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Europa Underwater Base [New Tileset Suggestion!]


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I don't know what the exact plan for Europa is, but I'd be real sad if it wasn't an awesome underwater base hanging off the inside of the ice-crust of the moon.


My thoughts are something along the lines of an Underwater Research outpost, possibly researching the viability of certain Space-Faring weapons, vehicles, or armour, or researching how well vehicles and weapons deal with extremely unfavourable conditions. Imagine trekking across the surface of the moon and seeing the occasional derelict vehicle jutting out of the ice, the crew frozen in abject agony a few feet away as they tried to escape an ice-storm.

Little elevator and barrack complexes dot the surface, with high-speed elevators carrying cargo, equipment and personnel to and from the actual base, which is bolted to the inside of the several mile (150 miles? Citation needed) thick Ice-Crust of Europa. The Tenno would be air-dropped onto the surface, where occasional Ice-Storms would damage their shields, and have to trek across the surface to find an Elevator. Patrols would occasionally accost the Tenno on their hike, and may alert the base below, giving them time to shore-up their defenses for the eventual onslaught.

Arctic Corpus Recon would be equipped with powerful weapons, and be capable of not only surviving the harsh envrionment but using it to their advantage against their enemies. I envision tall, muscular men in heavy armour, wrapped in cloaks and shrouds that shield them from the elements around them. Weapons of course would be rugged, reliable and capable of stripping shields easily, given that the Tenno might already be under a handicap from an Ice-Storm.


Arriving at the Elevator complex, the Tenno must clear the Barracks, and begin their infiltration/assault in earnest. Sabotaging research archives (Sabotage), taking delicate and necessary equipment by force (Defense), plundering archives for information in regards to Corpus goings on in the area (Mobile Defense), thinning out the local population of military personnel (Exterminate), and many other objectives.

The Boss of the system, Raptor, could be one of the first line of proto-Ospreys designed on Europa, making it largely impervious to the cold, and capable of flying against even ice-storms. After completing an objective, the Tenno begin their exfiltration, back onto the surface, where they encounter the Raptor waiting for them. In order to extract, the Tenno need to disable the Raptor on the surface, taking cover when they can while ice-storms and missiles drain their shields and health.


The Inside of these bases and research outposts would be pristine, with every door acting as an air-lock in the event of a window shattering, and the constant chugging of an oxygen recycler would set the ambiance. Not too bright, but nor too dark, a sort of cold dim as the Tenno stalk through the halls to complete their objectives.

Once an alarm is sounded, tables become haphazardly kicked over for improvised cover, strewing data-tablets across the floor, computer server stacks that aren't bolted to the walls tipped on their sides as the base defenders set up an ambush for the Tenno.

Windows out into the Stygian Abyss below can be shattered, flooding the room and locking it down until the Tenno, now racing against the lack of oxygen and the cold of the water, can seal the base and pump the water out.


Further, this might be a good way to introduce the new Corpus freeze-ray coming out, a weapon borne of necessity from a tool used to preserve research specimens, or test the atmospheric seal on a suit.

Edited by Teqnologyque
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I like a concept for an underwater base, but maybe not for Europa.


I'm more for a Crystal Caverns set. Imagine, an icy tundra under an eternal night, colorful auroras dancing across the sky; icicle-filled caverns with colorful yet volatile Antimatter Crystal clusters; underground research bases built to harvest and research these crystals; floating islands (like on Pandora in Avatar) connected by Corpus-built light bridges and rails; and occasionally, destroyed bases hinting at failed experiments that reduced entire facilities to ruin-ladened craters. And of course, the boss encounter on a large tundra atop the mountains against an overhauled giant Raptor.


I'd love to see an underwater base on a new planet though, containing a raid boss (to contrast a volcanic planet set for Grineer's end-game raid boss planet).

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I like a concept for an underwater base, but maybe not for Europa.


I'd love to see an underwater base on a new planet though, containing a raid boss (to contrast a volcanic planet set for Grineer's end-game raid boss planet).


AFAIK Europa is the only planet (besides Earth) where it is certain to contain water. I love the idea of an underwater base tile set on Europa. I could see this working on other "new" planets, since many asteroids are thought to contain water. 


A slight tangent, but, I've always been puzzled by the Phobos tile set. It looks badass, and it feels *just* like what my imagination produces when I read the Dune books. But this is what a terraformed Mars should look like. The real Phobos is basically an oversized asteroid, -it has no atmosphere to speak of. Mars on the other hand, it has (some) air, water, deserts, rocks, dunes, caves, maybe even wildlife, basically all the things you see on the "Phobos" tileset...

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I'm more for a Crystal Caverns set. Imagine, an icy tundra under an eternal night, colorful auroras dancing across the sky; icicle-filled caverns with colorful yet volatile Antimatter Crystal clusters; underground research bases built to harvest and research these crystals; floating islands (like on Pandora in Avatar) connected by Corpus-built light bridges and rails; and occasionally, destroyed bases hinting at failed experiments that reduced entire facilities to ruin-ladened craters. And of course, the boss encounter on a large tundra atop the mountains against an overhauled giant Raptor.


Actually, now that I think of it, Neptune's moon Triton is the location for this idea. Check out the Ice Geysers!

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AFAIK Europa is the only planet (besides Earth) where it is certain to contain water. I love the idea of an underwater base tile set on Europa. I could see this working on other "new" planets, since many asteroids are thought to contain water. 


A slight tangent, but, I've always been puzzled by the Phobos tile set. It looks badass, and it feels *just* like what my imagination produces when I read the Dune books. But this is what a terraformed Mars should look like. The real Phobos is basically an oversized asteroid, -it has no atmosphere to speak of. Mars on the other hand, it has (some) air, water, deserts, rocks, dunes, caves, maybe even wildlife, basically all the things you see on the "Phobos" tileset...

Well this IS just sci-fi, the Warframe universe doesn't necessarily have to follow the same logic as real life. Hell, the Warframe's solar system is called the "Sol System" instead of the Solar System, and planets like Phobos, Ceres and Eris are closer to Earth than Pluto, which isn't how it works in real life. It would be acceptable to ignore real life science and actual planet terrain and properties.

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I like a concept for an underwater base, but maybe not for Europa.

Not to be a $&*^, but...


Like Schwood said; your idea would be better suited to Triton.


I may not have put a lot of work into my suggestion as I should have, but I do take a certain amount of pride in it. I am a little insulted that you tried to piggy-back your idea off of mine. Please make your own thread next time.

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