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Started Warframe around the 30th of January and finally got around to claiming a Galatine from the Foundry yesterday. Currently using a Frost and hoping to learn methods other than constant snow globe or die as well as whether or not a rush mod is helpful mobility wise or if I'm better off sliding around instead. note that if i have spare energy and there's nothing else to kill/do while waiting at extraction I may feel like using Freeze just to feel like Ironman for a bit or time an avalanche when the last person arrives just to see him do that arm swing animation as he's walking aboard the ship.

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Welcome! And well for the snowglobe part, frost is (or was, pre U12) pretty much built around Snowglobe and is a frame built around defense kinda missions, he's one of the slowest warframes and yes, Rush will help you move around a lot quicker (also you can equip a fast attack speed weapon like Dual Zorens or a Lecta and jump, dash mid air and press E for a melee attack. This "combo" will send you flying forward and the better the aspd on the weapon, the better). Avalanche is a pretty good CC and damage in early lvls (as most warframe abilities, the higher the lvl of the enemies the more you need utility over damage) so it's good to keep it for those "oh S#&$" moments regardless of the situation. 

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welcome tenno best things to remember in this game is


--> know your limits in missions


--> utilize all your powers in the beginning to get a feel for them


--> if you need help go to the region chat


--> want to make/find a mission squad or clan? hit up the recruitment tab


--> Girls, (Both tenno/warframe, players, & Grineer) are always better than you--- always


--> Last and most important thing.....


ITS ALWAYS THE GRINEER!.....  -___- always


if its a corpus mission then its just grineer in disguise


if its an infested mission its grineers with their version of a furry fetish running around


if its the corrupted, its all of the above combined....just a nightmare

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