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•improved Extermination Missions• [Rework] [Free Greedy Milk!]


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(Check the spoiler to know what i said before)


Introduction/Overall objective:

The suggestion is to improve the overall experience of the mission type "Extermination", which currently feels bi-dimensional and boring. Outclassed in "exterminating", ironically by any other mission type.  Extermination missions lack action and bloodshed which would be expected from.

And that is i am trying to do: making it more fun and rewarding, while coping with what others think about the changes.



What are you exactly changing then?

Moving from an predefined number of kills to do in a node to something more complex.

You will be killing an infinite number of hordes of enemies which will spawn as you destroy their ship/research/personal and cargo.

These hordes will only attack you as you either have destroyed something OR are destroying something.



But now...

Lets Imagine that the ship or base where you are, is separated by different sectors (this is, individual parts with their own personality/ characteristics): 


  • Those sectors of the ship/base are full of personal(non-armed)/objects that can be destroyed and are guarded by all various types of guardians/guards and force shields.  These have personal health bars, much like any other target and should require us to click buttons.

    ....(meaning also, that you are encouraged to destroy doors, instead of hacking your way in. ;) )



  • As we bring CHAOS and DESTRUCTION, by destroying and killing everything there, the sector affected "health bar" is reduced and upon destruction, loot will come and rewards will be given by the Lotus, while also reducing the "overall health bar of the ship/base" we are in.


  • For each 5 sectors destroyed, It will spawn an champion mini-boss. Which also deploys mechanics that will adapt to fix our damage. (the mechanics do not attack us, they are just there to fix, usually are robots)


....Sounds great? Well, you will for the sake of fun, there is an INFINITE number of sectors to destroy. And each time you destroy something, enemy difficulty will go up.


Enemies will come either in lager scales or in bigger numbers. (inb4 Giant rollers and Titan sized Moas)


Just as the tittle suggests, should they change?

To become instead of "x number of enemies to kill" to hordes of enemies to kill while they all simultaneous jumping at you?

(more action and kills!)


To clear it out, the objective is somewhat different:


Meaning, you still get to destroy and murder, but in which you also have the objective of destroying their ship/ weapons

As you cause chaos everywhere, enemies are extremely aggressive and will come in hordes of 20 or 10 against you (small enemies) with a commander (elite enemy).


(further explaining)
This includes and not limited to:
- Every object becoming destructible 
- There being Non- military targets (like researchers)
- doors and windows
- Cargo
- their moms
- their swag

So.... What do you guys think? :/

Edited by akkerusia
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This game has needed minibosses and Diablo series styled random enemy leaders+minions for a very long time. I've never seen an action game in any genre without something like this before and I don't really understand the total absence of any mechanic like this. If we ever get something of this sort, the Exterminate mission type will suddenly jump up in gameplay and interest.


Still, I find Exterminate to be very very fun when not rushing. If I feel like playing but I'm bored of grouping, I often go do Exterminate solo or duo with a low rank noob and cover them. Nothing spawns behind you and you always have a front line. If the devs add more good tiles like they have been and more stopping points to reduce rushing I think the mission type in general could be elevated a great deal. Of course the key here is choice. If every single invasion is always going to be exterminate, people are going to get bored no matter what.

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This game has needed minibosses and Diablo series styled random enemy leaders+minions for a very long time. I've never seen an action game in any genre without something like this before and I don't really understand the total absence of any mechanic like this. If we ever get something of this sort, the Exterminate mission type will suddenly jump up in gameplay and interest.


Still, I find Exterminate to be very very fun when not rushing. If I feel like playing but I'm bored of grouping, I often go do Exterminate solo or duo with a low rank noob and cover them. Nothing spawns behind you and you always have a front line. If the devs add more good tiles like they have been and more stopping points to reduce rushing I think the mission type in general could be elevated a great deal. Of course the key here is choice. If every single invasion is always going to be exterminate, people are going to get bored no matter what.


But you see, stealth is more of something you'd expect from spy missions, i too understand what you mean, but ...  It is just that the mission type extermination, for which you would think there would be lots of bloodshed, is currently outclassed in action and murdering by any other mission type.


