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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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Would the solution to make the cores untradeable, and any mod the cores are used on untradeable work?


-As you can see by 2 posts below me, what I said earlier is true. Literally impossible to please everyone. If you don't have the solution to offer up that can do it, stop trying to get DE to.-

Edited by Norry.
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Why does that make your work feel less to you? You still accomplished it. How did that change? Is it any different for the person that farmed up ember prime or bought the prime pack? The one who farmed it up, put in the work, did it the hard way. Someone else didn't. So what?


Like someone above said, not long ago some had more some had less, today is the same some have more, some have less. So what?

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Would the solution to make the cores untradeable, and any mod the cores are used on untradeable work?


To be honest, this is how I thought it would be.


When I first read that they would be giving out these insta-max cores as compensation, and that the update for this would be hitting later, this is how I assumed it would be:


1) Your cores cannot be traded (thus preventing people from suddenly having a S#&$ton of extra plat on your hands)

2) You would only get the compensation once (be honest, the most ranked up Steel Charges you would have at one time is 2)

3) The mods you rank up via these cores cannot be traded (same as 1)


I really just don't understand it at all.


I mean if you just simply think about the plat value of a maxed Steel Charge, it wasn't even all that high to begin with since it was just a u10 mod (like 250-300), yet DE just dumped ~1200 potential plat on peoples' hands assuming they maxed out a r10 then sold them.

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Distribution of wealth and inequality is not about what other's have and what I want. It's about creating a fair and balanced society in which we are all treated equal. This can be carried over to warframe and if I have to gather thousands of cores and spend millions of credits while another person spends zero credits and clicks one mod he got from exploiting the game I'm playing.

Then I and thousands like me will no longer play that game due to the inequality.


I'm in the group who got nothing and I understand your point but I disagree.


If I max my rare 10 mods, I know I worked damn hard for many hours to achieve that. It is sickening to look at people who were able to abuse this situation and get the same thing for almost zero time and effort. The grind in this game is soul destroying. I don't even really blame the people who abused the system to help reduce their grind, I blame DE for allowing this nonsense to happen. Why should I have to farm 1,500 rare 5 fusion cores and 5 million credits because I wasn't online in a 4 hour window (or 7 hours, whichever, it doesn't matter)?


Lol)) Ya know i can talk in a same way:

Why somebody, like u guys, has badges and all dat founder-stuff, and I not? I even can't buy it for plat)

So basically u just were lucky to be online in "some days (or months, whichever) window"))

What a hypocrites u r))

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Why does that make your work feel less to you? You still accomplished it. How did that change? Is it any different for the person that farmed up ember prime or bought the prime pack? The one who farmed it up, put in the work, did it the hard way. Someone else didn't. So what?


Like someone above said, not long ago some had more some had less, today is the same some have more, some have less. So what?

 you know, maxing out mods is suppoused to be HARD, right? We spent hundrets of hours trying to max our mods out. And now? People who exploited this sh1t could max over 40 mods ( yes, there are players who got over 40 cores ). OH wait! They can also sell them and earn tons of plats =] How is that fair?

Edited by Tacritan
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Whats wrong with the 2 legendary cores we all got?

Players always want more and more that is the true problem here.

I can't believe you would sit here on this forum mad about what you "wanted" to get rather than what you got here is the catcher

WHEN they told you before hand on if you had more than one steel charge above 5 you would get more legendary cores its comical and hailarious.


You're making no sense. You said they can't make everybody happy. I gave you an example which precisely compensates everyone in line with what they spent so noone could be unhappy about it. You can't provide a counter argument.


What's wrong with what we got? It's not in line with what was lost. People with rank 6 mods lost much much less than those with rank 10 but got compensated exactly the same. Hell, many of them got more compensation despite spending less by having more than one rank 6 mod.


I don't want more, I think much much less should have been given out. Seriously, read my damn posts. Until you can come up with a reason why giving a precise refund wouldn't have been a fairer option, there is no point in discussing it further.

Edited by Teorina
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Lol)) Ya know i can talk in a same way:

Why somebody, like u guys, has badges and all dat founder-stuff, and I not? I even can't buy it for plat)

So basically u just were lucky to be online in "some days (or months, whichever) window"))

What a hypocrites u r))


You're comparing apples with oranges. The founders program and this DE screw up are not even remotely similar in any way.

