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[Suggestion] Unarmed Combat


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Nope, not talking about using fists for melee. I mean REALLY unarmed combat. Not a single weapon, just your frame. How would it work?

Warframes would gain a ranged and melee attack, both depending on the specific frame. The ranged attacks would consume energy instead of bullets, and the melee attacks would work the same as the normal ones, with some twists. The whole thing could be selected in the Arsenal, with a button next to the weapon selection reading "Go Unarmed", with a little description if you hover over it.

The system would...

-allow for some new, individual moves for every Warframe to make them feel special

-give a walking/running speed boost due to being unarmed

-give passive energy regeneration up to a maximum of 50 Energy

-require good energy management to be able to kill foes at range

-strip you of all the mods on your weaponry, you only have basic attacks

-have the potential for new Warframe specific mods that boost these skills.

What would this look like for the frames? I can't think of something for every frame, because I don't play all of them. But I have ideas for the ones that I do play.


1) Ranged Attack: Sparks

Volt fires electric sparks from his fingertips, damaging the enemy with a chance to stun. Deals additional electricity damage dependant on the Warframe's level. Consumes 2 Energy per shot. Shooting mechanics are those of a rifle (Braton, etc)

2) Melee Attack: Thunderfists

Volt hits the enemy with an electrified fist, dealing low damage but additional electricity damage dependant on the Warframe's level. Gains a chance to stun at higher levels (possibly 15+).

2.a) Melee Charge Attack: Thunderfist (charged)

Higher damage than the regular Thunderfist, with AoE electricity damage (and AoE stun at higher levels).

2.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Shockwave

Volt slams the ground, sending out an electrical shockwave that knocks enemies down and deals medium damage. Fixed electricity damage instead on being dependant on his level.

2.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Flash

Volt slides towards the enemy, unleashing electric sparks in a 180° area in front of him, that stun enemies. No damage.

3) SPECIAL: Highspeed

Volt's 2nd Ability, "Speed", now deals some electricity damage to enemies along the way.


1) Ranged Attack: Fire

Ember sets her target ablaze, dealing low fire damage over time. The duration of the fire extends with the Waframe's level. Consumes 5 Energy per shot. Shooting mechanics of a shotgun (Hek, etc)

2) Melee Attack: Fire Kick

Ember kicks her enemies with flaming feet, burning them for a short amount of time with every hit. The length of the burn is dependant on the Warframe's level. Deals low damage.

2.a) Melee Charge Attack: Fire Bomb

Ember deals medium damage to her target, resulting in a small explosion that deals AoE fire damage and burns targets. Length of the burn is dependant on the Warframe's level.

2.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Rocket Dropkick

Ember jumps down, creating a small ring of fire that burns enemies inside of it. No normal damage, but a fixed burning duration.

2.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Flaming Uppercut

Works like the Furax's sliding attack, but with extra fire damage.

3) SPECIAL: Explosive Reactor

When Ember's shields reach 0, she burns enemies around her. Works once every X seconds.


1) Ranged Attack: Icicle

Fost throws an ice spear at his enemy, damaging their shields and slowing the recharge rate. If it kills an enemy, it impales them to walls. Consumes 5 Energy. Shooting mechanics of a sniper (Snipetron, etc)

2) Melee Attack: Cold Hands

Frost punches his enemy, freezing them solid at higher levels (15+). The duration of the freeze is dependant on the Warframe's level. Deals medium damage, has a slightly longer animation (like the heavy melee weapons).

2.a) Melee Charge Attack: Cold Fist

Frost punches his enemy, freezing them and dealing high damage. Enemies that get killed by this attack shatter. Charge time is that of heavy weapons.

2.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Cryostasis

Frost lands on the ground, releasing cold air from his suit, that freezes all enemies around him. Deals no damage. Freeze duration depending on Warframe level.

2.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Snowstorm

Frost slides on the ground, releasing a snowstorm on enemy contact. All enemies around him take low damage, with a chance to be frozen and shattered. Chance applies at level 15+.

3) SPECIAL: Harsh Winter

Enemies in Frost's melee range move slightly slower (5%/10%?).


1) Ranged Attack: None

Rhino has no ranged attack.