It is just ...ridiculous.

Edited by akkerusia
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But you see, stealth is more of something you'd expect from spy missions, i too understand what you mean, but ...  It is just that the mission type extermination, for which you would think there would be lots of bloodshed, is currently outclassed in action and murdering by any other mission type.


It is just ...ridiculous.


I think you're assuming a certain pace/difficulty here. When I think exterminate where nothing spawns behind me and I only push forward at my pace with a finite number of enemies, I think of a really difficult mission that I'm doing slowly. Not a murderous rampage.

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Interesting. Personally, I come to Warframe for one thing only: to blow sh*t up with varied weapons. That's why I can't stand convoluted mission objectives, especially when I have to protect something other than me. Exterminate and Assassination missions are my favourite. To a lesser extent, Sabotage and Capture. You won't catch me dead in Defense or Rescue. Survival would be more of my thing without the life support.


Your suggestion, while vague, opens many possibilities. As I see it, a fun way to do it (in addition to what you have already said) would make the objective simply getting to the extraction. On the way, there is a set (large) number of enemies and crap all around. The level has several reward levels depending on the percentage of the ship you obliterated, as a sum of sabotage-like targets, lockers raided, enemies killed. You can choose to rush it more or less, but you forfeit the best parts of the reward. Of course, the top reward is tiered according to the enemies' base level.

Does this sound like your thing, OP? I know I'd love it. Rambo all the things.


P.S.: in short, the idea is that you're carefully and thoroughly ruining a valuable asset of the enemy, be it a ship, a station or a base.


EDIT 2: to better justify juicy rewards, instead of having 50-150 enemies in the level, make them a crazy lot. Something that would actually require time, like long Survival and alert Defense. Say, 400+?

Edited by Guest
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I think you're assuming a certain pace/difficulty here. When I think exterminate where nothing spawns behind me and I only push forward at my pace with a finite number of enemies, I think of a really difficult mission that I'm doing slowly. Not a murderous rampage.

Difficulty improvement would just be upgrading their damaging power and defenses. I am asking for action.

I don't understand your "concept of extermination" though, what does "exterminating" mean to you?

Edited by akkerusia
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Interesting. Personally, I come to Warframe for one thing only: to blow sh*t up with varied weapons. That's why I can't stand convoluted mission objectives, especially when I have to protect something other than me. Exterminate and Assassination missions are my favourite. To a lesser extent, Sabotage and Capture. You won't catch me dead in Defense or Rescue. Survival would be more of my thing without the life support.


Your suggestion, while vague, opens many possibilities. As I see it, a fun way to do it (in addition to what you have already said) would make the objective simply getting to the extraction. On the way, there is a set (large) number of enemies and crap all around. The level has several reward levels depending on the percentage of the ship you obliterated, as a sum of sabotage-like targets, lockers raided, enemies killed. You can choose to rush it more or less, but you forfeit the best parts of the reward. Of course, the top reward is tiered according to the enemies' base level.

Does this sound like your thing, OP? I know I'd love it. Rambo all the things.


P.S.: in short, the idea is that you're carefully and thoroughly ruining a valuable asset of the enemy, be it a ship, a station or a base.


It is exactly my point. 

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Difficulty improvement would just be upgrading their damaging power and defenses. I am asking for action.

I don't understand your "concept of extermination" though, what does "exterminating" mean to you?


Killing all the things.


How do you make that fun without adding more objectives? You need some point on a slider between tons and tons and tons of easy stuff, or medium-low numbers of really difficult enemies. The trouble is this game lets players pick their difficulty by choosing what gear to bring. it's hard to really have a constructive conversation about moving forward unless we agree on some assumption about dev intent or direction.

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dev intent or direction.


I sometimes wonder if they themselves know what the update after the next is going to bring. Sometimes I get the feeling they're wingin' it quite often.


Killing all the things. How do you make that fun without adding more objectives? You need some point on a slider between tons and tons and tons of easy stuff, or medium-low numbers of really difficult enemies.


