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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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The winds just around Van picked up and slowly lifted his frame off of the rocks, he ended the motions with his arms stretched upward towards the ceiling, 'I hate how small these places are but they are much safer then the planets' he thought to himself for a moment before swinging his arms down sending himself into the air only those within a five meter radius would hear the gale that sped him along as he seemed to float gently through the air around the park performing neat little manuvers.


He was completely in bliss as he propelled himself through the air flapping slowly like a bird, though it was true he didn't need to flap at all but just focus and the frame would do the rest, he still liked to imagine that he was doing the work. Spying the Valkyr and Volt still though it looked like they had stopped talking. Van soared for a few minutes before the frames warning indicators flared red in the 'HUD' with a disgruntled sigh he descended not nearly as gracefully landing nearly tripping on his own feet as he landed atop the rock pile but with a few flailing motions he managed to regain his balance before climbing down. "Wonder if there are any shops on this station?"


"So Fae, is there anything else you do around this station for enjoyment or is it just the garden here that you spend your relaxation time in?"

((Just noticed this post, sorry I missed it, this is the fixed post))


*The Valkyr perked up at the Zaphyr talking to himself, she looks to Alex* "Excuse me a moment." *She says quickly before leaping back to solid ground from her rock. She approaches the Zephyr, her helmet off and her ponytail trailing behind her, almost touching the floor. Her stance is naturally aggresive but her tone is neutral as she speaks* "Did you need help finding something?" 


*She rolled her eyes at the nervous response, not that anyone could really see them past the white veil that blinds them.* "It's fine...I'm Fae, one of the staff. If you need the shops are on the opposite half of the station, the signs in the central park should direct you to them" *Her tone is a bit kinder, if a little forced*

Edited by SoundwavePrime
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Nodded again, "Thank you." he started on his way, that wasn't that bad and she wasn't as foul tempered as other valkyr that he had met perhaps kind even, not that most had any reason not to be angry at Alad V for his insane experimentation, he recalled the screams that played through his com while on a mission to rescue other tenno from that horrid gas city, Van shook his head 'not the time for that i'm here to relax and get prepared'.


Looking up from the path he was traveling he spotted what looked like the foundry quickly moving inside, he moved up to the counter, "Hello can i get my armor repaired and repainted here?"

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Nodded again, "Thank you." he started on his way, that wasn't that bad and she wasn't as foul tempered as other valkyr that he had met perhaps kind even, not that most had any reason not to be angry at Alad V for his insane experimentation, he recalled the screams that played through his com while on a mission to rescue other tenno from that horrid gas city, Van shook his head 'not the time for that i'm here to relax and get prepared'.


Looking up from the path he was traveling he spotted what looked like the foundry quickly moving inside, he moved up to the counter, "Hello can i get my armor repaired and repainted here?"

*The tenno behind the register nodded* "Of course you can brother, provided you have the platinum or credits"

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*The tenno behind the register nodded* "Of course you can brother, provided you have the platinum or credits"


"Is Ten thousand credits enough for the repairs at least?" He said while placing a credit chip on the table, holding it there with his index finger for a moment. The suit had it's fair share of scratches and dings no doubt from grineer bullets impacting into it though it seemed the frames nanites did the job of keeping the underskin sealed from infection and a small layer of fibers to keep the integrity of  the frame as a whole. A hand full of spots where the color had faded showed that it had been quite a while since it was last repaired or refreshed as well.

Edited by Astralin
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"Is Ten thousand credits enough for the repairs at least?" He said while placing a credit chip on the table, holding it there with his index finger for a moment. The suit had it's fair share of scratches and dings no doubt from grineer bullets impacting into it though it seemed the frames nanites did the job of keeping the underskin sealed from infection and a small layer of fibers to keep the integrity of  the frame as a whole. A hand full of spots where the color had faded showed that it had been quite a while since it was last repaired or refreshed as well.

