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True Necromancer - Nekros Theme Revamp


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They would always be fighting enemies that at least match their health and damage output. Tested in a vacuum, that would mean they just trade kills with an enemy. Making them protect the caster at the cost of their own life would mean them taking more damage than a normal enemy that will take cover. I don't see minions getting more than one or two kills a piece unless they're a heavy, and another heavy or crowd of norms will take that out. A single Eviscerator vs a bunch of summoned Lancers would probably tear them apart.


Making their kills not count for your summons would cover the rest. You would have to keep getting kills yourself to keep the army up, and you'd lose the first batch when you summoned the second. They watch your back until they die or you throw them away and get new ones.

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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Just for the fun, I'll give my version, even if the probability to see it implemented is close or equal to 0 :)


First power: Desecrate:

Current desecrate, except that, in addition, it captures the soul of the victims when successful. Up to 20 souls fly around Nekros this way (in the form of small flames?). Power Strength increases the maximum number of souls.


Second power: Soul Crush/Crack/Blast/Whatever:

"Channeled" power; fuse 1 soul per unit of time (0.5 sec?) into a concentrated orb of energyv (thrown as some kind of hand grenade), dealing D1/D2/D3/D4 damage per soul used in a R1/R2/R3/R4 radius. Costs C per soul. 100% blast status (to keep the utility of Soul Punch).


Third power: Reanimation:

Passive: As long as Nekros has 5 souls around him, he automatically revives himself when down. Consumes all souls (dying two times in a row still kills him normally).

Active: Use 5 souls to instantly revive a friend.


Fourth power: Shadow of the Dead:

Same power, except that it is channeled. Use one soul per 0.5 sec is used to create one shadow. That way, Nekros chooses between 1 and 7 shadows and don't spend a hell of a time casting. Costs C (15?) energy per shadow.

Edited by Mazikeen
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All I've read so far is a bunch of people who aren't great at using the synergy in Nekros' kit. Stop trying to revamp him, he's perfect as is. If you can't use him for the situation you need him in then that is a USER error. Currently, his third ability is spammed because people want to do the 'lottery' instead of seeing it as what it should be, you get health orbs to live longer. If you turn Nekros into a 1-trick pony and then complain that he is lame then that is your problem and you are making it harder for yourself to see how he can work well.


How about replacing Energy Siphon with Corrosive projection and adding a power strength mod for terrify? I don't see people building that because they aren't thinking. I've had Nekros since his release and I've had a problem with him because my mind set was as foolish as you all who hate his current state.


I spent the time to learn his abilities and came up with a plan to keep him interesting and worthwhile for end-game. I have no regrets and I only feel shame for you if you can't adapt to a very generous warframe.


Unless there was an alarmingly awful mechanic in one or all of his abilities then I would be here with you guys on revamping him but that is not the case. This is the case of the user complaining about something not being in their own vision. He is a Necromancer and he cripples/terrifies his foes while raising his dead foes to fight for him.

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Unless there was an alarmingly awful mechanic in one or all of his abilities then I would be here with you guys on revamping him but that is not the case. This is the case of the user complaining about something not being in their own vision. He is a Necromancer and he cripples/terrifies his foes while raising his dead foes to fight for him.

Desecrate has a chance to waste your energy. If nothing else that needs a look at.


and I tried that. The enemies that were affected were the ones way in the back behind all of the other enemies that were unaffected, so I couldn't get to use the armor reduction properly, and the few times i did manage to hit them I think I actually increased their armor because I did very little damage. In fact, the Wiki even says that if the armor reduction goes above 100% they become nigh indestructible. SO that ability became useless.


and Shadows of the Dead was fun, until everything died and I was left with a Ballista hiding in the back, preventing me from doing anything while it shot the walls.


Soul Punch at least did ragdoll the big guys. Too bad I was stuck frozen in the cast animation while that heavy gunner went flying and the spawned projectile missed everything and broke open a container.



So yes, he needs a rework on his abilities.

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All I've read so far is a bunch of people who aren't great at using the synergy in Nekros' kit. Stop trying to revamp him, he's perfect as is. If you can't use him for the situation you need him in then that is a USER error. Currently, his third ability is spammed because people want to do the 'lottery' instead of seeing it as what it should be, you get health orbs to live longer. If you turn Nekros into a 1-trick pony and then complain that he is lame then that is your problem and you are making it harder for yourself to see how he can work well.


