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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Okay, first off: GREAT idea. I mean, really great. Typhus is a prime example of when the Technocyte Virus is more prominent in a Tennos' body when they are grafted to a 'Frame. Although...Cannibalize Armor and Cataclysm are almost identical to two abilities used by Alex Mercer in Prototype. I'd suggest re-working those so they don't look copied from another game. Other than that, this is probably THE most unique and interesting Warframe I've ever seen.

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Okay, first off: GREAT idea. I mean, really great. Typhus is a prime example of when the Technocyte Virus is more prominent in a Tennos' body when they are grafted to a 'Frame. Although...Cannibalize Armor and Cataclysm are almost identical to two abilities used by Alex Mercer in Prototype. I'd suggest re-working those so they don't look copied from another game. Other than that, this is probably THE most unique and interesting Warframe I've ever seen.


Why do people assume I've taken inspiration from prototype? Cannibalize Armor was based off of assassin bugs, which wear the bodies of their prey as Armour. That's the main inspiration for the ability.




Cataclysm is based off of a kind of overly aggressive Cordyceps, which is a fungus that infects insects, which sometimes sprouts from the ground and the corpses of the victims. http://www.my-immunity.com/sites/default/files/Cordyceps_gljiva.jpg All of the inspiration has been found from things that are found in the real world, not other video games.




I get it, you just skim through and assume where i got the ideas from, but In reality, I got my ideas from actual things in nature. If you actually read the thread, or checked the inspiration link, you'd realize I had not taken anything from prototype, or anything else. I haven't even played prototype.

So no, I'm not changing Typhus' powers just because a game did it first.


Thanks anyway.


Edited by RedSkittlez
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Why do people assume I've taken inspiration from prototype? Cannibalize Armor was based off of assassin bugs, which wear the bodies of their prey as Armour. That's the main inspiration for the ability.




Cataclysm is based off of a kind of overly aggressive Cordyceps, which is a fungus that infects insects, which sometimes sprouts from the ground and the corpses of the victims. http://www.my-immunity.com/sites/default/files/Cordyceps_gljiva.jpg All of the inspiration has been found from things that are found in the real world, not other video games.




I get it, you just skim through and assume where i got the ideas from, but In reality, I got my ideas from actual things in nature. If you actually read the thread, or checked the inspiration link, you'd realize I had not taken anything from prototype, or anything else. I haven't even played prototype.

So no, I'm not changing Typhus' powers just because a game did it first.


Thanks anyway.


lol way to educate Red! 

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Why do people assume I've taken inspiration from prototype? Cannibalize Armor was based off of assassin bugs, which wear the bodies of their prey as Armour. That's the main inspiration for the ability.




Cataclysm is based off of a kind of overly aggressive Cordyceps, which is a fungus that infects insects, which sometimes sprouts from the ground and the corpses of the victims. http://www.my-immunity.com/sites/default/files/Cordyceps_gljiva.jpg All of the inspiration has been found from things that are found in the real world, not other video games.




I get it, you just skim through and assume where i got the ideas from, but In reality, I got my ideas from actual things in nature. If you actually read the thread, or checked the inspiration link, you'd realize I had not taken anything from prototype, or anything else. I haven't even played prototype.

So no, I'm not changing Typhus' powers just because a game did it first.


Thanks anyway.


i love your inspiration for this red i dont think ive ever heared anyone say they drew insperation from the assassin bug. nature has alot of strange things that can be used to make original content because while many people look to nature for insperation they only use small parts while there are so many things to take from it, and also having played prototype before i can say that canibalize armor is only like prototype in the fact that things come out of typhus, the ones that come from typhus are spikes that grab onto things for absorbtion into the host organism while in prototype they were tenticals of mass destruction and carnage that destroyed almost every enemy on screen. Cataclysm is not reds final idea if you read the forum youl find he came up with somthing afterwards however the only similarity i see between cataclysm and prototype is spikes, and cataclysm has more spikes than mercer ever will especialy if you played the second game >:D. please do not tell an artist that their ideas are riped from somthing else its hard enough to be original today, i know, im trying to wright an original plotline for a story im working on and its pretty damn hard to not run into somthing that is considered as "already taken". dont suppress this mans artistic talent and keep your comparisons to yourselves please.

