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First Person View Option In Warframe


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Warframe could really use a first person option (switchable via hotkey). Many weapons in the game, especially new ones, have great looking models and animations that you just really can't see in third person and appreciate. In addition, the vast environments just feel small and you can't feel the scale of the maps. First person with parkour elements have been done and have definitely worked. While this doesn't have to be a priority, with all the other changes coming in, I feel a first person option should be looked at and considered.


Counter arguments:


* I only like to play third person games/I want to see my character


There's no problem as this is an extra option to the player that would be switchable via hotkey similar to many other games that uses both modes like Hellgate Global.


* There would be problems with mele


With the addition of mele 2.0, the combo systems require you actually switch to your melee weapons so the game can just force the third person view points. Quickmele options while still using a gun shouldn't have issues as it can just use a system similar to Shadow Warrior where you can do quick swings while having a gun out.


* You can't parkour around in first person vs third person in Warframe


Numerous games have already proven that allowing extreme mobility and parkour can work fine in first person such as Dishonored, Mirror's Edge, Bioshock Infinite, Portal, ect


Development time constraints/resources 


This doesn't have to be a priority and can be worked on with time. Many games have both a third person and first person option as there are advantages to having both.



Um how about no. We already have enough FPS games keep third person alive. DE is doing something right here. People who want FP can go play COD 10 (I don't know the current one as I stopped caring after COD WaW).

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Um how about no. We already have enough FPS games keep third person alive. DE is doing something right here. People who want FP can go play COD 10 (I don't know the current one as I stopped caring after COD WaW).


It's called an option. Just like how people want an option to switch back to the old HUD, some people want to play in first person.

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This sounds okay to me at first, but they would likely have to restructure the entire game if they do so.


Its far easier to go from 1st person to 3rd, then 3rd person to 1st.


Notice how many games that are typically 1st person have a 3rd person option.  Now notice how many games that start 3rd person have a 1st person option.


I'd say its a bit too much of a hassle, and since the game is so parkour heavy, I don't see it being a good thing.

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The entire reason for this topic is for the OPTION to have first person. Not to completely overhaul Warframe and turn it into a FPS game. Sure, it isn't something DE can do overnight. But it would be nice to eventually have the OPTION to play in first person, rather than third. Just like in Skyrim, there was an option to play with first person or third person. You weren't forced to play the option you didn't want. That is what this topic is about. If you don't want to play first person, that is entirely up to you. Some people just want a different feel in Warframe. If people could stop being so negative about the implementation of the OPTION, that would be great, especially since it isn't forced on you, because it is an OPTION.



Why is everyone thinking that I mean speed will cause sickness. It's not that at all, it's the flips, the spins, the inconsistent speed. What happens when you get knocked down? Or zoren-coptor (or and slide-melee)? Or do a front flip? THAT is what will cause sickness. -_-


The camera angle doesn't have to always be with the character's eye level at the time. Keeping the camera facing forward while doing a front flip is not too difficult, and wouldn't cause motion sickness. Getting knocked down is similar to crouching, your eye level gets lower rapidly. Nothing too complex there. I think you people are over thinking what first person would bring to the game.


 People who want FP can go play COD 10 (I don't know the current one as I stopped caring after COD WaW).


Why do you assume having first person is the same thing as playing CoD? Last I checked, CoD wasn't the only FP game out there. Your argument is entirely thrown out the window by classifying a FP game with CoD. That's like saying CoD and Minecraft are the same thing because they are in first person.



This sounds okay to me at first, but they would likely have to restructure the entire game if they do so.


How would the game have to be restructured may I ask?



Notice how many games that are typically 1st person have a 3rd person option.  Now notice how many games that start 3rd person have a 1st person option.


I'd say its a bit too much of a hassle, and since the game is so parkour heavy, I don't see it being a good thing.


This is why Bioshock Infinite and Mirror's Edge were used as examples. Both are heavy on rapid movement and parkour, and both are in first person.

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Please tell me in portal where you do front flips, mantle (and flip while doing so), or get knocked down.


In portal you do flips out of portals all the time where your view has to shift 180 degrees coming out. Everyone seems to have the misconception that when you do a flip your view will roll; it doesn't. The camera stays static. In skyrim, when you have the perk that does a roll while in sneak, your camera doesn't do a 360 degrees roll along with it. It simply stays put and moves forward.

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This would be neat.  They should look into it around Update40


I'm thinking around U300 when Sheldon promised charger mounts. (I'm gonna hold him to it until the end.)


