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So,how Bad Did The New Update Hit The Hek?


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Actually i was wondering about this. Im currently using an Boar and it looks fine to me but im curious about the hek. I dont want to waste another 25k credit and 500 alloyplate on that item,

So far ppl who use it says things like clip size is not enough and since it has a long reload time .. you think the rest otherwise someone enlighthen us ..

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It still hits like a freight train, you just can't spam it to the same unreasonable degree as you could before. It's currently a very good weapon, it used to be the -best- weapon, bar-none.

Edit: Mine, fully tricked out, takes down Ancients on Eris in 2 shots, sometimes 3, for reference.

Edited by Lunaticked
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Takes someone 5-10 mins to solo a boss "Taken from some Hek's user's testitomy"

Takes me 1 min to solo most bosses with a boltor/gorgon

Also clip capacity mods for shotguns apparently only increases its clip size to 1 extra bullet when maxed

Sooo... yah the Hek got nerfed pretty hard, can't really compete with rifles.

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Takes someone 5-10 mins to solo a boss "Taken from some Hek's user's testitomy"

Takes me 1 min to solo most bosses with a boltor/gorgon

Also clip capacity mods for shotguns apparently only increases its clip size to 1 extra bullet when maxed

Sooo... yah the Hek got nerfed pretty hard, can't really compete with rifles.

Except for the fact that it can get a 120% multishot while Rifles can only get 60% T^T
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Thing is pretty useless stock. I finally had it to a place where I could stun bosses and get pretty good multihits. Now it just runs out of bullets and kills nothing. I am doubting whether it can get back to it's former glory. DE really needs to do something about at least letting players get to where they were with their guns. It just doesn't make sense to nerf everything and then have no way to make the gun useful again.

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Thing is pretty useless stock. I finally had it to a place where I could stun bosses and get pretty good multihits. Now it just runs out of bullets and kills nothing. I am doubting whether it can get back to it's former glory. DE really needs to do something about at least letting players get to where they were with their guns. It just doesn't make sense to nerf everything and then have no way to make the gun useful again.

With a maximum clip size of 5 (Fully ranked card) and maximum reload speed increase of 30% with another card, good luck! D:<

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Just as before, the Hek needs mods to kill high-level enemies. I have used it almost exclusively since the patch and 45% fire and ice plus 90% AP does plenty of damage. After finding some ms, I'll load that onto it, but until then, it's perfectly fine as before.

Also, Hek was not remotely the only weapon that was changed. The devs said almost every weapon has been adjusted somehow. Accuracy got some sort of overhaul, Burston got buffed, Latron got buffed, Braton now does more DPS than Vandal, etc.

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My HEK is modded currently with max dmg, armor pen, multi, fire rate, reload speed, clip size.. Guess what? I'm spending more time reloading then shooting.. The clip size is ridiculous.. Even if it would be something like 8 it would be low but that's the sacrifice you would take for the dmg/accuracy but 5.. are you guys trollin me? There is no reason to use it now. Any rifle with the same mods would outdmg it easily. Man.. I'm so upset with this update.. it had great potential and some things are good but you guys really screwed up the balance.

Edited by Anzuul
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The HEK is still insanely strong. Probably the strongest weapon in game. Without mods, it sucks - but shotguns have really strong mods (twice the multishot, 50% more on all other upgrades compared to rifles). A friendof mine has all damage types (except for electrical, he's still looking for it) + multishot on it and it's more like a 120mm tank cannon than a shotgun.

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Its useless now, clip size 4 and you don't get passives to bump it to reasonable size. And as someone mentioned the clip size mod is apparently a tiny increase too.

It does still hit quite hard, but there's other things that hit as hard, and can shoot more than a couple of times.

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Not trying to be the guy who brings real life into the game, but as I have a fair bit of gun experience- especially shotguns- a tatical semi-automatic shotgun with only 4 shots when the weapon is that long? Are you serious? In some futuristic setting with highly tech advanced space ninja commandos this seems like a bit of a ridiculous design flaw.

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I'd like to note that the split between people of the opinion that the hek is useless now and those that say its still one of the strongest guns tells me that the hek is actually balanced now, as opposed to pre 7.0 where the hek was hands down one of the, if not the, best guns in the game, and anyone disagreeing likely hadn't used it past rank 2.

The hek actually has a tradeoff now, you get incredible burst damage with the best accuracy of any shotgun, but you have longer downtime for reloading and a smaller clip. You want sustainable damage, then get a strun, you want to destroy anything in your sight with 4 shots, then mod up your hek. A gun that has by far the top accuracy, damage output, and only marginally lesser clip size and reload time compared to any other weapon in its class is NOT balanced.


imo the hek is fine how it is, it's actually balanced and isn't the ultimate weapon anymore. If you don't like the way it plays then maybe you should be looking into one of the other shotguns.

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