Have you seen my previous post? The idea is to have tons and tons and tons of stuff to blow up and let you decide how thoroughly you want to destroy it, then reward you accordingly. As for easy or difficult, we already have varying levels of difficulty, and not only in actual levels, i.e. some Grineer missions are full of Scorpions and Scorches and Napalms and Eviscerators, and some are not. If the already existing Extermination missions get revamped like this, we already have quite a range of difficulty.

That is, unless you're talking about wave 100 Defense difficulty. I honestly don't care much about that, not my thing.


I'm not sure I like your suggestions, but it's true extermination feels rather pointless when it's practically included in every other mission.


Except it doesn't quite feel like an extermination if the enemy is endless. The point is, we are actually trying to cripple the enemy by thoroughly destroying their base and killing their soldiers. If they don't run out of soldiers, well... I must not be doing my job well enough!

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I suppose i am to blame for the rather vague opening feedback post.


Killing all the things.


How do you make that fun without adding more objectives? You need some point on a slider between tons and tons and tons of easy stuff, or medium-low numbers of really difficult enemies. The trouble is this game lets players pick their difficulty by choosing what gear to bring. it's hard to really have a constructive conversation about moving forward unless we agree on some assumption about dev intent or direction.

[size=4]But that is the point.[/size]
Currently, there is a single objective. I am adding more to what it is, exterminating: Wide rage of both enemy killing and ship destruction* and just like mokunen said well, reward us accordingly.


*Ship destruction:

- Imagine as each sector of an "corpus ship" has got an "health bar" that represents the state of the ship. We are to destroy everything and everyone there in order to bring that health bar down and conclude the side objective.

Objects, such as doors and consoles have got durability. So that the gameplay on the mission is more fast placed, however, there being guards/guardians, shields and torrents to immobilize us.  



Difficulty, is not even the subject, that is a problem with ALL MISSION TYPES, wherever it is intended or not by the devs to be easy or not.

The player is given full control of what he wants to do in the game, if he happens to choose an extermination level on mercury while he looks for an challenge, that is just plain dumb. 


What I or WE can do, is to suggest that while we progress on the extermination (destroying sectors of the ship), enemies will also become stronger and stronger.


- Come in large portions; (armies of enemies)

- Maybe in larger SCALES (they are bigger and stronger. Inb4 Giant Moas and Giant roller balls!)

- Enemy Elite spawn more often and lower class enemies spawn less. (increase in elite grineer/corpus and decrease on easy ones)


I'm not sure I like your suggestions, but it's true extermination feels rather pointless when it's practically included in every other mission.

Read what i said before, hopefully you will understand :) 
I really want to spice up the experience of killing on these missions, without caring about something else.

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While I like your solution, your solution is a sabotage mission called an exterminate mission, therefore your solution misses the problem it is trying to fix.



I really want to spice up the experience of killing on these missions, without caring about something else.


Maybe exterminate missions should require the player to kill a certain type of enemy before the mission is completed. that way the player doesn't empty out a place that would in any other mission would be swarming with enemies.

Example: Kill 10 bombards. 

Edited by zoboso
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While I like your solution, your solution is a sabotage mission called an exterminate mission, therefore your solution misses the problem it is trying to fix.




Maybe exterminate missions should require the player to kill a certain type of enemy before the mission is completed. that way the player doesn't empty out a place that would in any other mission would be swarming with enemies.

Example: Kill 10 bombards. 


Yeah. Kinda.

It is more of mix of both of them, with some differences. We are not really sabotaging anything, we are outright destroying everything in our path. 


However, the mission doesn't end by emptying a place, you could still go on.


Plus i am not sure if it would be a great idea to add an specific "kill this enemy" as an objective, it would only aggravate the RNG situation.

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Yeah. Kinda.

It is more of mix of both of them, with some differences. We are not really sabotaging anything, we are outright destroying everything in our path. 


destruction is a kind of sabotage is my point.


Plus i am not sure if it would be a great idea to add an specific "kill this enemy" as an objective, it would only aggravate the RNG situation.

I did not think of that, I'm now a lot happier I did not give that it's own post yet.

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