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I was upvote #490  =D   10 more til 500.



I like the idea of a possible infested frame. Even just like this, I would want it.

please read the forum, Typhus is not an infested frame he is an example of the technocite virus being more agressive to the host than it is with the other frames

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please read the forum, Typhus is not an infested frame he is an example of the technocite virus being more agressive to the host than it is with the other frames

technicaly all frames are "infested" because the Infested are just cases of the technocite virus not being treated. warframes are made from the technocite virus just like the infested. Edited by Senketsu_
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technicaly all frames are "infested" because the Infested are just cases of the technocite virus not being treated. warframes are made from the technocite virus just like the infested.

Senketsu? Shouldn't you be dead? We all watched you lose your energy and burn up saving Ryuko from re-entry. 

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technicaly all frames are "infested" because the Infested are just cases of the technocite virus not being treated. warframes are made from the technocite virus just like the infested.

yes thats true, but red has specificly argued on this forum that typhus is not an infested warframe and im pretty sure the person was saying infested as in the untreated technocite, that or he has no idea what we are talking about and were both just being lore nerds.

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Senketsu? Shouldn't you be dead? We all watched you lose your energy and burn up saving Ryuko from re-entry. 


Gee, thanks, you ruined it for me. I haven't finished it yet because I've been watching Attack on titan and Guilty crown.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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I was upvote #490  =D   10 more til 500.



I like the idea of a possible infested frame. Even just like this, I would want it.

Not an Infested frame. Parasitic, insectoid; yes.

There are, of course, spheres that overlap between the two. They are both "biological", but then again, both Frost and Ember are "empedoclean elemental".

I realize that the divisions of the empedoclean elements are more easily recognizable for most, but that doesn't remove from the fact that the biological sphere can be as easily divided into sub-catagories as the elements - or, as the ancient notions of "basic elements" show - that any single division does not necessarily have to be definitive, at least in the realm of philosophy.

Let me start by providing the background for dividing "biological" in terms of Warframe.

One division of the "Basic elements", is the one mentioned above, the empedoclean division, and that's the one we're most familiar with: Earth, fire, water, and wind.

One of the other possible forms of division is, for example, 五大 (godai), or the "Five Great". While this form is - historically - wrongfully equated as being synonymous with the function of the empedoclean division, the point still stands, as the (wrongful) interpretation is one that has become somewhat accepted. This form is once more divisible into various forms: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and either Wood/Metal/Sky (or "Void", if you refrain from following a direct translation).

Which brings us to Warframe, and the possible division of the "Biological" sphere we may operate with. Since not everything has been published, this isn't a set definition, only a preliminary one.

As Senketsu pointed out, Warframes - if not Tenno - are the product of varius permutations of the Technocyte Virus - I wrote an entry about it back on page 24, I believe. While this may also be true for the Infested, there is a key difference that differentiates Warframes and Infested, regardless of "theme": Control, mutation, and aggression.

The Infested lack control, they mutate the host severely, and they infest aggressively.

Meanwhile, Warframes are highly controlled, they either mutate the host very little or not at all, and they only infest when coerced (i.e. "when worn").

That is, perhaps, a superficial difference, but it is one that excludes us from ever linking a Warframe with the Infested - they are mutually exclusive terms. :)

Since we only have Saryn as an arguable representative of the Biological sphere, we can use what she does not define, to define at least part of the sphere:

Saryin is heavily based on toxins and venoms, and to a smaller degree, plant-life.

This leaves us with a biological sphere where the scope is primarily focused on the inanimate components (i.e. mostly things that aren't living in their own right), and to a more superficial degree, the animate components (e.g. plant-life).

So this leaves a couple of plausible definitions available to us: First and foremost, it leaves the animate components open for further division.

