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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Black. Black. Why can't I see?

You have failed me. You are undeserving of sight.

Please, you have never forsaken me like this before! Please, forgive me!

Prove your worth and you shall see again.

Spade awoke to find himself midair, and soon landed against a support pillar. He stood. "I will not fail you," he said softly before raising his arms. Indiscriminately, all were raised in purple spheres, hovered for just a moment, and then brought to the earth with the weight of all their sin. "No one escapes judgement, Rosaline. No one escapes the inevitable. No one escapes me." He ignited the ground beneath Miranda so as to scare away the medics, and approached her, lifting her up as he ran towards his ship.

Miranda went up. Then she went down. The impact was bone breaking, and her back went white hot with pain. She coughed up blood within her helmet, obstructing her breath and her vision alike. She only could make out one form as it approached her. Spade ripped the Skana from her shoulder and started again towards his ship. From the little she could see, he was almost there. Miranda's vision began to lose colour as her oxygen levels depleted.

*Elith was not so easily scared. She channeled her frame's energy to bless her comrades, allowing them to take a majority of the Oberons mighty blow, even Miranda was not as hurt as bad. She picked up Miranda quickly and began to try and move her from the warzone of a grand hall they were in. As she flees she Enderius enters the same door she exits, and as they pass he turns quickly freezing the door solid so that pursuit would be much more difficult. No longer distracted with protection, Shyla calls upon her clones, all equipped with Akmagnus and aims at Spade. Enderius pulls out his Fragor hammer and readies for combat* "Last chance! Stand down and you will be spared!"

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Spade could feel all of the crosshairs on him. He found himself faced with two options: either survive and leave, or die in vain. No. Either fail the Lotus or die for her. The choice was obvious. Spade threw his Skana expertly, piercing Miranda in the abdomen, and running through to prod her carrier. He then surged with lavender energy as healing wisps crawled across his body. Channeling the little bit of remaining energy into his fists, he charged.

Edited by Alad_VI
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Pilot hops on his feet after taking a blow from Spade and ran after Enderius and others. Took aim again on Spade's head. Then pulled the trigger shot impaled the shields down by the huge force of full metal jacket round. This surely must have knocked Spade on the ground head first.

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Spade felt the pitter patter of bullets dancing off of his shields, and then two true forces hitting him. He heard Miranda release a garbled scream. He dropped her. When he turned, he saw the Loki attempting to kick him. "Fool..." He sidestepped out of

The way, "I thought you would have learned by now..." He pushed Crimson away from him, "you should never engage me in hand to hand combat!" He raised his hand and lowered it with the force of all of his accumulated anger, exploding several bouncing orbs from Crimson's chest. He dragged Miranda by the arm to the door of his ship, which began to open.

Edit: ((god damn ninjas everywhere...))

((Gotta hit Elith, the trinity now too cuz she's running off with Miranda))

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((I edited my post because ninjas. Please acknowledge.))

((Acknowledged, stand by for asskicking)

*The staff would not let this down easily, they only nodded quickly before mobilizing. Fae acted first, tossing her ripcord, catching Spade right in the shoulder and yanking hard, pulling him back towards her. Once in range she gave him a devastating punch, sending him flying towards Enderius who conjured his snow globe, as Spade entered it he would be moving critically slow, allowing Enderius plenty of time to strike Spade in the torso with his mighty hammer, sending him careening towards Shyla and her entourage of clones, all equipped with a set of Kogake, she quickly slid towards the oncoming tenno and gave a powerful kick upwards sending him airborne. Where Fae launched herself up via ripcord and gave one last powerful double fisted slam into Spade mask before sending him terminal velocity into the ground, creating a major crater in the steel floor*

Edited by SoundwavePrime
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Cassandra heard footsteps coming from around the corner. She pressed herself against the wall, silencing her breathing, When the person was just around the corner, she charged........


only to come face to face with her old friend, Aloyis Wallbury.


"Wallbury? Private Wallbury? Is that you?" She asked. confused on why he was on the galleon as well, and without his trusty volt frame.


"Oh, lieutenant, you're awake!" He saluted, before continuing, "This galleon here is now the flagship, and only ship, of our splinter group, and its Staff Sargent Wallbury now, ma'am," Cassandra smiled, wrapping her arm around her friend, before ruffling his short blond hair. "I said that I don't like my friends calling me by rank," she said to him, before asking him where the mess hall was and dragging him down in that direction. 

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Endymion awoke, only to find spade in a crater and all of the others surrounding him, muttering that hes the only one not currently in a frame, he wallran to them, ignoring the flashes of pain coming from his leg and stomach, before popping a few shots at the incapacitated Spade.

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Spade felt his spine crushed. His ears were ringing, his body unresponsive. He tried to say some final words, but no sound came out. He died on that floor, staring up into the nothingness that awaited him.

Miranda felt the Skana in her chest and tried to say something, but only a muffled garble came out. All color was gone from her vision, she was gasping for air but only blood filled her lungs. Her movements became more and more faint.

((Edit: ENOUGH WITH THIS NINJITSU NONSENSE! *ahem* to reflect the disappointing reality of life, Spade died from the impact, meaning very anticlimactic things for everyone else. Sorry. Realism. Oh yeah and Miranda is still suffocating in her own blood.))