2) Melee Attack: Rhino Smash

Rhino smashes his enemy, dealing medium damage. Animation time of heavy melee weapons.

2.a) Melee Charged Attack: Rhino Super Smash

Rhino smashes his enemy, dealing high medium damage and staggering them/sending them flying if killed. Heavy melee attack charge time.

2.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Rhino Bomb

Due to his massive weight, when Rhino lands on the ground he pushes back all foes and deals damage to them.

2.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Rhino Whirl

Rhino spins around, hitting every enemy in his way, sending those flying that get killed by the attack.

3) SPECIAL: Thick Skin

Rhino's Armor gets boosted, dependant on his level. When his Health reaches 50, he instantly activates a short duration "Iron Skin" without energy cost.

Those are the ideas that I have currently, is this a good idea or not? If yes, do you have suggestions to improve it? If no, why not? I hope we can keep this topic free from flaming and hate!

EDIT: Updated version found below, this version is left so there will be no future misunderstandings when people read the thread from top to bottom

The updated version (Post #4) will contain all suggestions that come together in the thread

Edited by guymanbrodude
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I like the concept {except for the ranged addition, I don't think there's any need for that when you've chosen to go "unarmed" plus you already have your own abilities} but I don't know if it'd work well with Warframe generally, makes me think of that dodgy monk game called Jade Empire for some reason. It might be just too "flashy".

I think I'd rather have something more similar to Resident Evil 6 in terms of unarmed CQC, and with the ability to switch between our guns and melee maybe, or even being able to unequip our melee weapon. As in, breaking someone's neck/spine/limbs with short animation sequences, like a last resort sort of thing. Think SpecOps or something rather than shaolin monks. Just my opinion.

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It's obvious, that the main focus of this game is ranged weapons, yet I agree with you on having a more interesting/complicated melee fights.

Right now, we have basic charged or four slash combo (+ drop kick and rolling slide slash or what).

About the ranged ideas - just NO :) As was mentioned, we have guns (and some skills).

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Well then here is an edited version of the first post:

Instead of using a Melee weapon, frames could go "unarmed" into melee.

Warframes would gain a melee attack, depending on the specific frame.The melee attacks would work the same as the normal ones, with some twists. The whole thing could be selected in the Arsenal, with a button next to the weapon selection reading "Go Unarmed", with a little description if you hover over it.

The system would...

-allow for some new, individual moves for every Warframe to make them feel special

-give a walking/running speed boost due to being unarmed

-strip you of all the mods on your weaponry, you only have basic attacks

-have the potential for new Warframe specific mods that boost these skills.

What would this look like for the frames? I can't think of something for every frame, because I don't play all of them. But I have ideas for the ones that I do play.


1) Melee Attack: Thunderfists

Volt hits the enemy with an electrified fist, dealing low damage but additional electricity damage dependant on the Warframe's level. Gains a chance to stun at higher levels (possibly 15+).

1.a) Melee Charge Attack: Thunderfist (charged)

Higher damage than the regular Thunderfist, with AoE electricity damage (and AoE stun at higher levels).

1.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Shockwave

Volt slams the ground, sending out an electrical shockwave that knocks enemies down and deals medium damage. Fixed electricity damage instead on being dependant on his level.

1.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Flash

Volt slides towards the enemy, unleashing electric sparks in a 180° area in front of him, that stun enemies. No damage.

1.d) Stealth Kill: Shocker

Volt quickly presses his hand against the back of his target, shocking them to death.

2) SPECIAL: Highspeed

Volt's 2nd Ability, "Speed", now deals some electricity damage to enemies along the way.


1) Melee Attack: Fire Kick

Ember kicks her enemies with flaming feet, burning them for a short amount of time with every hit. The length of the burn is dependant on the Warframe's level. Deals low damage.

1.a) Melee Charge Attack: Fire Bomb

Ember deals medium damage to her target, resulting in a small explosion that deals AoE fire damage and burns targets. Length of the burn is dependant on the Warframe's level.

1.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Rocket Dropkick

Ember jumps down, creating a small ring of fire that burns enemies inside of it. No normal damage, but a fixed burning duration.

1.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Flaming Uppercut

Works like the Furax's sliding attack, but with extra fire damage.

