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Problems I've encoutered so far


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I have now been playing Warframe for about 2 days straight. I enjoy the game quite a bit, but there are certain things that simply annoy me.

1. I'll start off with the main issue I have with the game, namely backtracking. Every single mission you have to get at least one key pass. Most of the time it involves you running back the exact same path for 1-2 minutes, even through the lifts which take a while to move. That delays the experience with not much gameplay value other than killing stuff on a path you just walked through. Also, I find the lockdowns to a bit too frequent, but that might be better once you can actually avoid it with stealthy play.

2. I feel like the mission variety in the game is horrible. Every mission type is about the same, with the exception of assassination and defence missions. You run around killing stuff, you hack a console or pick something up and you go to extraction. I wish there was something more to the objectives than simply pressing X and a little bit of hacking (Which is the same thing every time). I think the boss variety could be a bit better aswell, seeing as they can only use 1-2 skills that one has already seen previously from the heavy enemies.

3. Both the co-operative and the solo modes seem broken. Co-op is too easy, solo is actually almost impossible. Most of my time I've played solo or with a single friend, so I'll start with that. The main issue is running out of ammo on your main weapon, constantly. The game doesn't seem to scale from the amount of people in the mission at all, as far as I know. When you're solo, you have only 1/4 of the ammo a full group with have. The game doesn't make up for that with neither ammo drops nor a reduced amount of enemies. Even if you have the ammo though, there are some bosses that are just depressing to deal with. The one that has proven to be the ultimate pain for me is the one on Tethys (Forgot the name). He has fast shield regeneration and a SINGLE target damage reflect skill. It takes an extremely long time to chew through him between his reflect and your reloads, when he's regenerating his shields every time you can't shoot him. When I tried that mission later with 3 other friends (I was a bit overleveled at that point), it took us about 5 seconds to kill him. I also had over half my clip left by the end of that mission. I think a good balance point would be to make the starting ammo less relevant and make it more about the ammo that drops from the environment. And make the reflect skill atleast something you can dodge.

4. The relevance of the melee weapon at the later stages is weak, I only ever find myself using it when I'm trying to preserve ammunition. Against the robot faction (Forgot the name <.<), I'd say it's useless. It takes at least 2 hits to kill anything there, not to mention there's stuff flying. It being weak might have something to do with a melee weapon taking the same amount of kills to level. If it's going to be just an option to use in easier scenarios, there's no point in making it take THAT long to level.

5. Warframe and weapon customization is fairly poor. Every single warframe has the same buffs in the skill tree. The skill points you do put in your skills don't really do anything interesting either, just buff the duration and/or power of it. Same goes for weapons on the most part.

6. You can actually only get "Pro" on 2 things with the current 50 platinum start. That doesn't really make sense, since there's 4 pieces you can have affecting you at once. Having 2 weapons locked at lv 15 stats and reduced modifiers is straightup ridiculous. Do not limit the power potential of your character with real money. It makes balancing between the players who pay and the ones that don't hard. It's also pretty bad to make a player have a permanent handicap for not paying money. Money transactions need to go to boosts and cosmetics, where at all possible.

That's about it for what I can think of right now. Another minor note would be that I have 250k credits floating around, but that can probably change with item pricings and adding something in to sink the money.


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I agree, variety is the big problem this game has right now, I doubt it'll last long if it doesn't get spiced up a bit. The game basically boils down to running through corridors and shooting dudes.

I think this is the same problem Tribes: Ascend had, once people got over the alure of skiing around at 200mph the game just felt dull. The alternate weapons changed the game very little and since there was no ranking system of any kind there was no incentive to put time in to improve at the game.

League of Legends is the exact opposite, with over 100 different champions with completelly different move sets there's always something new to play, and then there's ranked to climb because everyone wants 2.8k ELO.

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Does anyone feel the Menu UI is a bit cluttered, or is it just me?

OT: I agree with you. The game so far is in Closed Beta; there is very little content to begin with. However within this stage, there is time to make suggestions before the open public is able to get their little hands on this game.

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only thing i cant agree with is solo being impossible, yes the heavy guys are tough as nails, but with the right weapons you dont need many bullets to take them down, i have been playing solo for about 6-7 hours in game, i have maybe died once or twice, but i can only blame myself for those deaths, such as running into the middle of every AI possible, or trying to figure out how thoes laser shield doors work, since the game did not really explain how it worked. solo is tougher at times, but i cant call it impossible with the right gear, which should be leveled up by the time you would get to the bosses, or you can always go back and farm a bit, yeah I know farming is one of the most hated things in RPG's but here at least farming requires skill to do it rather than keep pressing X on a joystick to command a character to do a basic attack, the point im getting at is that yes solo can be hard at times, but only if you are very underleveled or you dont have too much money and dont tell me you have money issues a mod is at least 1k to sell, blue mods are 3k, and the weapons you are not using can be sold as well, so you getting leveled up for a mission or to get a new weapon should not be hard, unless if you are planning to craft, which does require a bit more luck then getting mods.

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Been playing solo for a bit with a shotgun with my excalibur, it's pretty darn easy, especially since i got my shield up. only thing that messes me up BAD, are those assasination targets, especially the heavy grinner general, his shield goes up so freaking faster if you stop shotting and he can debuff you so you can't fire bullets and he can bring up a shield on himself... pretty brutal.

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