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Lol)) Ya know i can talk in a same way:

Why somebody, like u guys, has badges and all dat founder-stuff, and I not? I even can't buy it for plat)

So basically u just were lucky to be online in "some days (or months, whichever) window"))

What a hypocrites u r))


Can't tell if serious or not and no you can't talk even begin to talk in the same way. You should research what a founder actually is.

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Honestly, I don't care either way. I'm just trying to offer up a solution to the many that are upset over the fact that someone else might have an easier time getting something than they themselves did. (with the ability to buy frames, weapons, credits, mod packs, this will always be the case anyway)

If they are worried about market impact, I would think many that "don't have" would be happy at the soon reduced prices from the number of increased level mods.

As for giving a precise refund, I'm guessing a blanket refund of the same was a lot easier to do, and by all accounts they wanted to get this change in the game asap, than figuring out and giving out said precise refund. Imagine the many variances they would have to account for to do that. A rank 8 that has an extra 5 rare 5, and 28 wells of life fusioned with it towards 9.. I'd guess a coding nightmare with a lot of room for even more, larger, bugs. Forget that.


Edit- And yes I know ranking to 10 isn't supposed to be easy, I've been working hard at ranking several to 10, that I will still do the "hard" way, and because someone else has an easy time of it, does not make my efforts feel like they have less meaning. I still get the benefits of my work and still enjoy the game and challenge.

And if you didn't notice my suggested solution, the trade for plats problem was solved in it.

Edited by Norry.
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As for giving a precise refund, I'm guessing a blanket refund of the same was a lot easier to do, and by all accounts they wanted to get this change in the game asap, than figuring out and giving out said precise refund. Imagine the many variances they would have to account for to do that. A rank 8 that has an extra 5 rare 5, and 28 wells of life fusioned with it towards 9.. I'd guess a coding nightmare with a lot of room for even more, larger, bugs. Forget that.


It's all numbers. Your mods have a fusion number associated with it. For sake of maths, lets say it's 10,000 fusion power from rank 5 to rank 6 and that a rare 5 core gives 1,000 so I'll need 10 to rank up. If my steel charge was 8,000/10,000 I'd get 8 rare 5 cores. If yours was 6,000/10,000 you'd get 6 rare 5 cores. It doesn't matter than you used well of life or vitality or a common 1 core etc etc to achieve that fusion value, you just get the same value back in cores.


Don't you see that this is much better way to operate? It stops people abusing the system. It compensates people with rank 10 more than rank 6 as they spent more. Is it completely precise? No it isn't. Is it leaps and bounds better than what they did? Yes. It's fairer and you're getting more flexible compensation (cores) compared to whatever junk you actually used to level in the first place.


I appreciate the credits side is slightly more difficult.

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So done with this thread.

Im going to keep playing warframe no matter, how any one feels.


Best Regards,


I take it that you still can't offer a counter argument for a precise (in terms of fusion strength) refund. I appreciate that you disagree with me and will happily listen to a counter argument.

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What if I had a rank 9 almost to rank 10, say 10 rare 5 cores away. Then shouldn't I be upset I put so much into "almost" getting to rank 10 and only getting a rank 9 compensation? It would still leave just as many people on here complaining = same thing I said earlier, again. Can not please everyone.


-Edit. Counter as to why here^. Too hard to accomplish with too many variables compared to a blanket compensation.


IF, and I stress IF, they do anything, make those mods not tradable, and any mod they are used on not tradable. Simple by comparison.

Edited by Norry.
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It's all numbers. Your mods have a fusion number associated with it. For sake of maths, lets say it's 10,000 fusion power from rank 5 to rank 6 and that a rare 5 core gives 1,000 so I'll need 10 to rank up. If my steel charge was 8,000/10,000 I'd get 8 rare 5 cores. If yours was 6,000/10,000 you'd get 6 rare 5 cores. It doesn't matter than you used well of life or vitality or a common 1 core etc etc to achieve that fusion value, you just get the same value back in cores.


