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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Felix turned to Abra.  "Well okay then, I guess I can stay and talk.  What how long have you been at the Dojo?"

"Not long." Abra scratched his head. "We came here... two or three days ago. Many had already told me of this Dojo before, so I decided to come and unwind. I asked my friend Kate for the coordinates, she decided to tag along, a Stalker and a Booben fought over the right of dating her, she ended up spooning with the Booben while I tried to sleep, and here we are."

((ALADVI, I know Droben left AFTER Abra did. Just to add a little conflict in the relationship))

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"Not long." Abra scratched his head. "We came here... two or three days ago. Many had already told me of this Dojo before, so I decided to come and unwind. I asked my friend Kate for the coordinates, she decided to tag along, a Stalker and a Booben fought over the right of dating her, she ended up spooning with the Booben while I tried to sleep, and here we are."

((ALADVI, I know Droben left AFTER Abra did. Just to add a little conflict in the relationship))

"Well, sounds like an exciting couple of days."

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Droben sighed, putting his mask and gloves on. "I already know how to make sushi but okay sensei, do your thing."




((If Abra left before Droben, then Droben would have left a note stating where he went, why he went, and the urgency of the situation as well as why he didn't want to wake her up.))

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Abra smiled. "You have no idea." His tone then changed into a businessman's. "You mentioned you were a trader. What are your wares?"

((Copy that, ALADVI))

"I have just about everything you can find at other shops, but what I have over them is my selection of rare and exotic items." Felix said, full of pride.

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Miranda walked over to where Echo lay, squinting furiously. "Hey! You still awake or are you too drunk even for that?"


Droben made his way back to the head chef. "Boss! Boss! You'll never believe what the sushi chef taught me! Absolutely nothing!"

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Miranda flung Echo's arm off, and while she made no sound or action to betray her emotion, she was steaming. "Up we go," and she grabbed him from underneath each of his arms, dragging him into the kitchen where she stuck his face in the sink and turned the faucet on.

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Miranda smiled facetiously. "Oh, so you're feeling a little bit better? Good." She heaved Echo up only to slam his face against the side of the counter, making sure that his head hit only the flat and not the corner. 




Droben cleared his throat. "My apologies grandmaster-holy-chef-of-divinity. I was just hoping that I could use my most natural method of communication to, well, communicate to you that I'd like to do something maybe a  bit more difficult and helpful to the general welfare of your kitchen. I mean... putting fish and rice in a wrap of seaweed? Really? I think I can handle a bit more." Droben crossed his arms and prepared to be screamed at.

Edited by Alad_VI
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Miranda cleared her throat and straightened her blouse. "Indeed it was, though probably more so for him. I doubt that this will be his crash place of choice again." She smiled and kissed Crimson gently on the cheek before remembering something and grabbing a bowl as she headed for the bedroom. When she got there, she dumped some of the kubrow food into the bowl before putting it down, and petting the beast roughly on its head.

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Droben smiled as he swayed a bit, boiling on the inside. "Please don't say that. I understand, you like your restaurant the way it is, you believe in progression, you don't want what you don't need. A'ight. But please, for both of our sakes, don't tell me to, Shut my mouth and do what you tell me,' it's just not a good plan." Droben's eyes were furious in defiance of otherwise calm body language and a smile on his face.

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"Well when this is your restaurant, and -you- are in charge, then -you- can decide what to serve and not to serve. Otherwise I'll get ol' Enderius to put you right back where yous started, in an trash chute out to space! Now get out of my sight and get the hell to work or get off this damn station!" *The chef was not going to have someone threaten him, not even a Tenno*

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Droben took on the stance of a diplomat. "You misunderstand. I'm merely explaining that yelling at me will get neither of us anywhere. I don't mean to cause trouble, but it is my nature to when I am threatened, insulted, and put in a place where I do not believe that I belong. There's a phrase, I'm sure you're familiar, goes something along the lines of, 'you can put a pig in lipstick but that doesn't make it a lady.' But right now, sir, you are putting a lady in a pig's costume. So if you're sick of the sass, then I'm sick of the threat. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go do some mundane task while you decide whether or not you want to get me in a fancy dress, pair o' heels, and maybe give me a nice haircut like the lady I deserve to be." Droben left, and began to help and tend to various tasks about the kitchen.

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The kubrow retreated to behind Miranda as she continued to rub at its head. "Leviathan." The kubrow looked up at Crimson, it's white eyes piercing. It seemed to have a higher degree of intelligence, looking as if it were looking over Crimson for information on his personality, strengths, weaknesses.

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((Sorry for the leetspeak, but what better way to show a Sentinel's semi-artificial nature?))

*Meanwhile, within the Druid (Abra and Kate's ship)*

Kate turned in her impromptu bed, basking in the heat radiated by the man beneath her. Reaching for his malformed but strong face, she lazily opened her eyes...

Only to find a very confused Sentinel on her hands. "Damn."

The Carrier chirped. "M45T3R?"

Kate sighed. "I had... a very good dream. Weird, too. But mostly, good." She sat cross legged on the couch, petting Joe's "head". "It involved a Stalker, a battle to the death, Neptunian Sea-rat, and a Booben. But damn me if he wasn't a good looking Booben."

"45 4 M4TT3R 0F F4CT, 83 4CTU477Y W45 H3R3." Joe escaped from her clutches and fetched a small bit of paper for her.

Reading, a small smile grew on her face. "Thank you Joe-joe." She sing-songed, her yellow eyes glinting mischievously.

Edited by Achaix
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