Edited by Alad_VI
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Endymion rolled from his wallrun over to the dying body of Miranda. "I really hope those implants were worth it," he muttered before unleashing nanobots from his pores, the streams of light and sparkes coalescing around Miranda, attempting to knit bones, flesh, and nerves back together 

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Endymion rolled from his wallrun over to the dying body of Miranda. "Hope this was worth it, you psychopathic geezer," he muttered before unleashing renewal to everyone present. Without his Warframe.

((Yeah I have to say no. Tenno do have a raw power that fuels their abilities, but the warframe is what shapes it into things like renewal. So no. Try again.))

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*Elith is already taking Miranda to the Medbay, (She's a trinity btw). Sh does her best to keep Miranda stable as they arrive. It's clear she's lost alot of blood and the best thing Elith can do right now is try to close her wounds. She claps her hands as a swarm of sentinels begin assisting, removing parts of Miranda's frame, allowing Elith to channel her healing energies into her wounds, a process that is more delicate than it sounds, as her wounds are deep and various.*

*Meanwhile the rest of the crew are doing what they can to fix the damages to the Dojo during the fight and keeping it's other occupants calm. All except Enderius who remains as he witnesses the disintegration of Spade*

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"You fought well..." Crimson scanned his corpse. "Dyne Marquet or Spade. I commit you..." He made a small golden portal in his left hand and put it over Spade his body disintegrating and the ashes going through the portal. "To The Void..." He walked away toward the medical bay.

((*gasp* brother? Have I found you? Alad VII?))

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From the medical table, Miranda faintly felt her helmet being removed from her numb face. Blood poured from her mouth as she found herself able to breathe again, though she found that when she tried to, nothing happened. With a last bit of energy she looked down and saw the hole in her chest, leading into her lungs. Her vision went for grey to black, and her head fell to rest.

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From the medical table, Miranda faintly felt her helmet being removed from her numb face. Blood poured from her mouth as she found herself able to breathe again, though she found that when she tried to, nothing happened. With a last bit of energy she looked down and saw the hole in her chest, leading into her lungs. Her vision went for grey to black, and her head fell to rest.

*Elith quickly continued her operation, her energies slowly closing the hole in her lungs, not before removing any foreign objects of course.. Sentinels injecting her with a sort of false blood substance that the Technonyte in her body can use to reproduce the missing blood. It is a long process spanning a few hours, but in the end Miranda might make it...it's just up to her will to live now*

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Blackness envelops her vision. But... it's a friendly blackness. As it begins to disappear, consumed by the shapes and colors of a room, the blackness takes the shape of a man. A Loki. Something is wrong. There is another blackness, this one cruel and unjust. It raises it's arm, a dark crescent in hand. It strikes, and the friendly form falls, disappearing into oblivion. She approaches the evil, ready to take vengeance but it is already gone, already too late. She kneels in fear, kneels in hate. Not of the blackness, no, but of herself. She kneels as those forms that stand with her fall, cyan daggers flying into their backs. Forms stand behind her as her allies disappear. Silver and blue, silver and brown, silver and red. They take her. She is on a table, being cut into and dissected. Don't they know that she is alive? They cut deep, mourning not for her loss of life but instead celebrating - they have found something. Soon though, figures enter. They slay the silver demons and offer her help. She takes their hand, but only part of her leaves, the rest stays sitting on that table, remembering life, remembering death. Minutes. Hours. Days. Months. Years pass and still she stays on that table, remembering life, remembering death. Blackness consumes her vision. When it fades out a shape remains. Not the same, but by no means dissimilar to a familiar one. A Loki. It offers her its hand but she does not take it. Again and again it offers but she does not take the hand. Finally, it turns to leave. She reaches out as if to take it's hand but the figure is leaving and does not see it. She stands to chase it but she does not move - she screams but no sound escapes. The figure leaves, and she sits back on the table, remembering life, remembering death. She dies on that table.


Miranda opens her eyes. She tries to sit up, but feels a slight pain in her abdomen. She sits up anyway. She asks but one question, in a hollow, mellow voice. "Where is Crimson?"

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*From his office Enderius lifted the Lockdown, finally done with today's drama he locked the door to his office and called upon his master*

"What happened?"

"A dispute of law and honor came into question and unfortunately ended with the death of a brother, apparently under direct order from the Lotus." Enderius replied

"I see...what are our circumstances from here"

"I invoked an ancient rite which was ignored by said assailant. With luck those who will be holding us accountable will not ignore our own laws."


"Hmm...very well I will arrive the day of reckoning as it were and handle this. For now simply preform the proper rites and keep this under wraps"

"Yes master, I await your return" *Enderius bows before closing his codex and beginning work on concealing today's events from the public*

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Endymion walked towards Enderius' office, Left arm wrapped around Cassandra's right, while his right hand held a cane. "You don't know how much I've missed you," He said, his eyes still looking forward. "It was only two years, Endy, don't tell me the 'Grinning Dragon' of the Empire's Rage is getting soft," she replied before leaning into Endymion, her yellow summer dress flowing around her knees. "I thought you were dead, Cassie! You can't really blame me for that," Endymion replied, before the two of them walked into the security building. The two of them approached the front desk, and asked if Enderius was in.

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Soon Pilot joined the Endymion and Cassandra. His sound vizier was black as night not even stars dotting it. He just stood and waited rifle on his back and magazine for the weapon on his hands as he loads bullet after another inside of it.

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