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Swordplay feedback


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Hey there,

Just some feedback on melee combat from my experiences so far, as well as some thoughts and recommendations.

1. Whenever you use a melee attack, your camera snaps back to directly behind you and you attack to wherever your character is facing. While this technically makes sense, at the same time, a better way to do it would be to have your melee attack go where your camera is pointing - that way you can point at the guy running to your left, melee and down he goes. It'll be less janky when in combat, as well.

2. The transition from light attack to strong attack is really poor right now. You shouldn't need to sheathe your sword to do a strong attack - it should seamlessly transition over. So, if I do two light attacks and then hold down my melee key for the next one, it should do a strong attack instead. Right now, I have to completely stop attacking and wait for the sword to be sheathed before I can do a strong attack which is a pretty big waste of time in the middle of combat.

3. Any time you melee around walls/objects, the hit detection seems kinda off on the sword. Not sure how to describe this one, but it seems like you're not hitting your targets even when your sword is passing through them sometimes.

4. Melee is really weak on some missions (the robots come to mind) and overpowered on others (the infected). Some balancing needs to be done here - while it's nice that we can alternate, I feel that players who prefer melee shouldn't have entire missions where going melee is pretty much impossible. It's fine if there's certain enemies or bosses which aren't melee friendly, but it should be a viable option for the actual level.

5. Add some more melee moves - combos, and such, which use a combination of light/strong attacks like many other games offer. You know, light + light + strong, or light + strong + strong, light + light + strong + light + strong and so on. It'd create an interesting dynamic which would keep combat fun and allow you to use different moves for different situations.

Thanks for reading.

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1. Agreed.

2. Agreed.

3. Haven't noticed.

4. That is exactly the point. It's a sword, no matter how advanced. It's going to cut through unarmored flesh like butter and struggle with metal. This isn't PvP where nothing must make sense for the sake of balance.

5. Agreed.

Edited by FOLTHEON
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2. The transition from light attack to strong attack is really poor right now. You shouldn't need to sheathe your sword to do a strong attack - it should seamlessly transition over. So, if I do two light attacks and then hold down my melee key for the next one, it should do a strong attack instead. Right now, I have to completely stop attacking and wait for the sword to be sheathed before I can do a strong attack which is a pretty big waste of time in the middle of combat.

3. Any time you melee around walls/objects, the hit detection seems kinda off on the sword. Not sure how to describe this one, but it seems like you're not hitting your targets even when your sword is passing through them sometimes.

I really second those two points and wish to add another point:

Why can´t i hit several targets at the same time? Totally makes no sense. I mean, i SEE the sword going through 3-4 enemies and only one gets hit, for whatever reasons.

Also, trying to hit targets on the ground or small targets like eg. Moas seems pretty impossible.

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I really second those two points and wish to add another point:

Why can´t i hit several targets at the same time? Totally makes no sense. I mean, i SEE the sword going through 3-4 enemies and only one gets hit, for whatever reasons.

Also, trying to hit targets on the ground or small targets like eg. Moas seems pretty impossible.

trust me most of us want AOE dmg from swords , i want to charge my attack and do a massive AOE swipe that will wipe 1-3 enimes at a time no just DMG one person at a time , hope this gets fixed in later dates

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The only trouble i'm having is that there is no collision on characters. When using the sword multiple times you can just pass trough the enemy and he starts running away and you have that small bit of time where you have to wait your strike to finish before you can go after them.

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1. Agree'd

2. Agree'd

3. Agree'd

4.Its somewhat the opposite really, the infested tend to EXPLODE if you get to close to them.

5. This + have sword as an indiviual weapon that we can aim properly for added GORE! I should be able to take off the guy's arm then bisect him, not just bisect him.

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1/2/3/4 Agreed.

5 More or less.

They should had tons of paths to each warframe so everyone should get their own way of attacking. For exemple, in Ash, there could be many passive skills wich increase the speed tremendously, but going throught these, you would miss all the Charged Attack and Normal attack criticals and damage passive skills.

Or another which the damage increases in time with the more combos you use like you stated in No. 5.

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4.Its somewhat the opposite really, the infested tend to EXPLODE if you get to close to them.

I just sprint through infested levels and spam melee as I go. There's a delay before they explode, which is plenty fo time to hack them all to death. It's really trivial.

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All these points are very good ones.

The most important thing being how heavy attacks and light attacks are 2 diffrent things.

I think that having the robots being harder for melee is ok... but from what ive seen fighting bosses with melee is practicaly impossible, whenever you get close they kinda slap you and you die :P

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1. Agreed.

2. Agreed.

3. Haven't noticed.

4. That is exactly the point. It's a sword, no matter how advanced. It's going to cut through unarmored flesh like butter and struggle with metal. This isn't PvP where nothing must make sense for the sake of balance.

5. Agreed.

For point 4, I don't think he meant that metal is harder to cut. I haven't really noticed enemies being more durable when they're MOAs, Crewmen or Infested. It's simply that there are a lot of flying robots on the Corpus maps which are impossible - or very difficult (never managed it myself) - to hit. Is it possible to melee the flying 'bots?

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4.) That's where mods come in. Armor peircing and electric mods will help you cut through heavy armored targets a lot easier. Stun and electric mods will keep them from attacking you. Different melee weapons will deal more damage too, and as with any weapon, upgrading it to pro will make it a lot better.

5.) Agreed, melee is way too simple atm.

Edited by Aggh
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Fists 3rd chain attack in the chain seems to miss all but real large enemys and its annoying to do 3 fast light attacks only to have the 3rd miss its some kind of silly 360 spin to a backhand slap only it never seems to hit.

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One more thing I want to add, which I feel is a slight issue, is the actual camera shake when meleeing. I feel that it's a bit too much right now to the point of where it's headache inducing (for me anyway). Whenever I've melee'd a lot in a game session by the end of it my eyes tend to be pretty tired from all of the camera shaking that's going on throughout. This could be toned back a bit as it also makes it difficult to keep track of what you're actually attacking too.

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