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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Ah Yes Elith" *The mystery voice said* "Well I can offer you some 'therapy' but you must understand a few things before you do. You will be secluded from other Tenno for a time, you will have to endure the worst of your mental issues head on, and it could take months or even years, but I can absolutely guarantee you by the end of it, you will be stronger and will have moved on."

He shifts in his chair uncomfortably. "Not too keen on being away from my fellow Tenno again, but if it will help, so be it. Where would I go to get started?"

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He shifts in his chair uncomfortably. "Not too keen on being away from my fellow Tenno again, but if it will help, so be it. Where would I go to get started?"

"You will want to meet at these coordinates." *The voice says, a pair of coordinates showing up on his navigation, in a random part of the asteroid belt*

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"You will want to meet at these coordinates." *The voice says, a pair of coordinates showing up on his navigation, in a random part of the asteroid belt*

Orlock raises an eyebrow. {That Limbo frame better be ready when I get back...} "Thank you. I will head there as soon as I can." Orlock brought the call onto his helmet as he goes out to make sure his Archwing is back in place, and secured for the trip.

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Kuranaii caught her in time and slowly lifted her up in a fireman's carry, frowning behind the helmet.

Ushering a sigh, she turned to Halcyon. "Let's go home; it's been a long day for all of us." She said, reminiscing on the day as she began to walk to the apartment.

"Yea, that sounds like a good idea, sorry about that Gynx, it really didn't lccur to me that you could get sick, looks like my phasing dilutes in an interesting way the farther along my blood line you go." He chuckled, scratching his helmet's chin and opening the door for Kuranaii once they got to her apartment.

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"Yea, that sounds like a good idea, sorry about that Gynx, it really didn't lccur to me that you could get sick, looks like my phasing dilutes in an interesting way the farther along my blood line you go." He chuckled, scratching his helmet's chin and opening the door for Kuranaii once they got to her apartment.


Kuranaii carried Gynx in with Halcyon holding open the door. She led her on the couch and placed the unconsious Gynx into a comfortable position. She sighed softly and went to sit on the end of the bed, looking at Halcyon.

"I hope she'll be okay." Kuranaii said, placing her hands on the mattress behind her, so that she could arch back with support.

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Halcyon's eye had been caught when he saw Kuranaii stretching, but he shook his head, looking back at Gynx.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she's strong, but I wonder if there's anything we can do to help her." Halcyon said, his helmet still sealed as he paced back in forth in front of Gynx.

"Fighting off the common cold normally takes about a week or two," Omega interjected. Stopping to look at the floating chrome egg,

"She'll do it in half that, you know anything we can do?"

"Short of giving her a transfusion you can't do very much, a warm, watered, towel on her head might break her fever, and I can locate Elith for you if more is needed to be done." Omega offered, doing it's equivalent of a shrug.

"You think we should send for Elith right away?" Halcyon asked Kuranaii, "I'm pretty sure this strain of the virus isn't insta-curable yet, so I can't think what good it would do unless she, somehow, knows of a way to make her feel better." He said, shrugging.

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After making sure the Archwing was in place, Orlock went back into his ship, and began take off. Sartoris began to play some ancient music that Orlock had bought off a merchant ages ago. Orlock them pulled the ship out of the hangar, and took off for the coordinates. After awhile, he let Sartoris take the "wheel" as Orlock got out of the chair and headed for the ramp down to his arsenal. The more he thought about the coordinates, the more of a bad feeling he got. {Why is it so isolated? Is that Trinity leading me into some kind of trap just because of the armor I wear-or...wore? Well, only one way to find out I suppose.} He grabs his Glaive Prime, and attaches it under his left forearm {Better safe than sorry...}. He then heads back up the ramp and sits at the market screen to see if there were any interesting weapons to be had.

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Halcyon's eye had been caught when he saw Kuranaii stretching, but he shook his head, looking back at Gynx.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she's strong, but I wonder if there's anything we can do to help her." Halcyon said, his helmet still sealed as he paced back in forth in front of Gynx.

"Fighting off the common cold normally takes about a week or two," Omega interjected. Stopping to look at the floating chrome egg,

"She'll do it in half that, you know anything we can do?"

"Short of giving her a transfusion you can't do very much, a warm, watered, towel on her head might break her fever, and I can locate Elith for you if more is needed to be done." Omega offered, doing it's equivalent of a shrug.

"You think we should send for Elith right away?" Halcyon asked Kuranaii, "I'm pretty sure this strain of the virus isn't insta-curable yet, so I can't think what good it would do unless she, somehow, knows of a way to make her feel better." He said, shrugging.


Kuranaii frowned as she listened to Halcyon and Omega, while also gazing at a sick Gynx. Kicking hersef off the bed, she nodded in deep agreement. "I think we should get her back to the hospice, then." She said, a little determination in that voice.


Moving back over to Gynx, she went to carry her with gentle touch and soon brought her up in both forearms in a fireman's carry.

"Okay, let's go."

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"If you want to, she should be fine as is." Halcyon shrugged, opening the door again for her to pass.


Kuranaii nodded, pausing in the doorway and looking at Halcyon.

"Might be good if you come aswell; you know, just incase they need details." She said to him, then beginning off with Gynx in her arms.



*Elith is in he med-bay speaking with Shyla, the Mirage Kubrow Master , one of the pups is on the med table with bandages around his leg*


The Zephyr strided into the med-bay and spotted the Trinity and Mirage conversing. Approaching them and stopping a suitable distance between both, she adjusted the position in which she held the fever-ridden Gynx.

"Hey, miss. I've got Gynx here whose been subjected to a disease." She said sombrely, her left hand stroking Gynx's back in reassurance. Since she didn't know the details, she looked to her side and at Halcyon; implying he had come along.

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((Just to clarify who is Gynx?))

*Elith gasps slightly* "Alright get her on the table and I'll see what's wrong"


(( I think Gynx is an eight year old who is training to become a Frost. Nooshroomerplus plays her but I'm sure Ultima knows some more details about her ))


Kuranaii, with a nod, went to an operating table and slowly led Gynx onto it.

She stepped back from the young girl, allowing the Trinity to do her job, stepping to Halcyon's side and sighing, her arms folding at her abdomen.

"I hope she'll be okay." She said quietly to Halcyon, a random shiver running through her.

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"She'll be fine," he assured her, putting an arm around her and rubbing her shoulder, not looking away from Gynx.


Kuranaii sighed and let herself lean against Halcyon's strong frame, her gaze not breaking from Gynx either.

There, she watched the operation with him, comforted by his presence; she hoped he was comforted by her likewise.

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Halcyon let out a sigh of relief, his warframe unsealing,

"That's good, do you think it would be better for he to stay here? Or no?" He asked, his helmet deactivating as he squeezed Kuranaii closer to him for a moment.


(( Assuming your asking Kuranaii. ))


Kuranaii pressed herself against Halcyon aswell,

"Well, let's go back for now. If she wakes up or gets better, we can go and see her again. How about that?" She answered, looking at him, and smiling behind the Tengu helmet.

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