1.d) Stealth Kill: Burnination

Ember envelops her target in flames, burning it to ashes.

2) SPECIAL: Explosive Reactor

When Ember's shields reach 0, she burns enemies around her. Works once every X seconds.


1) Melee Attack: Cold Hands

Frost punches his enemy, freezing them solid at higher levels (15+). The duration of the freeze is dependant on the Warframe's level. Deals medium damage, has a slightly longer animation (like the heavy melee weapons).

1.a) Melee Charge Attack: Cold Fist

Frost punches his enemy, freezing them and dealing high damage. Enemies that get killed by this attack shatter. Charge time is that of heavy weapons.

1.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Cryostasis

Frost lands on the ground, releasing cold air from his suit, that freezes all enemies around him. Deals no damage. Freeze duration depending on Warframe level.

1.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Snowstorm

Frost slides on the ground, releasing a snowstorm on enemy contact. All enemies around him take low damage, with a chance to be frozen and shattered. Chance applies at level 15+.

1.d) Stealth Kill: Ice Cage

Frost freezes his target, instantly shattering them to pieces.

2) SPECIAL: Harsh Winter

Enemies in Frost's melee range move slightly slower (5%/10%?).


1) Melee Attack: Rhino Smash

Rhino smashes his enemy, dealing medium damage. Animation time of heavy melee weapons.

1.a) Melee Charged Attack: Rhino Super Smash

Rhino smashes his enemy, dealing high medium damage and staggering them/sending them flying if killed. Heavy melee attack charge time.

1.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Rhino Bomb

Due to his massive weight, when Rhino lands on the ground he pushes back all foes and deals damage to them.

1.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Rhino Whirl

Rhino spins around, hitting every enemy in his way, sending those flying that get killed by the attack.

1.d) Stealth Kill: Rhino Break

He just snaps the neck of whoever was foolish enough to not pay attention to the heavy footsteps of RHINO.

2) SPECIAL: Thick Skin

Rhino's Armor gets boosted, dependant on his level. When his Health reaches 50, he instantly activates a short duration "Iron Skin" without energy cost.


1) Melee Attack: Hidden Blade

Ash stabs his enemy with a hidden blade in his arm. Deals low, armor piercing damage.

1.a) Melee Charge Attack: Backstab

Ash reaches around the body of his enemy, stabbing them in the back. Armor piercing damage.

1.b) Melee Jumping Attack: Death From Above

Ash jumps down on the ground, dropping a smoke bomb before he lands to deal guaranteed critical damage to the enemies surrounding him.

1.c) Melee Sliding Attack: Whirlwind Of Death

Ash teleports forward, spinning around and damaging everything in a 360° area.

1.d) Stealth Kill: Silent Assassin

Ash silently cuts the throat of his target. If there are enemies that nearby that didn't spot Ash yet, he stays undetected even if the body is found.

2) SPECIAL: Ceiling Walker

When Ash climbs a wall, he can stick to the wall instead of jumping off or sliding down.

Those are the ideas that I have currently, is this a good idea or not? If yes, do you have suggestions to improve it? If no, why not? I hope we can keep this topic free from flaming and hate!

EDIT: This is now the "official" first post of the thread, and will be updated with the new additions

Edited by guymanbrodude
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Whoopsie, I forgot one very important thing...


So here's my suggested stealth kills for the frames that I've posted previously.


Stealth Kill: Shocker

Volt quickly presses his hand against the back of his target, shocking them to death.


Stealth Kill: Burnination

Ember envelops her target in flames, burning it to ashes.


Stealth Kill: Ice Cage

Frost freezes his target, instantly shattering them to pieces.


Stealth Kill: Rhino Break

He just snaps the neck of whoever was foolish enough to not pay attention to the heavy footsteps of RHINO

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Giving each warframe their own version of stealth kill is a very nice idea, although Volt's stealth kill doesn't sound very stealthy at all :P ..How about something more subtle? Like touching the back of their head to fry their brains instantly with just enough electricity or whatever, similar to Rhino's stealth kill but less brutal.