*The tenno nods* "Alright we can do that for you. In the meantime I recommend spending some time in the springs and saunas here. Really does a body and mind good to relax in those waters"

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The Corpus Commander Zeph Aryan returns to the Dojo after a full medical check on his ship, keeping his helmet under his arm as he enters, he also pulls down his mask to reveal his Messy blonde hair, he finally walks to the desks and asks "Ah, Can I Request directions to a private room?"

Edited by Drakeardian
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"I believe i'll take you up on that offer. Just a standard repair patching of all the holes in the body, standard check of the circuts in the systems, energy core diagnostic, sharpening of the foot and arm talons, and a touch up on the current coloration for now I haven't quite decided on if i want to get it changed or not." [ooc: once i actually get the frame and mess with it i'll get a picture up of what it'll look like.]


He moved to remove his helmet a hiss as the seal released and split at the base of the neck leading up the back of his head he pulled the helmet off and placed it on the counter revealing a pale face with a cut down the right side of his lips arcing to the bottom of his hairless chin. His hair was just just short of shoulder length in the back kept shorter and out of the eyes in the front and dyed a teal color. Van reached over and took the metalic feathers from the side of the helmet and removed them setting them aside his hand staying on them for a moment before his azure eyes went back to the tenno sales-person, "Where should i remove the rest of it?"

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"I believe i'll take you up on that offer. Just a standard repair patching of all the holes in the body, standard check of the circuts in the systems, energy core diagnostic, sharpening of the foot and arm talons, and a touch up on the current coloration for now I haven't quite decided on if i want to get it changed or not." [ooc: once i actually get the frame and mess with it i'll get a picture up of what it'll look like.]


He moved to remove his helmet a hiss as the seal released and split at the base of the neck leading up the back of his head he pulled the helmet off and placed it on the counter revealing a pale face with a cut down the right side of his lips arcing to the bottom of his hairless chin. His hair was just just short of shoulder length in the back kept shorter and out of the eyes in the front and dyed a teal color. Van reached over and took the metalic feathers from the side of the helmet and removed them setting them aside his hand staying on them for a moment before his azure eyes went back to the tenno sales-person, "Where should i remove the rest of it?"

"You can take it off at the sauna, get a private robe, and they'll send it back here for repairs"

*Meanwhile Fae sits back down next to Alex* "Sorry, I had to help him, now what was the question again?"

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Nodded again replacing the helmet, with another hiss followed by a click as it sealed picking up the metalic feathers Van left the credit chip and then started towards the saunas looking around for another staff member.

*Another, rather beautiful, silken robe clad tenno woman stands behind the counter. She also wears a lotus bearing veil over her face, hiding everything but her mouth* "Hello sir, how may I help you?" *Her voice and demeanor are very chipper*

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Walked over to the tenno female bowing his head to the before speaking, "Yes i'd like to rent a private room if any are avaliable, need to send my frame back over to the foundry for repairs and i'll be spending some time here until then." he'd then look up at her, seeming much more confident than with the woman in the valkyr frame.

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Walked over to the tenno female bowing his head to the before speaking, "Yes i'd like to rent a private room if any are avaliable, need to send my frame back over to the foundry for repairs and i'll be spending some time here until then." he'd then look up at her, seeming much more confident than with the woman in the valkyr frame.

*She nods as she grabs a security key from behind the counter* "Right this way sir" *She would lead him through the wood carved bath-house to one of the several private spas they have. She swipes the key card and slides open the door* "Just leave your gear out here when you're ready to have it picked up and we'll send it to the Foundry"

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*She nods as she grabs a security key from behind the counter* "Right this way sir" *She would lead him through the wood carved bath-house to one of the several private spas they have. She swipes the key card and slides open the door* "Just leave your gear out here when you're ready to have it picked up and we'll send it to the Foundry"

(*Knocks on door* I'd hate to sound impatient but what about Zeph?)