Don't you see that this is much better way to operate? It stops people abusing the system. It compensates people with rank 10 more than rank 6 as they spent more. Is it completely precise? No it isn't. Is it leaps and bounds better than what they did? Yes. It's fairer and you're getting more flexible compensation (cores) compared to whatever junk you actually used to level in the first place.


I appreciate the credits side is slightly more difficult.


Yeah, it's much better IMO. I didn't really need the legendary cores. Could have done without them since this update made my Steel Charge better than it was. But how do you change that when there're people who already used their legendary cores? 

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What if I had a rank 9 almost to rank 10, say 10 rare 5 cores away. Then shouldn't I be upset I put so much into "almost" getting to rank 10 and only getting a rank 9 compensation? It would still leave just as many people on here complaining = same thing I said earlier, again. Can not please everyone.


Doesn't my example deal with that?


Ignore ranks for a second. Say rank 5 (where were dropping the new max to) is 20,000 fusion points and rank 10 is 1,000,000 fusion points. Your mod is at 999,900 and being dropped to 20,000 because that is the new cap. Your refund is fusion cores with the equivalent mod power of 979,900 (your mod level less the new cap). If mine were rank 10 (ie 1,000,000) I'd get 980,000. Our mods were only 100 points apart before the change and our compensation is only 100 points apart.


Which rank they were doesn't matter.

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Yeah, it's much better IMO. I didn't really need the legendary cores. Could have done without them since this update made my Steel Charge better than it was. But how do you change that when there're people who already used their legendary cores? 


Oh I think the ship has unfortunately sailed. I wish I knew how they could actually unravel this now.


I guess the only way to do it now is to give every account the legendary cores and then re-compensate those who lost their steel charge in the way I describe. The problem is that people got more than 2 legendary cores and it'd simply introduce too many of them into the economy.


Sorry no solution :(

Edited by Teorina
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Oh I think the ship has unfortunately sailed. I wish I knew how they could actually unravel this now.


Rollback all the accounts that received more than two legendary cores. If they do get rolled back which is unlikely, they should be thankful it's only a rollback and not a ban for exploiting.

Edited by Blowfist
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Rollback all the accounts that received more than two legendary cores. If they do get rolled back which is unlikely, they should be thankful it's only a rollback and not a ban for exploiting.


Now you're being unfair. Noone exploited.


DE gave people a window in which they could take legitimate actions to gain a higher benefit from an upcoming change than was intended. It was naughty, immoral and abusive but it was not exploiting in the traditional sense of breaking game mechanics.


I think a selective rollback would be too difficult. If it could be done then you're punishing those players (as you seem to feel the need to) by costing them their account progress in all areas since the cores were distributed.

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And to refund credits? What if some people bought cores with plats from the store in the mod core packs, should they get the plats they spent back in doing that, since they may not have wanted to spend that way for another mod? Doesn't account for that.


However, done is done. It's over. Cores are out there. Can't change what is already done. So the argument over how to initially do the compensation is a moot point and not really worth discussing further IMO.


What problem do you have with the solution AFTER THE FACT that I offered?

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Rollback all the accounts that received more than two legendary cores. If they do get rolled back which is unlikely, they should be thankful it's only a rollback and not a ban for exploiting.

Again, why should they be banned for "exploiting"? What made it an exploit? I really don't understand this. What I understand is that they put in the time to rank up other Steel Charge mods. That's not exploiting. Again, the 2 legendary cores (even if it is a bit much IMO), is a reward for the time put into grinding to rank them up. Regardless of when they ranked up their mods, whether before or during this period, they put in the time to do so. Stop complaining just because you didn't do that.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Would the solution to make the cores untradeable, and any mod the cores are used on untradeable work?


-As you can see by 2 posts below me, what I said earlier is true. Literally impossible to please everyone. If you don't have the solution to offer up that can do it, stop trying to get DE to.-

lol, what a hilariously fallacious argument. 


"If my proposed solution won't work, NO solution will work! It's impossible!" Why, with such rock-solid, groundbreaking logic, how could I possibly interject?


Perhaps you should consider that there ARE other solutions out there... solutions that aren't yours, that actually DO please everyone. 

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