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Full Overview Of All Suggestions And Wishes For New Updates Coming (Update 8)


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ya think i want to go into a mission n some idiot pvp's me? no if this game goes pvp ill just stay in mercury and kill all. 8 years in a pvp game where idiots abuse you and black mail you for a boss?

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ya think i want to go into a mission n some idiot pvp's me? no if this game goes pvp ill just stay in mercury and kill all. 8 years in a pvp game where idiots abuse you and black mail you for a boss?


Uhm... wh- ... I don't...



That's an interesting idea you came up with for how PvP works.

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ya think i want to go into a mission n some idiot pvp's me? no if this game goes pvp ill just stay in mercury and kill all. 8 years in a pvp game where idiots abuse you and black mail you for a boss?

I... I don't understand... WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?

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Bringing PvP along would require a rebalance of how weapons and warframes interact with each other and the game. Big overhaul, nerfs that would effect PvE only players = not fun.

I can't see such a fast paced game being easy to play with warframes fighting each other, either. Too much speed, too much frustration.

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Bringing PvP along would require a rebalance of how weapons and warframes interact with each other and the game. Big overhaul, nerfs that would effect PvE only players = not fun.

I can't see such a fast paced game being easy to play with warframes fighting each other, either. Too much speed, too much frustration.

Why would it require rebalancing in a separate mode of play? PvP and PvE have to be connected and one in the same?

And haven't you played TF2? Tribes? Quake? Unreal Tournament? (which was made by DE) GunZ? (which has wallrunning, guns and melee)

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ya think i want to go into a mission n some idiot pvp's me? no if this game goes pvp ill just stay in mercury and kill all. 8 years in a pvp game where idiots abuse you and black mail you for a boss?

9 years played and still dont know anything about pvp if not you wouldnt write that stupid comment...

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Why would it require rebalancing in a separate mode of play? PvP and PvE have to be connected and one in the same?

And haven't you played TF2? Tribes? Quake? Unreal Tournament? (which was made by DE) GunZ? (which has wallrunning, guns and melee)

I see, you enjoy got froze to death without any way to defend against Frost's Avalanche, or electrified to death with Overload. Look at your frames' basic shield/health and tell me how long can they stand against Hek/Gorgon, or even Braton.

PvP can work, but requires it's own separate mode and rules. Big investment, imo.

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I see, you enjoy got froze to death without any way to defend against Frost's Avalanche, or electrified to death with Overload. Look at your frames' basic shield/health and tell me how long can they stand against Hek/Gorgon, or even Braton.

PvP can work, but requires it's own separate mode and rules. Big investment, imo.

Which is why I've suggested, about 9 times, to remove ultimates.

Having PvP in this game really isn't a complicated thought.

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Why would it require rebalancing in a separate mode of play? PvP and PvE have to be connected and one in the same?

And haven't you played TF2? Tribes? Quake? Unreal Tournament? (which was made by DE) GunZ? (which has wallrunning, guns and melee)

They either use same stats for PvP and PvE and have to nerf and balance things that affect everyone (easy way which is why I said they would probably do this), or they make separate PvP gear or stats which requires even more time for them to invest.

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They either use same stats for PvP and PvE and have to nerf and balance things that affect everyone (easy way which is why I said they would probably do this), or they make separate PvP gear or stats which requires even more time for them to invest.

You've never played another video game before, have you? Single-player, co-op and multiplayer are always separate. Everything takes time. DE has already put time into things in this game that they never had to.

I'm just copy/pasting this because I'm tried of typing it all again.

To be perfectly honest, if DE wants to do PvE well, they're going to have to try harder and do a lot better. I don't mean to be mean, but as it stands, Vindictus has the best PvE I've ever seen. It's PvP sucks, though.

But DE? They've made Unreal Tournament and worked on multi-player components for other games. They know PvP and they could do it well. Their original idea for this game had PvP in mind, with bounties and bounty hunters.

I can't figure out why some people continue to think that PvE and PvP would be connected and have to be always and forever and ever connected and any changes that would occur in PvP would also occur in PvE. Hasn't anyone played another video game before? Single-Player, Co-op and Multi-player are always separate, and never mandatory. Do the people who are so astonishinly adamant against PvP even put any thought into why they're against it?

Another silly thing I keep seeing is "why do people want PvP in Warframe" or "if you want PvP go play a game with PvP". Why do people want PvP in Warframe? Because it's Warframe. We have guns and varied melee, we can wallrun, slide, jump, flip and we have awesome abilities. There is one other game like this, GunZ, but it's old, clunky, ugly and doesn't have abilities. I ask again, do people put thought into their "argument"? How is it hard to understand that people want to PvP with all these awesome mechanics and features together?

And because PvP is player versus player, human versus human. Humans aren't AI. They're not scripted and limited and can't be memorized like a simple mob or boss. That's exciting, adds more challenge and an element of surprise.

