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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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Really wish they hadn't locked that topic, so that we could condense feedback about the missing cores in one place.


to people that are whining about not getting more stuff, All i have to say is STOP WHINING and be happy you are getting anything at all they don't have to give us crap but they are and i am for one happy and thankful to DE.


You can get off that white horse, shining knight. DE doesn't need you to defend them from their big bad mean customers.

Edited by Sophism
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offering 2 Legendary Cores for a ranked steel charge is like giving someone $200 because they found the $1 bill you lost.


a Legendary Core can be used to instantly rank a 10/10 rare like Heavy Caliber, which costs WAY more than it did to rank SC in the first place. and you get TWO of them. Plus, they let everyone know what they were doing, which gave people hours to literally exploit the situation by acquiring as many rank6 SC as they could. 


Plus this will just be weird on the economy. DE doesnt really seem to fully think through their decisions, like they somehow dont have any foresight into the game they created

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can someone with the legendary cores tell me where they are supossed to be in the inventory?


maybe we all are searching in the wrong place.

Not Inventory, unless you meant Mods. They are under Fusion Cores, they have a blue outlining with a square-shaped polarity (□)

Edited by OptimalVorteX
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Had three rank 6/10 Steel Charges.


I go out to get some coffee, then come back shortly before they announced they were going to start running the script. After the first pass of said script, they told us to restart our clients. I checked my mods, and one of my Steel Charges was at 6/10 still, the other two were downgraded to 5/10 and 4/10. I then restarted my client and all three were set to 5/5, even the one that had been downgraded to 4/10.


Three scripts later, none of the legendary cores were delivered to me still.

Edited by Sophism
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You can get off that white horse, shining knight. DE doesn't need you to defend them from their big bad mean customers.

I am not defending DE i they messed up with this one as they were even asked in the last prime time if steel-charge was meant to be 10 ranks or are they going to change it and they said no it will not change and it is meant to be 10 ranks,


i am just sick of people whining, i have been in many games where the devs changed something big and just said deal with it, now for DE to just give people something as compensation for this is great IMO.


And to you sophism i have to say i guess i hit a nerve with what i said as you seem to have taken my comment as an attack on you so I'm sorry if you took it that way all i am saying is people need to grow up and stop whining so much it's just a game

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Plus, they let everyone know what they were doing, which gave people hours to literally exploit the situation by acquiring as many rank6 SC as they could. 



In the camp of: knew it was getting nerfed down so I never ranked it past 5.


It's like the primed chamber exploit all over again.


Makes for an odd feeling looking in.

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In the last stream yes they did say it was supposed to be 10 ranks. But if you paid attention to Steve and Scott, Steve clearly didn't agree with it and there was tension between them in the office about it, was even joked about on the same livestream.


Since then I guess, Scott saw the lunacy of 10 ranks on an Aura, and here we are now.

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Seriously, it isn't that big of a deal. Get over it and move on.


You cannot possibly  be "serious". Some people stand to make a "profit" equivalent to 1567 Rare-5 fusion cores plus 4.9 million credits... And you say it isn't a big deal?

Edited by HvcTerr
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So my rank 10 mod gives me two legendary cores. That's kinda ok. I've lost all those credits and cant' get them back. but I can max out some other mod and trade it for plat (which i don't need, but whatever).


Except. They announced what they were going to do. So people went out and bought as many steel charges as they could, adn DE_Steve confirmed they would get 2 cores per rank 6+ steel charge they got.


My Rank 10 cost 16 times as much credits and cores as a rank 6.


16 rank 6 steel charges gives 32 legendary cores.


Who the hell came up with that stupid idea over at DE.


Give a core that matches the rank, how hard is that? Have 16 rank 6 steel charges? Fine, get rank 6 legendary cores for it.

Edited by harly
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