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Warframe Abilities Shouldn't Use Mod Slots?


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So I have a pretty bad memory and was wondering if someone else remembering saying that the devs will make is so that warframe abilities won't take up mod space. So you get room for 4 more spots to really customize the warframe.


Was this ever brought up? Because I remember talk about this.

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I say no to this idea. The limited slots are to give us a sense of choice. If we want to buff the stats more than our six slots allow, then we need to sacrifice a precious ability.


Ten slots is too much, and will decrease build variety more than it will increase it. Our system may need work, but this isn't the way to improve it.

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I never carry more than two abilities on my frame, and often only one. When I use Forma, the first to go is often an ability polarity. So it doesn't really bother me.

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So DE never brought this up? But yeah 4 more free slots can be too much but some mods HAVE to be equiped on a warframe such as redirection and vitality. So it leaves even less choice.

That's true.

Before we do anything drastic like removing Abilities from the mod page or something, though, DE should first make the majority of the Warframe mods worth using and see how it plays out.


- Combining Maglev & Rush & Handspring into one mod

- combining Marathon & Quick Rest & Acrobat into one mod

- combining Undying Will & Provoked into one mod

- boosting the crap out of Warm Coat and the like

- etc.


If DE wants to give us a sense of variety, then they need to make these mods actually worth using on most Frames in the first place.

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the benefit of limit mods slot is giving players chance to build their frames certain way, so it will make them "think" before putting them on


if I equipped this one I will have to take off this one (preferred to corrupt mods) 

So if I have narrow mind, focus, continuity, stretch, redirection, vitality. If I have 4 extra slots, I will choose flow, steamline, constituion, or fleeting expertise. It still end up giving the frames more power. 


Yes, I agreed with the idea that abilities slots should not be in mods, but rather "already" there in the frame, but I don't like the idea of giving more extra slots to the frame. 


Possibly take away 4 slots for 4 abilities and add 2 extra slots seemed right. 

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Er honestly in my opinion there isn't that much mod customization really. Most people run 2-3 abilites. Flow(so u can use abilites more often). Redirection and vitality is a must, without them you'll be getting mauled like in a sec.So you got pretty much 5-6 slots taken up. and then the resistance mods are a joke. I doubt anyone uses them. Provoked is useless. Stanima, increased running are just fillers because it a lot better just to increase the power of your abilities. Imho weapon mods suffer from the same problem. So much of them are not used because there are ones that surpass them.

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To me it feels wrong to have to remove any ability from a warframe. It's not like I could give my Excalibur Nova's M.Prime. So why even have it you can remove them? It's like they are made normal with each ability you strip and it's no longer a "warframe." Instead it's a guy/girl in a funky looking combat suit.


Now should you get 4 free slots, not sure that's up for debate but you shouldn't be able to take off abilities in my opinion. However even if you did have 4 extra slots, I don't see how it could affect build. If your going to go for buffing up 1-2 abilities the rest will suffer because of it. Fleeting Expertise reduces duration; Blind rage increase cost; Overextended cripples damage; Narrow minded decreases range. They all affect each other in some sorta four way rock/paper/scissor. This would prevent you from being able to max buff every ability, aka keeping the balance.

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Disagreed, Redlove108 - compleatly. Some abilities are just not worth sloting, especially when you're assigning yourself a specific role within a group. You're using terms that point to lore and the feel of a game, but you're ignoring the minmax aspect of Warframe.

I've played this game for over 550 in-mission hours; I'm LONG past the point where I feel glee for all my abilities. Perhaps your argument has merit if you'd be talking to a new player, but many veterans minmax as I do. It IS good that we have a choice, because each patch chainges something and one might want to make room for other mod options. I wouldn't go so far as to run with only one ability, but certainly most of my frames only use 3, some 2. I like the fact that I get the choice of weather or not my frame can do something or not. I enjoy variety and choice.


That sed, I don't think anyone disagrees we need a bit more room to mod. Correct? (as far as I've seen, everyone agrees on that here)

4 is too much and 0 is too few... so why not 2 extra slots? While at it, raise the levels of all auras to the same as SteelCharge (and buff the % on SteelCharge so it's not useless again) so we have more mod points to play with. Would make things interesting again.


Certainly as SortaRandom suggested, DE would do well to make certain mods more appealing. Perhaps thru some in-game process? Sticking two un-rare mods together to obtain a better one with both properties sounds good to me. This would further increase the customization for end-game while not overwhelming new players with yet more mods.


More to the point, every faction received a power increase with the addition of leaders, so I think it's more then fair to give us the possibility to increase our own power as well.

Edited by DarkVeghetta
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i'd be in favor of removing abilities from slots.  not so that we get more; the specific number of slots (as long as it's more than four and less than like, fifteen) isn't a big deal.  but because then abilities could have their own mod pages, and they would be way more fun to customize.


(as a side benefit to those who want more slots, this would mean things like Streamline and Focus would be on a per-power basis and no longer take up Warframe slots.)

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i'd be in favor of removing abilities from slots.  not so that we get more; the specific number of slots (as long as it's more than four and less than like, fifteen) isn't a big deal.  but because then abilities could have their own mod pages, and they would be way more fun to customize.


(as a side benefit to those who want more slots, this would mean things like Streamline and Focus would be on a per-power basis and no longer take up Warframe slots.)

Quoted becuase it's like you took this thought right from  my brain.

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i'd be in favor of removing abilities from slots.  not so that we get more; the specific number of slots (as long as it's more than four and less than like, fifteen) isn't a big deal.  but because then abilities could have their own mod pages, and they would be way more fun to customize.


(as a side benefit to those who want more slots, this would mean things like Streamline and Focus would be on a per-power basis and no longer take up Warframe slots.)


BRILLIANT! I spent about 2 hours composing a long thread about how combining mods would lead to more variation and slightly more power for everyone (every faction got a buff via leaders. I feel left out.); but by the end of it I realized that it was too much power at once, with too many new rules. More over, it could easily be substituted with 'add X more slots'.


Your suggestion is SUPERB! Each ability would be fully customiseable to our individual taste! We'd free up some much-needed slots on our frames for other useful mods (like Enemy Sence or Handspring)!


A valid question here is what do we do about dual-stat mods?

Some, for example Constitution, influence both the abilities (+28% power duration) and your warframe (40% knockdown recovery). Would those only be slotable on your warframe or also on the abilities, but won't affect your warframe (i.e. the ability would get +28% duration, but you wouldn't get 40% knockdown recovery)? Perhaps better to let us decide if we want to solely minmax a ability or also get the frame bonus.


It needs a bit of work, but the idea itself is golden and would fit in perfectly to how Warframe feels and operates.

Edited by DarkVeghetta
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