How about replacing Energy Siphon with Corrosive projection and adding a power strength mod for terrify? I don't see people building that because they aren't thinking. I've had Nekros since his release and I've had a problem with him because my mind set was as foolish as you all who hate his current state.


I spent the time to learn his abilities and came up with a plan to keep him interesting and worthwhile for end-game. I have no regrets and I only feel shame for you if you can't adapt to a very generous warframe.


Unless there was an alarmingly awful mechanic in one or all of his abilities then I would be here with you guys on revamping him but that is not the case. This is the case of the user complaining about something not being in their own vision. He is a Necromancer and he cripples/terrifies his foes while raising his dead foes to fight for him.


The point is that none of his skills mesh together. Nekros has a knockdown, a fear, a scavenge, and a summon. They all vaguely fit his theme of Necromancer, however you want to define that. I'm running all four of his abilities at the moment to see if I can use their full potential, and other than summoning Shadows to act as cover for Desecrate, none of his skills are coherent when taken as a whole.


Soul Punch has finicky, unreliable targeting when you need it most. I don't want to be slowly waving my crosshair around at a heavy just to get it to hit. It's also bland compared to what his theme could provide, and that's also what we're discussing here.


Terrify makes killing enemies harder because they all go running around like headless chickens, only to regroup in a few seconds and gang up on your team in greater numbers than before. I concede that it can be useful for reviving a downed teammate who is stuck in a pack of mobs, but at the same time, so are Chaos and Rhino Stomp. And those abilities offer all Terrify could offer with more reliable utility to boot.


Shadows has...questionable AI. It works well in certain situations, like summoning a wall of Heavies that knock down your foes. But half the time your minions will go wandering off on their own, completely unaware that there's a firefight going on right behind them. Also, they block your shots and your teammates' shots, as well as clog up hallways. You should at least be able to shoot through them and walk through them.


Desecrate is at a crossroads, but it does what it's meant to do well. Thus, there's not much reason to try to maximize Nekros' other abilities when you could be far more useful to your team by dredging up extra oxygen. It's a boring, but necessary, role he must fulfill. With these two factors - Nekros' skills being unreliable and awkward, Desecrate being so useful - it's no wonder that people don't bother trying to use his other skill. There's just no reason to do so.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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The point is that none of his skills mesh together. Nekros has a knockdown, a fear, a scavenge, and a summon. They all vaguely fit his theme of Necromancer, however you want to define that. I'm running all four of his abilities at the moment to see if I can use their full potential, and other than summoning Shadows to act as cover for Desecrate, none of his skills are coherent when taken as a whole.


Soul Punch has finicky, unreliable targeting when you need it most. I don't want to be slowly waving my crosshair around at a heavy just to get it to hit. It's also bland compared to what his theme could provide, and that's also what we're discussing here.


Terrify makes killing enemies harder because they all go running around like headless chickens, only to regroup in a few seconds and gang up on your team in greater numbers than before. I concede that it can be useful for reviving a downed teammate who is stuck in a pack of mobs, but at the same time, so are Chaos and Rhino Stomp. And those abilities offer all Terrify could offer with more reliable utility to boot.


Shadows has...questionable AI. It works well in certain situations, like summoning a wall of Heavies that knock down your foes. But half the time your minions will go wandering off on their own, completely unaware that there's a firefight going on right behind them. Also, they block your shots and your teammates' shots, as well as clog up hallways. You should at least be able to shoot through them and walk through them.


Probably the worst fact is that these three skills are basically just CC. Yes, Terrify is supposed to be, but it takes extra limitations in that department to balance being a damage skill as well - which is problematic, because the armor-reduction Terrify grants is basically the worst damage boost in the game. (It's a fallacy to assume Corrosive Projection in this case, because you'd need to account for it in all other cases as well - and it grants nearly triple Terrify's effects.)

After damage falls off, Soul Punch really only brings the utility of ragdolling the target (which funny enough, Pull and Sonic Boom can do too - on more enemies for the same cost, making them more cost-efficient).

Shadows get the worst facets of a pocket Chaos; I'd say it is Chaos, but at least while that's active the enemies are killing each other.


Because of these redundancies, you lose virtually nothing by leaving out Soul Punch and Terrify.


So ViLeDeth, in your accusation that I'm making him a "one trick pony", you fail to realize that the OP is more like a reorganization and improvement of the skills that he already has... minus what literally everyone else on this forum acknowledges as his current "one trick" of spawning O2 packs and loot, because no one player-controlled entity should be forced to play the loot pinata.

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