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New Hud Feedback


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- I hate it, bring back the old HUD -> This is not really something we can or want to do, we want to look forward and make this the best HUD we can, so we will definitely seek out and listen for feedback to make it better.



Sorry in advance:


You would really save time for yourself if you would "just" make the HUD costumusable.

I can imagine that this is the hardest thing to do, but if you can "lock" blocks to place on the screen, and by "unlock"ing them everyone gets to place them wherever he or she wants to, all the problems of yours are solved, you will only need to worry about the design itself.

if you would add resizing block-by-block, that would just add to the satisfaction.

You can even make presets to add the versions you guys prefer... and to go further, let the players themselves add new presets for themselves, so they can revert back to an old version after experimenting with the HUD.

Even with this solution there will be some players that are not satisfied, I can guarantee that, but still, this might be the best way "satisfy" as many of your HUD complainers as you just can.


Even if I like the "new" HUD I would still love to make modifications to it myself, regarding what is where on my screen, and what size that thing is. Not to mention that accidantly grabbing the chat window that is the only movable block on the screen can be frustrating, even if not annoying enough to mention here...

... oups. :)


Besides, it is not something that we have not seen before in games, and it would be a nice addition to Warframe.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

an option to create our own UI would really be good, even if we have to paint stuff for it and submit a paint file to the game somehow and then put 1-2 rules for how the ui works
something like
"HP BAR is round - paint the way where it goes" and
"enemy HP bar - stays on screen until the last enemy you looked at is either dead or too far away"
"how should the HP be displayed: in steps of 500 HP, then change color for the next 500HP as an overlay HP Bar"
maybe even
"add skill names next to the skill images, add the skills underneath each other instead of next to each other" (maybe even add MP use number next to it)
i would love a super colorful UI, maybe even in comic style if possible

there could be choices for UI in the options, OR the idea for self creating UI

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All I want to do is drag the energy resources closer to the center of my display.  The inconvenience of the current placement of UI elements scales with the size of my monitor.  The existing feature of narrowing the HUD field is a step in the right direction but it's not enough.


First order of business in "customizable UI" - make the elements able to be dragged/moved and possibly re-sized independently.  That would make a lot of people happy I think.


edit:  I was googling "warframe UI addons" after my first 30-40 hours of play and monitoring energy resources became an issue.  Before then, I was happy to just hack-and-slash.  As gameplay required me to be more responsible for my resources, the UI started becoming annoying, having my eyes flicker to the corners of my screen during intense combat, made worse by a 27" display.

Edited by Laughmore
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The topic is what it suggests. This isn't to say there is a problem with the actual hud.

I would like to see a on player hud something similar to how the hud was integrated into the suit in the dead space games.

I would also like if you where able to see this on other players during cooperative and competitive play.

I think this could be a useful addition to the system especially when monitoring player health and shields.

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In the wake of U 18.3.1, as someone who doesn't use the hud, I find myself unable to navigate through maps. Previously I was able to keep hud off but had access to overlay map. Now I have to turn hud on to get through a mission. For characters like Ivara without the hud, I am unable to tell which arrow type is selected complicating her use.

I am most fond of the interface used in the Dead Space franchise. It is functional and more immersive. At no point do you feel that you're playing a game. You're caught up in the environment and in the characters. You are able to appreciate the graphics without all the clutter no matter how useful. Everything is concealed in the characters themselves and the tools they use. Health and energy status for example.

What little cinematics Warframe employs is always covered by mission results screens. I would much rather enjoy the graphics and have the option to toggle mission results if desired.

Hopefully map overlay will be rectified but if not, being able to toggle everything but the specifically desired hud elements would be greatly appreciated to rectify the current problem or to avoid others altogether in the future.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

This has probably been said many times, but there's no way one HUD design is going to satisfy all the players and how they play. Kidtoon makes a great point of how the HUD update made his game experience worse. 

If the Dev's are serious, they will have to find a way to incorporate player made addons for the HUD which respects the integrity of the game. If not, the thread will go in circles, or worse, a vocal minority may make the HUD worse for others. 

Edited by Obiyer
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not one to complain about this game however -

The aim point in Warframe (you could hardly call it a cross hair) continues to be the source of great annoyance to me and fellow payers in my age group.

I have written elsewhere how appalling it is to see in almost all PVE missions (that is the only format I play) . It is impossible to see in Archwing space missions and any missions that involves the dreaded ice (watch your shields Tenno) and that is simply absurd for what is a very well developed game in most other aspects of the graphics performance.