I feel like all you would be doing is handicapping yourself, since much of the game features pretty much require you to have as much situational awareness as possible. (Good luck not getting knocked down by those sneaky ancients and their *@##$-slap of doom.)


There is also the common practice of the "slide, forward flip-vault, slide" and rolls, as well as slide melee attacks, which involve spinning (not to mention coptering).

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This sounds okay to me at first, but they would likely have to restructure the entire game if they do so.


Its far easier to go from 1st person to 3rd, then 3rd person to 1st.


Notice how many games that are typically 1st person have a 3rd person option.  Now notice how many games that start 3rd person have a 1st person option.


I'd say its a bit too much of a hassle, and since the game is so parkour heavy, I don't see it being a good thing.


The developers themselves will know either this will be too hard to implement or not. You do not. What is with the misconception that games with parkour elements don't work in first person? Your camera does not move where your tenno eyes are, it stays still when you do flips/spins. That's how it's done in almost every first person game. This game is nowhere near as disorienting as portal. 

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The developers themselves will know either this will be too hard to implement or not. You do not. What is with the misconception that games with parkour elements don't work in first person? Your camera does not move where your tenno eyes are, it stays still when you do flips/spins. That's how it's done in almost every first person game. This game is nowhere near as disorienting as portal. 

Have you played Mirror's edge?  I mean, I can't count how many times I missed a jump by just a little or didn't even hit it cause I couldn't tell where my damn feet were.  Its not a misconception if you have actually played it.  I don't really care about the eyes, I care about being able to see where my body is when I'm moving, because the one problem with the game that was actually built around parkour, and it did a great job at it, still failed to provide any adequate depth perception when it came to timing certain body movements.  There are certain things that you just can't, or least has not been, done in video games, and movement where you can not actually feel any parts of your body is one of them. 

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While this is nice but it won't happen. the effectiveness of third person view is that they can see more than what a first person viewer sees. And that is considered game breaking. Though I like to suggest an option of which view we want on third person. I liked how Last of Us did theirs, you can shift left side view or right sided at will. I want a option to allow this. I kind of hate at times where looking to the left is obscured by your character until you fully see something on your right.

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While this is nice but it won't happen. the effectiveness of third person view is that they can see more than what a first person viewer sees. And that is considered game breaking. Though I like to suggest an option of which view we want on third person. I liked how Last of Us did theirs, you can shift left side view or right sided at will. I want a option to allow this. I kind of hate at times where looking to the left is obscured by your character until you fully see something on your right.

Press H.  Enjoy :D

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If you look at something like Mirror's Edge, yes in theory it could work. However, logistically I do not see it happening. The amount of time and resources they would have to devote to something like that would probably not be worth it in the long run. I think most of us, especially those who have been playing awhile, would rather see that time go into adding new content like tile sets and further universe expansion. 

It could work, and could be fun, but I do not see them devoting too much time on this at least in the foreseeable future. 

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If you look at something like Mirror's Edge, yes in theory it could work. However, logistically I do not see it happening. The amount of time and resources they would have to devote to something like that would probably not be worth it in the long run. I think most of us, especially those who have been playing awhile, would rather see that time go into adding new content like tile sets and further universe expansion. 

It could work, and could be fun, but I do not see them devoting too much time on this at least in the foreseeable future. 


But who is to say that adding a first person option wouldn't attract more people to Warframe? If DE is going to put enough effort into this game (and they have done an incredibly good job with it too), they could probably do it. I think what is needed is enough people wanting the option to be put in the game before they will even attempt to implement it. Enough fans want something, they are more likely to put it in. I don't see them as the kind of company that would say "Screw you guys, you have third person, be happy with that." I see them more as the company that would say "Oh you guys want an option to play in first person? Give us some time and we will see what we can do."

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I was actually just thinking about what it'd be like with Warframe having a first-person mode option. I hope DE is able to look into this and come up with something.

And I read something about motion sickness in Mirror's Edge in the previous comments? I'm pretty sure the amount of people who get "motion sickness" from video games is a small minority.

I swear, every time someone has a good idea for Warframe, I always see some random naysayer who makes out that the "downside" would affect every single player.

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I swear, every time someone has a good idea for Warframe, I always see some random naysayer who makes out that the "downside" would affect every single player.


Not just that, but people (such as myself and OP) just want it as an option. Not everyone has to use it.

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