For example, there might be room for yet another plant-themed Warframe, but instead of toxins and venoms, it might be centered around thorns and self-sustenance.

This leaves plenty of room, and rather neatly fits, with Typhus being a Biological-themed, "Parasitic/Insectoid" sub-themed Technocyte strain.

While Typhus may be somewhat closer to the Infested (Parasites also being invasive), he differs from Infested in the sense that the Infested aren't primarily parasitical, they are primarily invasive. In other words, the Typhus strain lives alongside or with the Tenno, whereas the Infested invade and consume their hosts. 

He does not use other beings as a means of replicating - he is controlled, if barely.

Put in other terms; Typhus can't be "Infested themed", nor can - as far as we know - any Warframe be "Infested themed". Because if they were themed as such, they would, in effect, be infested.

Can they share the same thematic sphere, certainly - but that doesn't make them comparable in the sense that has so often been commented in the thread.

But again - I have yet to hear someone call Volt "Corpus Themed" ;)

In any case, please read the original post by Red, he's already written up most of all this. I'm only reiterating some of it here, in the hopes that people might read up a bit, and stop making this comparison - among other already rebuked arguments. Personally, I can understand why Red is feeling burnt out with the concept. ;\

Edit: In the end, it all boils down to semiotics. When can something be categorized as something. In some countries people have no issue categorizing Tomatoes as vegetables, in others, they waver a bit, and some places, they categorize it as a fruit.

It all depends on our innate perception of when something is and isn't something, and how sub-divided a category is (Mammal -> Furry -> Four legs .. but what about Whales then?). Readjusting our semiotic definition of our world-view is sometimes required, and while we rarely need to divide and define "Biological" into smaller components, I feel we would all benefit from it when it comes to Warframe - just think of the possibilities! ;)

Edited by Santiak
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I am sorry but this guy just seems too demonic(his helmet is a bit creepy, some of his abilities don't help and then theres the fact his armour causes him constant pain) unless DE tones it down a bit it would be easier to see him as another assassin who hunts us down then a war frame we can use

Edited by warpath514
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I am sorry but this guy just seems too demonic(his helmet is a bit creepy, some of his abilities don't help and then theres the fact his armour causes him constant pain) unless DE tones it down a bit it would be easier to see him as another assassin who hunts us down then a war frame we can use


So your saying he's too demonic/evil? Well then please ask DE to remove Nekros for being a necromancer. You know a person/thing that revives the dead to serve their purpose, in this case attack the enemies of the Tenno. All of Typhus abilities are that, kill the enemies of the Tenno, and quite adept at doing so.


So please PLEASE elaborate.


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Gee, thanks, you ruined it for me. I haven't finished it yet because I've been watching Attack on titan and Guilty crown.

GASP! lol how are you enjoying Attack on Titan and Guilty Crown. I loved both of them, even though I know Guilty Crown has a few faults.

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I am sorry but this guy just seems too demonic(his helmet is a bit creepy, some of his abilities don't help and then theres the fact his armour causes him constant pain) unless DE tones it down a bit it would be easier to see him as another assassin who hunts us down then a war frame we can use

If he's too demonic then why do you play M rated games? Why do you play games that quite literally tear them into two? Why do you play a game that contains a mass murdering master race that uses genetic therapy to clone themselves? Why do you play a game that has a race that sees profit in cutting up another species and sold to the highest bidder? Why do you play a game that has a person, who's homicidal at the fact you try to bring order to a unstable solar system by destroying leaders of above said questions? Why do you play a game that contains a virus that went out of check that tries to kill/overtake everything it sees and touches? Why do you play a game that has the said "order" trying to kill themselves over new parts of the solar system? So yeah I'd like to know how you play a game that includes all that over a "Warframe" that uses some of the above, just like in game models and characters do, that in your opinion is just "Too Demonic".

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Not an Infested frame. Parasitic, insectoid; yes.

There are, of course, spheres that overlap between the two. They are both "biological", but then again, both Frost and Ember are "empedoclean elemental".

