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Big Friggin Complaint List (Of Changes That Are Meh) ( Not That Big )


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The new elevators are lame. Sorry guys, i know you worked hard.. But yah...


The dojo went from feeling like a 4* hotel to a 1* hospital. (while in the elevator). The old elevators were nice, and shiny.

More importantly shiny.



Novas wormhole seems to have no limit on distance. At least I am yet to find a section of map longer than her WH range.




Heavy Impact only Triggers the first time you fall with force. After that... Nothing. No effects, no sound, no knockdown.




The Hud while taking up less space (a good thing) looks like it has nothing to do with tenno or the warframe universe.

It looks entirely foreign, and the horrible markers keep getting worse. it looks like a cheap sticker, or like it was made in paint. Its 2014.. can we not be more artistic with our shapes and colors?


Really? A pyramid with a rectangle in it? DOEST THOU KNOW NOT OF PROPORTION? The Power symbol being yellow and a power symbol, for cypher posts, is bad enough. The only symbol i havent cringed at is the blue lotus symbol that represents players/rescue targets.

 -all the other symbols on the maps look nothing like anything that has anything to do with warframe at all in the least bit. srsly.


This Neon Blue / Stopsign Red combination looks horrible. And when a team mate gets downed I cant read whats above them, and its hard to spot where they are.






Cmon guys... Lets step it up a notch. Put some shiny back in our elevators, reduce the podium base size of message posts and elevator terminals back to not downsyndrome,





oh, and before i forget.. while i love the garden rooms... they looks stupid with walls and ceilings that look like the rest of the dojo. i couldnt get over the fact that we just filled up normal looking rooms with dirt  or water or sand and said BAM A GARDEN......







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I play with heavy impact on a few of my frames and it works great all the time. In fact, I work it in to opening attacks in maps I know really well. This is also my opening gambit with the new war frame. Not sure why yours only triggers once.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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