level due to the viral proc (-50% max health) 
So the problem is actually clear, why someone have to use such an ability if then nova/ember arrives and one shots everything? (sad but true :\ )
Possible Solutions

-Make Venom infest multiple target when used, to speed up the spreading process.


More or less another Decoy ability
The problem with this abilities is that the health is never enough even with maxed strenght, in my opinion it should use the new machanic that the snowglobe uses (4 seconds of damage absorb and relative health gained with the absorption + armor bonus based on the frame armor)
The toxic explosion doesn't really seem to work  (probably because the range is not enough to hit anything)
Possible Solutions

-Add the new mechanic used on Snowglobe to this ability (maybe with less absorbption duration, 2 or 3 sec, and a x2/x3 armor instead of x5)
-Increase the explosion range and damage and make it affected by range/strenght mods (I have no idea if it's actually affected, the range is too low to state so)
-Change the Damage with some utility debuff (like a blind, a slowdown, or a cripple)


A Self buff that doesn't really increase the damage output that well, the calculation of the toxic boost is overcomplicated and ends being very low compared to other abilities (roar increses all the damage output and affects teammates)
In my opinion this ability needs a bit of a revamp in order to become usable.
Possible Solutions

-Make the toxic boost calculated on the overall damage of the weapon (not only the "general damage", which means that if it gives 50% bonus and i have a weapon that deals 100 impact, 50 slash and 50 heat, the ability should give 200:2 toxic bonus damage which is applied after the hti and doesn't combine itslef to the heat damage making gas, make it simple!)
-Add something peculiar, a side effect to the damage boost (range boost, increased proc chance, idk, anything will fit)
-Make it sharable (?)


Another press 4  AoE Nuke but with a little of CC in it
This ability works very well due to an exploit that uses Fleeting Expertise and the Chlora Helmet to reduce the duration of the ability and focus the whole damage of the ability in 2 big ticks of damage in 1 sec duration,
The stun duration remains untouched from the duration mods (4sec) which means that you can't actually mod this ability to increase the CC capabilities of this ability (there isn't much customaization in this!)
To me, all the press 4 and kill around you abilities should be changed to something with a lot more of utility, but this is my personal tough (not to mention that the best "press 4 to kill all around you" ability in game is Molecular Prime, and it has utility in it!!!)
Possible Solutions

-Make the CC duration affected by power duration mods, just to add more customizaion chances, and decrese the effectiviness of this skill with a fully maxed fleeting expertise (as i already said a lot of times now, fleeting expertise really broke this game)
-Fix the Duration mods  to actually increase the damage instead of disperse that (you can put the Runewal mechanic to use in this which means that increasing duration actually decreses the duration and concentrates the damage, or just increase the number of ticks of damage with duration and make any tick affected by the power strenght)
-Change the 4s Stun with something else, like a 100% corrosive/viral proc, a resistance debuff, a slowdown

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People need to stop making these threads.  There is too much misinformation and too many sweeping suggestions being made to have a decent discussion about any of it.  Focus on small changes one step at a time so that we can set the record straight and provide constructive feedback instead of these sprawling free-for-all threads that accomplish nothing besides promoting (wrong) conventional wisdom.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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People need to stop making these threads.  There is too much misinformation and too many sweeping suggestions being made to have a decent discussion about any of it.  Focus on small changes one step at a time so that we can set the record straight and provide constructive feedback instead of these sprawling free-for-all threads that accomplish nothing besides promoting (wrong) conventional wisdom.

in my opinion, we need both this collections and minor threads, there are pros and cons in both of em



in general,  i prefere the minor threads, because they are easy to read and is also easier to build  up a discussion on em, but wait, i already disclaimed this, this is not a thread for discussing, there are a lot of em already, these are just my thoughts concerning the warframes.



i understand your point of view, but this is not a discussion xD

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