I realize that the divisions of the empedoclean elements are more easily recognizable for most, but that doesn't remove from the fact that the biological sphere can be as easily divided into sub-catagories as the elements - or, as the ancient notions of "basic elements" show - that any single division does not necessarily have to be definitive, at least in the realm of philosophy.

Let me start by providing the background for dividing "biological" in terms of Warframe.

One division of the "Basic elements", is the one mentioned above, the empedoclean division, and that's the one we're most familiar with: Earth, fire, water, and wind.

One of the other possible forms of division is, for example, 五大 (godai), or the "Five Great". While this form is - historically - wrongfully equated as being synonymous with the function of the empedoclean division, the point still stands, as the (wrongful) interpretation is one that has become somewhat accepted. This form is once more divisible into various forms: Earth, Fire, Water, Water, and either Wood/Metal/Sky (or "Void", if you refrain from following a direct translation).

Which brings us to Warframe, and the possible division of the "Biological" sphere we may operate with. Since not everything has been published, this isn't a set definition, only a preliminary one.

As Senketsu pointed out, Warframes - if not Tenno - are the product of varius permutations of the Technocyte Virus - I wrote an entry about it back on page 24, I believe. While this may also be true for the Infested, there is a key difference that differentiates Warframes and Infested, regardless of "theme": Control, mutation, and aggression.

The Infested lack control, they mutate the host severely, and they infest aggressively.

Meanwhile, Warframes are highly controlled, they either mutate the host very little or not at all, and they only infest when coerced (i.e. "when worn").

That is, perhaps, a superficial difference, but it is one that excludes us from ever linking a Warframe with the Infested - they are mutually exclusive terms. :)

Since we only have Saryn as an arguable representative of the Biological sphere, we can use what she does not define, to define at least part of the sphere:

Saryin is heavily based on toxins and venoms, and to a smaller degree, plant-life.

This leaves us with a biological sphere where the scope is primarily focused on the inanimate components (i.e. mostly things that aren't living in their own right), and to a more superficial degree, the animate components (e.g. plant-life).

So this leaves a couple of plausible definitions available to us: First and foremost, it leaves the animate components open for further division.

For example, there might be room for yet another plant-themed Warframe, but instead of toxins and venoms, it might be centered around thorns and self-sustenance.

This leaves plenty of room, and rather neatly fits, with Typhus being a Biological-themed, "Parasitic/Insectoid" sub-themed Technocyte strain.

While Typhus may be somewhat closer to the Infested (Parasites also being invasive), he differs from Infested in the sense that the Infested aren't primarily parasitical, they are primarily invasive. In other words, the Typhus strain lives alongside or with the Tenno, whereas the Infested invade and consume their hosts. 

He does not use other beings as a means of replicating - he is controlled, if barely.

Put in other terms; Typhus can't be "Infested themed", nor can - as far as we know - any Warframe be "Infested themed". Because if they were themed as such, they would, in effect, be infested.

Can they share the same thematic sphere, certainly - but that doesn't make them comparable in the sense that has so often been commented in the thread.

But again - I have yet to hear someone call Volt "Corpus Themed" ;)

In any case, please read the original post by Red, he's already written up most of all this. I'm only reiterating some of it here, in the hopes that people might read up a bit, and stop making this comparison - among other already rebuked arguments. Personally, I can understand why Red is feeling burnt out with the concept. ;\

I read that whole thing XD I realy like how your so willing to help clarify Tuphus, sorry if I was causing some confusion by saying the warframes and infested are "technically" the same. I love this concept sooooooo much. hehe I even sent it to DEDraice, and He told me that he sent the concept along to his bosses to be looked at. so Figures crossed.  

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I read that whole thing XD I realy like how your so willing to help clarify Tuphus, sorry if I was causing some confusion by saying the warframes and infested are "technically" the same. I love this concept sooooooo much. hehe I even sent it to DEDraice, and He told me that he sent the concept along to his bosses to be looked at. so Figures crossed.  

