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DE has had some really good ideas and they have had some great ideas that they have not truly thought completely through and so they have fallen short of their hopes, like the dojo. They wanted the dojo to be this place where the tenno could hang out, relax, and spend their off time, but really never gave us anything really to do in there other than research and duel in ugly dueling rooms. 


Now, we have giant mega clans that needed special rules and they had to bracket the clan tiers and make a really unbalanced system that insures only a very few will ever win events. If this wasn't bad enough, moving forward, they want to make "badlands" which again on the surface is a great idea, but very short sighted. Having places that are hidden and need to be earned is a great idea, it gives people something to work toward. Giving giant clans the reigns of these pathways is just plain dumb and will only hurt the player base, to allow them to charge whatever they feel like for the rest of the players to use it.


A great way to roll this out is, tie it to the proxy war idea, make the pathway earned by doing missions for a certain faction and the end result for your clan is it opens a pathway to a new region with new rewards and quests they can do.


There is a pattern forming, look how they tied the hand cannon to a faction and how it it swinging the control of the universe toward that faction, Grineer are suddenly the main power, this will be the same result for the mega clans, we will see the mega clan explosion all over again, like we saw when the clan research was first revealed. The small clans will be forever swallowed, because no one wants to pay half a million dollars to use one of these pathways. I don't know why DE hates small clans, but they are trying everything they can to finish them off for good.

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If this can be totally ignored except for those interested in the particular game mechanic, I don't see anything wrong with it. For example, there are whole games where PVP is the 50% of the game while the other 50% are happily playing PVE.


Now, if they force all players into this system, no, I wouldn't like that and would probably move on to a different game, no matter how much I like many aspects of it. A mandatory clan mechanic would force me out of the game.

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I'm reserving judgement until the mechanic actually comes out. It doesn't take a lot of thinking to realize that the mega clan warlords could all just jack up to maximum prices on the new paths if they are given control over tolls. God forbid they're allowed to toll something other than credits.


I'm hoping that the "tax" system, if it has to exist, works more like a reward system. To explain, anytime the solar rail is used, the tenno associated with the group in charge gain some sort of reward. The tenno using the rail only pay the standard rail fee (assuming here that rails require fees regardless of affiliation). Mega clans can't artificially inflate prices.

Edited by KaikelX
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the first time i play this game i thought tenno was like jedi...balancing each waring faction...

now they want to make this become capitalist monopoly game....get a land and pay tax whoever else stand on it...

WTH dank it


i like PVE game thats why i play this game...now they want to make it pvp...dank it

some solo player and lokal or small clan that play this game for fun wont be happy for sure...


i havent even touch conclave even once....i tried dojo clan twice when i'm new and after i have lvl30 frame and weapon+forma and i dont like it...never touch it again...

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Again, reserving judgement until the thing actually comes out. Did they actually specifically say that Clans could create taxes for using the Solar Rail? For all we know it might just be like Invasions, once we meet the requirement, we get paid from the faction coffers, not from other players' stuff

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Again, reserving judgement until the thing actually comes out. Did they actually specifically say that Clans could create taxes for using the Solar Rail? For all we know it might just be like Invasions, once we meet the requirement, we get paid from the faction coffers, not from other players' stuff

Watch the last livestream. DE said they were going to allow clans to set the taxes, and if it is too high other clans would get sick of it and try to make another tower in secret and try to challenge etc...

I'm not trying to pass judgement either, however, I am hoping that some real forward thinking by the devs. DE has up until now not put much thought into how things fit together, they have been putting out things that are great, but don't dovetail into the rest of the project. They have finally started to plan things a bit more. My hope is they really think these things through before moving forward too much.

My point of the mega clans are proof that if you do something halfway it will backfire and throw everything off. This idea of turning a chunk of the game to clans to lord over, only opens up a new chance to form more mega clans and feed the already glaring problem.

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I still think it is not only a bad but a silly idea.
"Here is our mega clan of 1000 members!"
Here all four of us are proudly displaying our might!

Mega clans have more grind power when it comes to: "Do this mission over and over again for 1000 times to win... a scarf or something."

But we are playing Ninjas.(fictional space) Ninjas don't need to be an army. They excel because they are trouble and super-skilled. Each of them.

We are a clan of six and we can't play together in one mission.
We play a lot and we are certainly neither the best nor the worst players. We'd never be that cradle on the wheel Steve was imagining. It is silly.

Anyway: I don't like the idea of Tennos being affiliated with other factions. Doesn't make sense.
"Oh, you helped us out so many times, who cares about the 200K of us you killed..."

Nor do I think Tennos would build toll booths for other Tennos. It really all doesn't make much sense and DE could do better than to please the usual "Mega Clans".

Edited by Fezairin
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the first time i play this game i thought tenno was like jedi...balancing each waring faction...

now they want to make this become capitalist monopoly game....get a land and pay tax whoever else stand on it...

WTH dank it


i like PVE game thats why i play this game...now they want to make it pvp...dank it

some solo player and lokal or small clan that play this game for fun wont be happy for sure...


i havent even touch conclave even once....i tried dojo clan twice when i'm new and after i have lvl30 frame and weapon+forma and i dont like it...never touch it again...


Out of curiosity where did you get the pvp part from? The closest that it'll get according to the livestream was that clans can challenge eachother for a area and do missions to take control not against other warframes but similar to the invasions we have now in that the clan with most completed missions in their favor wins.


I'm a solo player too, though i did join a clan so i can access dojo research. Never dueled or conclaved because they weren't a part of the game as i saw it. DE has also made it fairly clear that they do not intend to make a pvp game.


I am interested how they intend to give smaller clans a chance against the larger ones.... though i suppose the alliances and benefits of allying with the winner will be the main choice for smaller clans. Sadly benefit will still mostly be to the large clans at the moment, but badlands is still a good time away yet so no doubt changes will be made before and fine-tuning made after, prefer to do my speculating once we have more info on it.

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 badlands is still a good time away yet so no doubt changes will be made before and fine-tuning made after, prefer to do my speculating once we have more info on it.

Even though it may be "a good time away" we should think about the idea that they have laid out and not wait until it is in-game and say "man, I wish they would have left this part out" DE has set a trend of not thinking ideas completely out and we have all paid the price for short sighted ideas. I for one am thankful they are thinking down the road a bit more, but I want them to see all of the branches that grow from this and how to fix problems before they become too big. There is a very long list of stuff that have rolled out broken or has become that way trying to fix or alter it to fit later, I want the endgame to not be one of these broken items if we or DE can help it. This "wait and see" policy you suggest, simply is not good enough anymore.

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As long as there is no clan tax beyond the standard "Use these resources to access a path" (think building an OD key), then I'm happy.


The last thing I want to do is shell out my entire credit account to broframe, warbros, or insert huge clan here because I'm just a ghost clan member.

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I don't usually watch the streams but this sounds pretty neat.  I would certainly hope they use a number more like a ratio such as "Number of people in clan vs number of people who have completed this mission/event in the clan" versus just "number of people in the clan who have completed this mission compared to number of people in other clans who have completed this mission".  That would be amazing.  In this scenario that I'm hoping for we have players who are more goal oriented coming out on top.  Yeah I know this would make a lot of people mad who joined huge clans so they could win without winning..but really...who cares about them? 

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