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Feedback On The Hud


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Sadly, it didn't do much to address most of my issues with the old UI, and gave me some new ones.


Some thoughts on the new UI and the UI in general:


1.  It jumps around, rather than staying properly in place.  Annoying.  Glue that sucker in place!

2.  The new UI needs to group up important things, rather than scattering them all over the place.  Currently, things like the health of the gizmo I'm defending is on the upper left, the team's health and shields, as well as my stamina, are upper right, and my energy is lower right.  Bad.  Put all those important things together on the left side please.  NPCs chatting... that can go on the right to make room.

3.  Don't care much for the shield/health split for health bars.  I'd rather have two bars, one over the other.

4.  Team health bars should default to on, not off.  At the very least, this should be an option one can set in the UI.

5.  The new map icons are nicer for knowing where people are, but it gets a bit cluttered when multiple things are in the same direction.

6.  It would be nice if Codex weapons were filterable by weapon type.

7.  Same mod stacking - I like this feature, but it would be nice to have the option to sort by quantity.  For ease of finding the things we have multiples of =)

8.  Interception map UI: There needs to be some sort of indicator when a tower is being contested by the enemy.

9.  Alerts - I like that clicking on the alert doesn't take you straight to the system until you accept.  However, if you do accept, it currently doesn't change from "online" to "play" if it fails to find a team.  This needs to happen.

10.  There should be an option to leave the chat box up when on a mission.  No input focus unless you hit 't', of course.  But there and visible.  I dislike having to hit 't' each time to see what a teammate said because I was otherwise occupied before it faded.

11.  For the mission UI, it would be nice if there was a UI editing mode that let me move various things where I want 'em (as well as set that chat box to stay visible).

12.  I do like the addition of the sentinel health/shields, plus being able to see my teammates shield status.

13.  Put the map in the upper right corner.  That's where I'm used to looking for maps.

Edited by Axterix13
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Yeah, the new HUD could use some work


Personal Problems I have with it:


-Too Small; needs to be rescaled larger

-Like the idea of Health and Shield Bars, but make them two seperate bars

-Move said bars back over to the upper left side; they could be seen better there

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There's a setting to disable the HUD movement.


My only gripe is that there's no HUD scaling option. Some stuff is hard to read at a glance because it's so small. Playing at 1080p.

Found it, yay.  Death to that silliness.  It does still beg the question: why in the world does it default to jumping around?


And another thing I'd like to see:

14.  It would be really, really nice if I could close open tabs (such as armory, market, oracle, etc) by clicking on the tab I used to open them.

Edited by Axterix13
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