Hehe - cheers for reading one of my incessant rants. ;)

But please don't take my word for it when it comes to clarifying Typhus - that's something I can't do. I can share my understanding of Typhus, based on what I've picked up throughout the thread, and what measly lore we have about the Warframes in general, but ultimately, only Red can clarify on Typhus. :)

So any misconceptions I might espouse is my fault, and I'd urge anyone who wants to know more about who and what Typhus is, to read the OP first and foremost.

*goes back to watching the last season of "Lie to me"*

Edit: Oh, and thanks for poking DE! Can't wait to see Typhus in-game - hopefully as close to Reds concept as possible. :)

Edited by Santiak
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So your saying he's too demonic/evil? Well then please ask DE to remove Nekros for being a necromancer. You know a person/thing that revives the dead to serve their purpose, in this case attack the enemies of the Tenno. All of Typhus abilities are that, kill the enemies of the Tenno, and quite adept at doing so.


So please PLEASE elaborate.

First of all more then half of the abilities(including the four main ones)you described involve this guy mutilating his opponents. His armour leaves him in constant pain. His body is filled with parasites. His helmet looks like a monster(I couldn't think of a better way to describe it sorry)

Now onto Nekros his design isn't nearly as dark as this guys. Only his first ability is demonic, his second involves him screaming to terrify his opponents, his third just makes better loot drop and his fourth is him summoning holograms of fallen enemies(if they were the actual bodies I wouldn't argue)

And finally I never said I didn't like this guy I just thought DE would think this guys concept too dark and tone him down(basically change him a lot) or make him into a enemy similar to the stalker which would be interesting as well. I am very sorry if I offended you in anyway.

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If he's too demonic then why do you play M rated games? Why do you play games that quite literally tear them into two? Why do you play a game that contains a mass murdering master race that uses genetic therapy to clone themselves? Why do you play a game that has a race that sees profit in cutting up another species and sold to the highest bidder? Why do you play a game that has a person, who's homicidal at the fact you try to bring order to a unstable solar system by destroying leaders of above said questions? Why do you play a game that contains a virus that went out of check that tries to kill/overtake everything it sees and touches? Why do you play a game that has the said "order" trying to kill themselves over new parts of the solar system? So yeah I'd like to know how you play a game that includes all that over a "Warframe" that uses some of the above, just like in game models and characters do, that in your opinion is just "Too Demonic".

First I never said he was too demonic for the game I said he SEEMS to demonic to be a frame to use. And how is a revenge seeker demonic tell me that.
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First of all more then half of the abilities(including the four main ones)you described involve this guy mutilating his opponents. His armour leaves him in constant pain. His body is filled with parasites. His helmet looks like a monster(I couldn't think of a better way to describe it sorry)

Now onto Nekros his design isn't nearly as dark as this guys. Only his first ability is demonic, his second involves him screaming to terrify his opponents, his third just makes better loot drop and his fourth is him summoning holograms of fallen enemies(if they were the actual bodies I wouldn't argue)

And finally I never said I didn't like this guy I just thought DE would think this guys concept too dark and tone him down(basically change him a lot) or make him into a enemy similar to the stalker which would be interesting as well. I am very sorry if I offended you in anyway.


Well, lets see this. You talk about a warframe that's too "aggressive" so lets take a look at this:Nekros 4th ability under his profile video, the Lotus/DERebecca states: "Resurrects Shadow versions of your fallen enemies to fight along side you for a limited time". Nowhere in that statement does it say HOLOGRAM. (Really, when did "holograms" kill people?)

Soul punch? That is literally the most demonic thing ever, You actually punch someones soul out of their body and use it to kill another. We can go one step further and state that he uses nanotechnology to resurrect the dead, that's pretty damn demonic to me.

Ember burns her opponents to ash. Frost flash freezes then shatters them into ice cubes. Nyx takes all incoming damage and returns it back to the person who causes it. Rhino charges the enemy, eviscerating them. Nova uses antimatter to dissolve them at the molecular level. Excalibur stabs and impales enemies to walls using Radial Javelin and Slash Dash cuts enemies into two. Shall I keep going?

Edited by RedSkittlez
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