All Warframes get equal stats in PvP mode. Ultimates could probably be removed in PvP mode. Weapons may be altered a bit in PvP mode so that nothing is too blatantly superior.

At that point, stat-wise and basically, it's like any other shooter with PvP. The characters/players themselves don't have stats, weapons have varying stats and the deciding factor is skill.

And the abilities? Some abilities would just be similar to flash bangs, armor, cloaks and jump boosts in other shooters like Crysis and Halo. Other abilities would be similar to Plasmids in Bioshock 2, which DE did the multi-player for.

A melee only option, and now that we can block? That's just plain fun. I'd love to go up against something that actually has interesting melee.

It's not very complicated.


All that nonsense aside, a super simple way to add PvP would be a sparring option in the Dojo that DE has been talking about. It would go well with the world, too. The Tenno only have each other and when they have a Dojo for them to train together, then why not actually train together?

But, rogue Tenno are also a part of the universe now, so DE has to expand on that in some way.

It probably wouldn't require many alterations to stats, if any at all, as compared to a full-on PvP mode. It would be training, so there would be no gains or losses. It'd still be PvP, players being able to fight players with all the fun stuff we can do, so it would sate a bit of the appetite of the PvP crowd.

That's another thing I saw, the crowd that PvP would bring. I'm sorry, but have you seen this community lately? Have you seen it after update 7? Some of you should see the kind of crap that flies around in the Design Council.

You really think that a PvP mode would bring in such drastically different people than we already have?

tl;dr opinions are opinions and you should be respectful to each other


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Spoiler: I nitpick. A lot.

As of now I personally don't think a list like this is necessary for what would come into U8.. mostly because this reflects a rather small portion of what the playerbase really wants. If there was such a poll system and you could compile information from other suggestion threads, then that would make sense. But just to use the whole 'bigger boobs' as an example, someone suggested that (I kind of hope as a joke) and a few others also said yes (in a roundabout sort of way and I also hope as a joke) and for some reason, it made it into the original post. I don't think the OP should go around easily adding so many of these things so quickly unless it's quite clear enough that people really want these things implemented. ie Go look at the passive upgrades thread, if there was a poll system for the forums and the majority on that thread said 'Yes, we want this' then you could put that onto a master 'The Playerbase would love if this happened!' megathread, not just 'Hey two people in this thread want this let's put that on the thread'. Other things like 'New X' or 'New Y' is pretty frickin' vague and is almost if not certainly a given coming into U8 anyway, I don't think that's necessary either.

I would go on but I think I've given enough a taste of what I feel should happen. We're not ready to even begin to brainstorm of what the community wants for U8 because we literally just started not two weeks ago U7 and need to help the Devs tweak and fine-tune U7. Rushing through content like this is bound to spell doom for the longhaul. For now, it really just looks like you put together a thread of things that you would personally, read: personally, would like to happen to Warframe that does not reflect the majority of players and added things of which other people posted in your thread. Also, just a minor thing but a thing nonetheless, is English not your first language? It's kind of weird to read through some of the suggestions that don't make a lot of sense off the bat.

Okay I'm done being a prick.

EDIT: You (OP) might want to go over your first post and fix up some of the spelling mistakes. ie Kip-up, I just figured out you meant Kick-up. I'm dumb.

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design: replace CRONUS sword with KATANA design (no stats change), or just add it as a weapon


edit: @ Dansilent "or just making it as a skin for cronus or any sword" ... that's what I wrote (design)

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EDIT: You (OP) might want to go over your first post and fix up some of the spelling mistakes. ie Kip-up, I just figured out you meant Kick-up.

Dont respect people like you...look at this teacher...

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Dont respect people like you...look at this teacher...

In which case I'll apologize. I didn't know that it was literally "Kip-up" and assumed you meant "Kick-up". I should've gone and checked if that was a real thing before I posted, but I didn't. My bad. It might do to clear up future misunderstandings that might happen to link that video to your first post or like a timestamp to the Warframe Beta video to show what you mean. And that's cool if you don't respect me, no one does because I didn't get my gold star yet.

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Second best PvP thread I've seen all beta. (joking ofc)

I just hope update 8 brings ladders / ranking system that works really cool with rewards tiered down and giving people a reason to play and compete for rankings.

For those unsure of what I mean, it's kinda hard to explain, but briefly, there's a special event area, and people who do stuff there get event points, and people in various rankings or brackets of points receive special rewards.

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Second best PvP thread I've seen all beta.

I just hope update 8 brings ladders / ranking system that works really cool with rewards tiered down and giving people a reason to play and compete for rankings.

For those unsure of what I mean, it's kinda hard to explain, but briefly, there's a special event area, and people who do stuff there get event points, and people in various rankings or brackets of points receive special rewards.

It's not just a PvP thread, it's about anything we want to see! PvP is a touchy subject for whatever reason and the very mention of the letters gets blown out of proportion. It's not meant to be the main subject.

You could just say 'tournament', I think that's a simple way to describe it.

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