Just a friendly suggestion, I think you should only update the first post so that people can see what's the thread about without browsing page after page, and just post that you've updated the OP so that the thread isn't buried and forgotten among others. I think bumping is against the rules but that might not count as bumping.

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Just a friendly suggestion, I think you should only update the first post so that people can see what's the thread about without browsing page after page, and just post that you've updated the OP so that the thread isn't buried and forgotten among others. I think bumping is against the rules but that might not count as bumping.

Will do so then

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If there's anyone that played Bungie's "Oni" the empty-hand fighting in that was great. Not all of the moves did substantial damage either. There were moves to disarm opponants and take their weapon, or to throw them. Unfortunately the size of the mobs in this game make it difficult to have one-on-one type combat. I feel more like some extra in Braveheart swinging madly into a meat-wall than a ninja expertly killing when it comes to mele combat.

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If there's anyone that played Bungie's "Oni" the empty-hand fighting in that was great. Not all of the moves did substantial damage either. There were moves to disarm opponants and take their weapon, or to throw them. Unfortunately the size of the mobs in this game make it difficult to have one-on-one type combat. I feel more like some extra in Braveheart swinging madly into a meat-wall than a ninja expertly killing when it comes to mele combat.

Oni was great and having a similar type of melee combat would be interesting, however, Oni was singleplayer game and was really focused on melee rather than shooting. And there is also the difference in the mood of these games.

About unarmed combat, let's talk Vindictus and it's melee combat system. For those, who doesn't know this game, it's basically a fantasy version of Warframe, with smaller level and even less level variations :) And instead of having a star map, there is a town hub, where players can interact.

I think Warframe could teach a lot from the older Vindictus (for example I would really like to have a hub, where I can chat with other players, as an alternative to Star Map).

See this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHWrkoy6b-g (there are even subtitles with combo commands to see, what I am talking about).

Mixture of Warframe shooting with Vindictus melee would create a really great and dynamic way.

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See this

(there are even subtitles with combo commands to see, what I am talking about).

It does look quite good but haven't seen any unarmed combat in that gameplay video, unless you were actually suggesting a "combo system" for the melee weapons instead of unarmed combat.

I agree with you on Oni though, it was a classic but I'm not really sure if it fits the game. I'd like to see more of this personally :P

or even

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It does look quite good but haven't seen any unarmed combat in that gameplay video, unless you were actually suggesting a "combo system" for the melee weapons instead of unarmed combat.

I agree with you on Oni though, it was a classic but I'm not really sure if it fits the game. I'd like to see more of this personally :P

or even

Damn, my fault... from the beginning of the thread, I was thinking "melee combat" instead of "unarmed combat" *facepalm*...

Anyway, it can be used also for the Unarmed combat - right now, considering the melee, mashing attack four times or charging is not much, let's make it more complex and thus satisfying.

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I dont really think the games mob engine is suited for a massive overhaul of unarmed combat. It would make the ranged weaponry ultra OP lol. Changing the overall skill rotations and everything on all the mobs and bosses, that would take ages and probably a considerable amount of money into the game to produce such a tremendous overhaul into the game lol. I know I didn't read 100% of the posts cause some of it I just laughed ("no intentions or anything like that") but there are so many bugs and ticks that have to be fixed now and much more to come along the way. I could go leaning towards possible even more lev's or areas like how they introduced the ground lev's cause that was an awesome addition to the game, stuff like that. Too much overhaul of skill stats and additional items creates massive bugs and even more confusion.

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I dont really think the games mob engine is suited for a massive overhaul of unarmed combat. It would make the ranged weaponry ultra OP lol. Changing the overall skill rotations and everything on all the mobs and bosses, that would take ages and probably a considerable amount of money into the game to produce such a tremendous overhaul into the game lol. I know I didn't read 100% of the posts cause some of it I just laughed ("no intentions or anything like that") but there are so many bugs and ticks that have to be fixed now and much more to come along the way. I could go leaning towards possible even more lev's or areas like how they introduced the ground lev's cause that was an awesome addition to the game, stuff like that. Too much overhaul of skill stats and additional items creates massive bugs and even more confusion.

If you read carefully, all I suggested was giving the frames the option to use their own body as a melee weapon, instead of an actual melee weapon. No overhaul required, just additional melee attacks.

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