I have perserved with the illogocal white aiming point to MR19 however I have reached a point now where the time it takes me to find my aim point gets me killed in many of my solo missions especially sorties. I have read complaints about the apalling aim point going back to 2014 and I can only conclude that people who design WF back at DE have no interets in making the game playable for people with less than 20- 20 eyesight. I have screenshots in game where the aimpoint is all but invisible while I am aiming I suspect they would not add any new knowledge to this problem that continues to be unrecognised by DE designers.

I know two other older ex players of WF who have given the game away purely because of the aim point  and I suspect I am about to join them, that is something I don't enjoy because there are many other great aspects to the design and construct of WF game play that I have enjoyed.

Why can't the aimpoint be simply black (or colour selected) and scaleable so it is usable on a 4K screen? Many have asked the question and none have been answered at least not that I can find in this forum.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello game devs. I am hoping that you could do 2 OR 3 things for the HUD update.

1. (Easiest, but the most important) give the option to make it so that a bleep,boop, beep, etc. sound off in all or selected chats when a message is posted and not just pm'ing.

...OR make the chat HUD come up automatically, then let it fade away so that you are VERY much aware that a message has been posted and you can look at it and respond it.

On top of that, NO ONE will have to hope and pray that this person in, lets say clan chat, isnt noticeing that the clan wishes to wants senpai to notice them.

I believe that if you do this, i will be easier for everyone to both socialized and easier to notice when a chat is active/socializeding. this can make it easier for bonds to tighten and clans to grow. Its very possible to go 15 minutes and not notice that someone in clan chat is trying to chat to me or responding to me.

also, maybe put icons next to names and make text color customizable. that would be a nice feature.


2. (Easy, helps with aiming) Make two aspects of the crosshair customizable. The first and easiest one is being able to change what your crosshair looks like. Having different sets of crosshairs would satisfy a variety of different who would perfer a certain crosshair hair (please make one thats a X, please). perhaps even make it so there are special crosshairs for certain weapons, like the shotgun or the bow.

The harder one is making both the outline and inside the crosshair color customizable. Its can be very difficult to aim if you arent certain where exactly the dot is at. there are multiple spots in corpus place where there'll be white, especially outside where there is snow (unless you're aiming at the ground mid-jump while doing a slow-mo). ----------------------->>> CAN YOU SEE THIS NOW, I DIDN'T THINK SO!!! <<<--------------------------- being to say,  turn the inside purple and the outside green makes its extremely unique to all environments (i think).

...OR, if that is too hard, then just make it so that the outline of the dot is black and the inside white. this is because no matter what the background may be, you WILL see that crosshair and it works in comics as well.

3. (the hardiest, both in terms of the HUD and everything else) Make a bunch of things in general customizable. I understand that this may put quite the strain on you, but i think being able to choose what is what will make players happy. I'm tired and don't want to type this out any more (sorry).



PLEASE put the first two in; i'll be very grateful if you did.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


I'd like to throw my thoughts and feelings in as I have fallen in love with Warframe, never experienced any other version of the hud then the new one and the options that come with it.

 I've worked in games as a a UI/UX designer so I thought I might have some insights that would be of value. The biggest I can see to add value and meaningful location of the information that remains constant on the hud like the map location health etc. would be the option to flip the default hud locations, both top to bottom flip and left to right.


I have never played a game that has the map in the top left myself (or if I did I never looked at it much) I am a lefty who draws with my right hand and I have right eye dominance so I prefer the map on the right side top or bottom as I find it easier to glance in that direction, or it's better to say it's what comes naturally.


And right side vs left side real-estate and top vs bottom is the same argument, if it isn't natural it will be counterintuitive and then it becomes form over function.

But a simple set of 2 HUD flip toggles in the HUD options menu would solve all of those issues. 



Being honest as it is now I see I have no health when I get knocked down because I'm not seeing it until it's too late, and I am always leaving the overlay map on and it becomes a mess, but the left top corner map leaves me lost and asking friends to guide me to them like a feebled grandfather lost in a mall.  But I'm an experienced player and didn't have those issues in any of the other games I used to play before Warframe took over my PS4.

Thanks for having a QA/QC cycle that listens to the audience you are already light years ahead of the rest by that fact alone!



-Attila Adorjany 


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  • 7 years later...

Not sure if this is still looked at, but a huge improvement for a lot of people including myself would be more camera controls (like further away from your frame as it takes up 40% of the screen) A lot of people would love more ability to adjust the camera to where they like it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really hope this message reawakens this discussion.

We really need to be able to resize and move individual HUD elements. The in-mission HUD has almost been the same since 2014 but the game has improved so much across the board, I think we should atleast be able to resize and move the HUD elements. Also I'd really love to see the HUD get an update and even themes that we can buy, just like the UI themes.
maxresdefault.jpgImage above is from 2014


This is from 2024

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