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"Thank you again." van removed his frame leaving it just outside the door, before walking in and stripping off the combat skin, replacing it with a fresh towel he entered the sauna and slid onto the bench. His hand fell onto the spot just above his stomach where his newest scar had placed itself as his mind began to drift to the mission he'd recently finished, 'damned Grineer' his eyes closed as he stopped to enjoy the heat and await his frames repair.

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*The lady comes back, and stops only a moment before shaking the sight of the Corpus off* "Right...of course we have a private room sir, how long would you like to use one?"

"Just for 2 hours if possible" Zeph says as he rubs his bandaged head and coughs a bit

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A blue, white and orange Oberon sat cross-legged on a large rock in the park, seeming deep in thought. However... he didn't seem to be in a meditative stance. One elbow rested upon his knee, the hand on that arm upon the cheek area of his helmet, other arm laying on the other leg. He was slouched forwards a bit, and if anything, looked contemplative, if not a little bored. He stared - or at least, presumably he did, given his helmet - ahead at some of the machinery in the distance, not quite paying attention to the trees and faint noises of wildlife around him. The Tenno sighed audibly, though it was fairly quiet.


Denaire had just gotten back from a mission, and was resting - but if anything, he seemed almost reluctant to do so. Denaire often preferred to be constantly working, be it in battle, in a medical lab, or tinkering with his gear or miscellaneous machinery. Being idle like this usually wasn't his preference, but he could tell his body needed rest... but he simply didn't feel tired enough to sleep. So, here sat Denaire.

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Zeph puts down the amount requested, Groaning a bit at the prices. 20 platinum is considered twenty thousand credits in the Corpus.

*Smiles as she takes the requested price and transfers it to a register* "Right this way sir." *She motions to the hallway and leads the corpus to another private spring*

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*Smiles as she takes the requested price and transfers it to a register* "Right this way sir." *She motions to the hallway and leads the corpus to another private spring*

Zeph follows as he's lead into a private spring, perking an eyebrow as he looks about at the scenery, "Gotta give the Tenno credit, they know how to decorate" Then finally as he arrives at the spring he rolls his shoulders and nods approvingly

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Van stood after what seemed like hours of waiting, Grabbing a robe from a neat pile that was left just outside the sauna part of the room he bundled up before traveling to the reception area, "Hello miss have you heard anything from the foundry about the Zephyr frame yet?"

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Denaire was, simply put, getting bored.


Very, very bored.


He stood up, hopping off of the rock and began to walk off, musing to himself that just sitting around wasn't going to get him anywhere - literally. Denaire walked aimlessly through the halls, anxious and restless - If he could think up something new to engineer, that would tide him over for awhile, working on designs and then building them... But he was drawing a blank.


How irritating.


Denaire sighed, pondering his situation. He headed towards the hotel area to go to his room - Den often came to this station to rest and build, as it was a safe haven. Once inside, he took off his helmet, shaking his head a bit to let his messy white hair loose. Denaire raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly as he saw some familiar sights.


An old skull he had found in some ruins on the planet known as Earth sat on one shelf, next to a deactivated sentinel.


He considered waxing poetic with the skull for a few moments, before shrugging and disregarding the silly notion - he had no time to recite ancient poetry. Not when there was science to be done! Denaire grabbed a small parcel of tools and activated his sentinel. "Good day, Jim," Denaire said. The Carrier just whirred and beeped, floating over to the Oberon. "Carry this, would you?" Denaire held out the parcel, which was drawn in by the Carrier's precept, holding the tools for him as Denaire put back on his helmet, seeng he'd need it for his work - really just wanted that breath of un-helmet-filtered air, he supposed - and headed off towards the hangars. He had found a nice little secluded section for him to work... so off he went. Denaire proceeded to plod off towards his destination... maybe someone would bump into him?

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Van stood after what seemed like hours of waiting, Grabbing a robe from a neat pile that was left just outside the sauna part of the room he bundled up before traveling to the reception area, "Hello miss have you heard anything from the foundry about the Zephyr frame yet?"

*The woman nods* "Yes of course" *She motions to a cabinet where his frame is standing tall, shiny and like new*

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